One Week Vacation
Today is already Monday and I am still staying with Papa and Mama.. isn't that awfully strange? Am I not just their 'Weekend Kid'? This morning before Mama went to work, she even told me to be a good boy... Finally I overheard a bit Papa and Mama's conversation... The Maid has gone to Korea for holiday and I will be staying with Papa and Mama this whole week. (Wow.. I bet Grand-papa and Grand-mama are gonna miss me like crazy...!!)
Mama came back from work and showed me a huge tray of treats.. she said that they are from my Little Big Brother's Mum, Auntie V.. (Unfortunately I did not get to go to the Birthday Paw-ty 'cos Papa and Mama had something on...I sulked and pouted the whole day but it was of no use..) Thankfully Aunty V did not forget about me!! (Thank you Aunty V...)
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
(Big sigh of relief).. Mama finally went to work today. She has not been going to work since last Fri after her trip to Japan, and I was begining to get worried (What if she is sacked?? What will I eat? Will I still get my yummy patties? No more new toys for me??! Where will I get money to buy a birthday present for my Big Little Brother (BLB) Scuba??)
Just as I was starting to contemplate my bleak future and thinking whether I should start busking along Orchard Road or MRT stations to earn my own keeps, she finally went to work today!! Oh boy... that sure was stressful.
Back to my BLB's birthday.. Now I am really begining to feel old.. he is only THREE and I will be SEVEN in August. Sigh... If anyone of you see me along the streets, please do not ask for my age okie?? Very sensitive topic... I am a S.N.A.P, i.e. Sensitive New Age Pooch...
(Big sigh of relief).. Mama finally went to work today. She has not been going to work since last Fri after her trip to Japan, and I was begining to get worried (What if she is sacked?? What will I eat? Will I still get my yummy patties? No more new toys for me??! Where will I get money to buy a birthday present for my Big Little Brother (BLB) Scuba??)
Just as I was starting to contemplate my bleak future and thinking whether I should start busking along Orchard Road or MRT stations to earn my own keeps, she finally went to work today!! Oh boy... that sure was stressful.
Back to my BLB's birthday.. Now I am really begining to feel old.. he is only THREE and I will be SEVEN in August. Sigh... If anyone of you see me along the streets, please do not ask for my age okie?? Very sensitive topic... I am a S.N.A.P, i.e. Sensitive New Age Pooch...
From the Paws of
Huskee and Hershey
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Turban Turtle et al...
Ok, other than Elmo, here are some of my other friends.
1) Turban Turtle
He came into my life 'turban-less' but after spending a few days with me, the top of his head urmmm... started to fray. So Grand-mama stitched it close for him with a small piece of fabric so that he is 'complete' again. However, it made him look like he was wearing a green truban, hence his name, Turban Turtle. I am proud to declare that he did not suffer any more 'injuries' after that.
Ok, other than Elmo, here are some of my other friends.

He came into my life 'turban-less' but after spending a few days with me, the top of his head urmmm... started to fray. So Grand-mama stitched it close for him with a small piece of fabric so that he is 'complete' again. However, it made him look like he was wearing a green truban, hence his name, Turban Turtle. I am proud to declare that he did not suffer any more 'injuries' after that.
2) La-la the Koala
Yes this is La-la the Koala... (and I can almost hear my mama saying this for the 100th time - 'Huskee, a Koala is not a bear like what most people think. A Koala is a Marsupial, whereby the female typically has a pouch in which it rears its young through early infancy'.) Mama gets into this crazed frenzy when she hear people saying 'Koala bear'.. (??!)
Anyway, he was given to me as a tribute to my heritage of being an Aussie dog, but look what happened to him after some attention from me?!! If you look close enough, La-la's right ear is soon going to suffer the same fate as his right leg.
For those who watch 'Charmed', obviously the names of these 3 are Piper, Phoebe and Paige. Each in varying degree of disintegration.. as you can tell from the pic., Piper is is 'good condition' with all her limbs still intact, Phoebe lost her 2 front legs.. and poor poor Paige, no eyes, no limbs... but her big smile is still intact!!
From the Paws of
Huskee and Hershey
Monday, June 19, 2006
My Best Friend - Elmo
I thought its about time that I introduce my best friend to everyone. He was given to me when I was about 3 months old by my god-mama in Melbourne (actually she did not give it to me.. it was hanging in her car and I fell in love with him at first sight, and I kept whining at Elmo until she gave him to me.. heehee...).
Elmo is one of my very first toy... so I guess like me, he is abt 7 years old now and has gone through a lot with me. You can tell when you look at him... Heehee..
Anybody seen my eyes??
I thought its about time that I introduce my best friend to everyone. He was given to me when I was about 3 months old by my god-mama in Melbourne (actually she did not give it to me.. it was hanging in her car and I fell in love with him at first sight, and I kept whining at Elmo until she gave him to me.. heehee...).
