Mama felt that Benjy had a pretty sad story and life… it’s not that he had been mistreated or anything, but mama felt that he had never enjoyed much ‘quality life’ in terms of the lack of attention and love, and she always felt that she had a part to play.
Had mama been successful in convincing Aunty W to let her adopt Benjy 8 years ago, mama and papa would not have gotten me. So for me, it’s a blessing in disguise, but for Benjy, it’s just the opposite. Imagine this – Now I am leading the life that could’ve been Benjy’s!! He could’ve been the one who has a blog, who gets to make so many new friends, who gets to eat home-cooked food, who gets to receive so many presents on his barkday, who gets spoiled-rotten, who gets all the attention from the family, who is the ‘Prince of the House’, who gets a new toy ever so often, who gets all the unconditional love, …. So in a way, mama had always felt guilty towards Benjy. She is not sure if he ever got any toys after he left her care.. or if he ever had a barkday celebration in his life...
Benjy is confined to a small garden outside the house most of the time. He does get his food and water, but very minimal attention and interaction with the family. (Hey, we deserve more than just that right?!!) Anyway, Aunty W got married and moved out of the family home. She now has another dog living with her and her family does not want to care for Benjy anymore. So the poor guy is now looking for a new home. Mom is pretty upset with Aunty W, but there's not much she can say because it's not that Benjy had been mistreated. We know that it will not be easy trying to find someone to take Benjy because he is not exactly a young pup anymore.. we only hope that Benjy can find a family who deserves his love and will love him in return for the rest of his life.
This also serves as a reminder to people out there who wants to buy a pet at the spur of the moment... a pet is a long term commitment! If you are not prepared to give it all the love and attention that it deserves, then do not bring it home!
Name: Benjy
Breed: Maltese X Shih-Tzu
Gender: Male
Barkday: May 1999
Barkday: May 1999
Character: Playful, loves food, sweet and loving nature
Benjy looks such a sweet boy. I hope he'll find a good furever home soon. *sigh* all hoomans really should be prepared to be responsible owners before they get pets
~ Girl girl
Aww man...Benjy looks like your brother! I wish I knew someone who could help him. Do you have any recent piktures of him? I think that'd help too!
benjy had such lovely coat....n bet he will be adopted fast
poor benjy, it's difficult to convince people who don't see dogs in the same way as us to show them as much love and care.
is benjy still black and white now? or has he changed color a little like Huskee?
Huskee Boy!
Benjy looks like a very cool pup! I sure hope he finds a home soon. Is he staying with Aunty W's family (the fam that doesn't want him) until he finds a new home?
Too bad Aunty W never knew what a great boy she had while she had him!
You're a good buddy to try to help him out. Doesn't Moosie need a pet?
Goober love,
Both of you look so alike... We bet he must be as cute as you.
We just dont understand why they do not want him. We hope he will be adopted soon. He deserves a good home with lots of love.
Boy n Baby
poor benjy. i hope he gets a NEW & IMPROVED home soon. i'm glad aunty w volunteery give him up for adoption instead of sending him to the shelter or worse, leave him in the street.
wet wet licks
This is very sad.. i hate to see another doggie not wanted in the family and need to give away.. i just dun understand!...
Hope Benjy will have his happy life ahead with his future owner..
Poor Benji, it happens all the time and its so sad. Dogs are for life don't people realise that? I think maybe we are a bit spoiled though. lol.
Simba xx
Poor Benjy.
By any chance can your family adopt him? :p
Poor Benjy! I hope he finds his forever home soon. He looks like such a sweet boy!
Love ya lots,
Oh poor boy...Wish he had everything what we are all having now. Everything that a dog needs & wants in his/her life. It may not be easy to find him a new home now coz he's quite a all dog now. Maybe your mom wouldn't mind bringing him home. He would probably be a GREAT older brother to you.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Oh Huskee...that is so sad. Benjy looks like such a sweet boy. Tell your Mama not to beat herself up over's not her fault...she gave him love.
I will send good Ruby thoughts that he finds a good and loving home soon!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Oh sweet little Benjy.
Can't he stay with you Huskee?
If not then I wish for some good luck in his life to find a happy forever home.
Poor Benjy...I hope he finds a forever home soon. A forever home juz like yours with all the love and attention and treats and pressies and belly rubs..
Grrr...i dont like homans who give up their pets when they're "done" with the cuteness. I hope Aunty W will not do the same thing with the dog she has now. Otherwise...I dont think she deserves to have a dog's love.
All the best Benjy...sorry mama cant take you. She has her hands full with me...hiak...hiak...
Wet licks
p(ee)s...huskee...please feel free to come to my pawty. The more the merrier :)
Benjy deserves much better. I really hope he can find a more responsible owner that cares and loves him.
huskee we feel so so sad...
this histori is terrible..
we hope, the doggie will find a new house quickly
Hi, Huskee
I really hope Benjy can find a lovely home with a good family who takes care of him!
His story makes me feel so sad!
Poor Benjy. I hope he finds a loving forever home soon. J x
Liizy: Oh, poor Benjy! My heart goes out to him. I agree that when you want to adopt an animal, you have to know that it is at least a 10 year commitment. Poor Benjy, he needs lots of love! I hope he gets adopted into a nice, loving home soon.
Sparky: Uh... nevermind, Lizzy said everything that I was going to say.
Benjy looks such a sweet boy, mayb you can keep him?? I know its hard to share but he looks like an easy going one.
What a cute little pup that Benjy is!! Is he living in Singapore now? I hope somebody can adopt him. Do you think your mom would be able to adopt him? You'd look so cute together :)
Hi Huskee, poor Benjy deserves a better home. I hope he'll find it soon.
Humans are so stupid sometimes. I hope Benjy finds a fabulous home to live out his retirement years in as a well loved member of the family - and NOT as a garden ornament.
oh we have tears in our eyes about poor Benjy. I hope he finds good parents real soon.
As they say here in the UK - A Dog is for Life not just for Christmas.....
love and sad licks, Marv xxxxxx
This stowy makes me vewy vewy can people do such a thing..leaving a little doggie alone without love and attention IS and watew awe not enough..poor little Benjy..I hope someone finds it in their heawt to adopt him, he looks like a vewy nice little's sweet of you to tell us about him and be so cawing..I'm sowwy I live so faw
smoochie kisses and cwossed paws
Awww he looks a real cutie. Kudos to your Aunt for at least trying to rehome him. I hope he finds his forever home soon.
Scrappy and Pebbles
that's soooo sad about Benjy.. my pawrents are always feeling sorry for me when they leave me all the time.. they get soo guilty they take me to places on weekends..
Benjy looks soo sweet.. I hope I can take him in.. I would love to have a brudder.. but he is in Singapore.. maybe I can go there and live with you instead.. hope he get's to find a good home soon..
saw your post on mooncake.. my pawrents missed that soo much.. especially back at manila they have different toppings of mooncake.. mom loves the one with the nuts and egg..
sorry I have been missing time to blog lately..
Toffee (Hi to Moosie too - did you get to unwrap Ume's pressie?)
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