The incident happened along a busy road in some part of China... A dog was seen in the middle of busy street caring for its friend, which had been hit by a car. Using its paw, the dog tried to wake its already-dead friend, and it stayed beside his friend even though it was in danger of being hit by the oncoming traffic.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
The incident happened along a busy road in some part of China... A dog was seen in the middle of busy street caring for its friend, which had been hit by a car. Using its paw, the dog tried to wake its already-dead friend, and it stayed beside his friend even though it was in danger of being hit by the oncoming traffic.
Monday, October 29, 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007
Look at this big box... it came from dearest Boo in Malaysia!! I struggled to keep still for the obligatory photo taking session cos I couldn't wait to see what Boo sent me and I can't wait to rip it apart to reveal the goodies inside!! Boo's such a sweetheart.... he also sent Moosie some treats and a giant ball that she can roam around in so that she wouldn't get lost in the house.
Look at Moosie having a go at her treats.... she was already gnawing away at the package before mama can finish taking the pictures!! Anyone else who had seen her would have thought that we haven't been feeding her for a long time!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007
The 'original' Boo Boo
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Do you think some of these kois are from Butchy and Snickers' pond??
Otters - Looks so cute (but really smelly!)
Tigers... eeks.. RUN for your lives!!
Ok, next to them, I could be George Clooney... Hee...
Shhhh... don't wake him up...
Look! Kangaroos!!! My mates from Down Under!!
Baboons - Can you see their funny looking bum bums?? Umm, ok that big guy didn't seem very happy with all the people staring at his bum... (then again, who would??)
Zebras happily munching on their breakfast...
Ewwww.. snakes!!
It's Friday so here's wishing all pups and GG a HAPPY WEEKEND!! (mama is travelling AGAIN for the whole of next week so you'll most likely not get to hear from me till the week after - UNLESS I find a way to use papa's computer without him knowing...). Byeeeeeeeeeee....
Monday, October 8, 2007
The result? I was punished and made to do the 'sit' command for close to 30min (this in addition to a steady stream of 'baaaaaaaaaad boy' and 'baaaaaaaaaad Huskee') while mama had to wash the bedsheet and the mattress protector on a RAINY Sunday afternoon. (I can assure you that she was not amused with either me or papa..)
OK I am very sorry... can you forgive me??
Friday, October 5, 2007
While reading Scuba's beautiful tribute to Herbie, I just realised that without Herbie and his M, I would never have started a blog for Huskee. This is because Herbie and his M were the ones who introduced blogging to Scuba's mom, who in turn introduced me the world of blogging and to the unique family of DWB. So THANK YOU Herbie and S.
To Herbie's family: The best place to bury a dog is in the heart of it's master... Cherish all the memories of sweet Herbie.
Huskee's mama...
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Now I'd like to pass this award on to Luckie & Bella!
2) I love DWB because it is one big family where everyone is there for one another, be it during the ‘good’ times when there are new additions to the family, or when a pup graduated from a class or during ‘bad’ times when a pup is ill or when a pup had crossed over the Rainbow Bridge.
And just look at how much everyone supports Hammer’s mom in her relentless search for Beau… I am sure with all the paw-sitive vibes and energy, Beau will be reunited with his family real soon.
3) I would not have been able to go to so many pawties without DWB!! Simba’s 007 pawty, Asta’s recent barkday pawty, Butcy’s upcoming barkday pawty, Jay’s re-birth pawty, the Singapore’s National Day pawty… and the list keeps going on!
4) I love DWB because it brightens up my otherwise dreary day… it gives me something to look forward to everyday by reading about your adventures and what you have been up to!!
5) I love DWB because without DWB, I would not have gotten to try out those yummy Frosty Paws (and mine are durian flavoured!!)
6) Last but definitely not least, I love DWB because it is here that I got to meet and fall head over paws in love with Baby Munchkins!!
The fact is that without DWB, I would not have made SO many friends from all parts of the world… would not have received SO many pressies for my barkday… would not have received SO many Christmas cards last year and last but not least, would not have been able to make the hoomans SO green with envy!! (Wow... do you think this is a no.7??)
Monday, October 1, 2007
Sorry about this gloomy post right at the start of a week... on a brighter note, Aunty W has decided to keep Benjy with her for the time being as they have not found anyone who can take him in. So at least for now, Benjy is 'safe'...