Elmo is one of my very first toy... so I guess like me, he is abt 7 years old now and has gone through a lot with me. You can tell when you look at him... Heehee..
Anybody seen my eyes??
Well, no matter how torn and tattered Elmo may be, he'll always be my favourite..
From the Paws of
Huskee and Hershey
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Yipee... I found my Mama & Papa!
Yes, they finally came to take me home with them... and I was so happy to see them that I forgot that I was suppossed to be 'angry'.. oh nevermind.. Huskee is a happy boy now..
- Mama
Hmm.. I guess I cannot go for my walk today 'cos Mama is sick after her trip to Japan. Poor mum.. I will just be a good boy and stay by her side this weekend then.
- Papa
Oh and yes, more World Cup fever..I watched the match between Holland and Ivory Coast last night with Papa. Father-and-son bonding...
- and Me..
I am one happy little pooch now..will enjoy all the attention being showered on me!! *Bliss*
Yes, they finally came to take me home with them... and I was so happy to see them that I forgot that I was suppossed to be 'angry'.. oh nevermind.. Huskee is a happy boy now..
- Mama
Hmm.. I guess I cannot go for my walk today 'cos Mama is sick after her trip to Japan. Poor mum.. I will just be a good boy and stay by her side this weekend then.
- Papa
Oh and yes, more World Cup fever..I watched the match between Holland and Ivory Coast last night with Papa. Father-and-son bonding...
- and Me..
I am one happy little pooch now..will enjoy all the attention being showered on me!! *Bliss*
From the Paws of
Huskee and Hershey
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Land of the Rising Sun
Yes, that's where my mama is currently... I finally found out last night when she called home last night to talk to Tha Maid... No wonder she's been 'missing' for the past couple of days. (I hope she is not shopping herself to death in Japan, or else Papa is gonna nag at her.. hiak..)
Anyway, I have been counting my paws and it tells me that today is Wed. I overheard Mama saying that she will bring me home with her this weekend!! Yipee!!... only 2 more days to go... Maybe they will bring me out for a walk if the weather is good.
Yes, that's where my mama is currently... I finally found out last night when she called home last night to talk to Tha Maid... No wonder she's been 'missing' for the past couple of days. (I hope she is not shopping herself to death in Japan, or else Papa is gonna nag at her.. hiak..)
Anyway, I have been counting my paws and it tells me that today is Wed. I overheard Mama saying that she will bring me home with her this weekend!! Yipee!!... only 2 more days to go... Maybe they will bring me out for a walk if the weather is good.
From the Paws of
Huskee and Hershey
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Yeah.. Australia won Japan 3-1
Whew.. that was one close match. When it seemed like the Aussies were doomed to go away goal-less, the 3 last minute goals were a welcome!
Hmm... I have not seen my mama for a loooong time.. anyone knows where she is?? Anyway, I have run out of my yummy meat patties.. Mama quick come back!! Huskee Boy needs you.. Mamaaa......
Whew.. that was one close match. When it seemed like the Aussies were doomed to go away goal-less, the 3 last minute goals were a welcome!
Hmm... I have not seen my mama for a loooong time.. anyone knows where she is?? Anyway, I have run out of my yummy meat patties.. Mama quick come back!! Huskee Boy needs you.. Mamaaa......
From the Paws of
Huskee and Hershey
Monday, June 12, 2006
Australia vs. Japan
Since Papa is so crazy about World Cup, I, as his son 'inherited' some of the soccer fever too. So today is 'the' day.. Australia vs. Japan!! I am an Aussie dog (but now a Singapore P.R like Papa), obviously I am rooting for my motherland.. Aussie, Aussie, Aussie... Oei, Oei, Oei!! Go Socceroos..
Since Papa is so crazy about World Cup, I, as his son 'inherited' some of the soccer fever too. So today is 'the' day.. Australia vs. Japan!! I am an Aussie dog (but now a Singapore P.R like Papa), obviously I am rooting for my motherland.. Aussie, Aussie, Aussie... Oei, Oei, Oei!! Go Socceroos..
From the Paws of
Huskee and Hershey
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Where are my Parents?? No one loves Huskee Boy... *whine*
I have been counting my paws all week and come Fri, no signs of Mama and Papa to bring me back to their place for the weekend... (for those who are not aware, I live with my grand-parents 'cos mama and papa do not want to leave me alone at home when they go to work. Hence, I spend my weekdays at my grand-parents' place and the weekends I spend with my mama and papa.)
Saturday came and went.. No signs of them.... I was one miserable doggie... Then finally on Sun morning, 'The Maid' (which is actually mama's younger sis, but so called because she looks after and takes good care of me.. hehehee...) took pity on me and brought me out for a walk in the park together with Auntie E. Oh boy, was that a long walk or what.. but I enjoyed myself thoroughly chasing after ants and other insects. Well, the walk made me forget abt my misery for a short while.. I also made a new friend called Max. He is a GR and only a puppy.. but ummm.. he is twice my size already.
By Sun evening and still no signs of my parents.. I have decided I am going to get mad at them for not taking me home this weekend... and when they finally come, I will not do any of the following:
1) Not show any signs of happiness (run to the door to greet them, bring them any of my toys, etc)
2) Not wag my tail when I see them
3) Not go to them when they call my name
That will teach them a lesson.. hiak hiak...
I have been counting my paws all week and come Fri, no signs of Mama and Papa to bring me back to their place for the weekend... (for those who are not aware, I live with my grand-parents 'cos mama and papa do not want to leave me alone at home when they go to work. Hence, I spend my weekdays at my grand-parents' place and the weekends I spend with my mama and papa.)
Saturday came and went.. No signs of them.... I was one miserable doggie... Then finally on Sun morning, 'The Maid' (which is actually mama's younger sis, but so called because she looks after and takes good care of me.. hehehee...) took pity on me and brought me out for a walk in the park together with Auntie E. Oh boy, was that a long walk or what.. but I enjoyed myself thoroughly chasing after ants and other insects. Well, the walk made me forget abt my misery for a short while.. I also made a new friend called Max. He is a GR and only a puppy.. but ummm.. he is twice my size already.
By Sun evening and still no signs of my parents.. I have decided I am going to get mad at them for not taking me home this weekend... and when they finally come, I will not do any of the following:
1) Not show any signs of happiness (run to the door to greet them, bring them any of my toys, etc)
2) Not wag my tail when I see them
3) Not go to them when they call my name
That will teach them a lesson.. hiak hiak...
From the Paws of
Huskee and Hershey
Wednesday, June 7, 2006
Yummy Cookies... more please..
Thank You Auntie V for the yummy cookies... I told my Mama that she should have told you my full name is not simply 'Huskee' but it's actually Huskee Keebo Chan Heng Heng ('heng' as in 'lucky'). Hmmm... so my name is also 'Lucky Lucky'? Eww... tacky..
Anyway, back to the important subject on hand, Auntie V, can I please have cookies that spell my full name next time?? Pretty please? (*Hiak hiak* Boy am I smart huh...)

Thank You Auntie V for the yummy cookies... I told my Mama that she should have told you my full name is not simply 'Huskee' but it's actually Huskee Keebo Chan Heng Heng ('heng' as in 'lucky'). Hmmm... so my name is also 'Lucky Lucky'? Eww... tacky..
Anyway, back to the important subject on hand, Auntie V, can I please have cookies that spell my full name next time?? Pretty please? (*Hiak hiak* Boy am I smart huh...)

From the Paws of
Huskee and Hershey
Tuesday, June 6, 2006
Wallowing in Self-Pity
I hope my Mama will stop watching telly.. she picks up all sorts of weird ideas from there... especially that show 'Super Nanny', where naughty kids are disciplined!! So now whenever I misbehave, Mama makes me sit in the 'Naughty Circle'!! Helppp.... (and instead of helping me, Papa took out his camera and took this pic. I AM NOT HAPPY!!)
I hope my Mama will stop watching telly.. she picks up all sorts of weird ideas from there... especially that show 'Super Nanny', where naughty kids are disciplined!! So now whenever I misbehave, Mama makes me sit in the 'Naughty Circle'!! Helppp.... (and instead of helping me, Papa took out his camera and took this pic. I AM NOT HAPPY!!)
From the Paws of
Huskee and Hershey
Monday, June 5, 2006
I went to stay with Mama and Papa over the weekend for 2 nights... *grin*.. Mama made more tomato and beef patties for me.. *double grin*. More food to last me for the next couple of days!!
After eating, I indulged in my all time favourite pastime... Zzzzz ..
After eating, I indulged in my all time favourite pastime... Zzzzz ..
.. Gone... Sweet Dreams!!

From the Paws of
Huskee and Hershey
Thursday, June 1, 2006
Sigh... I still cannot get any of my cute pictures on the blog. My own Papa has no time to help me, his precious son, with it.. .(he'd rather spend his time playing some stupid thing called X-Box.. do you think there's a Y-Box?? or Z-Box?!! God forbid...!!)
And Mama knows nuts about all the 'techy' stuff, so I better not harbour any high hopes either(although credit must be given to her for setting up this blog for me). In case anyone wants to know, Mama set up this blog so that she can be updated on my latest mischiefs and wrongdoings.. . I am 'separated' from my Papa and Mama and am staying with Grandpa, Grandma and 'The Maid' (she is actually Mama's younger sis but she takes care of me, hence, the nickname). Reason I stay with Grandpa/ Grandma/ The Maid is because when Papa and Mama go to work, there is no one at home to keep me company (and I luuuurrrve company). I only get to stay with my parents on weekends... *sob*.
*Special note to my Papa.. Please help me set up my blog so that it'll look nice, just like Scuba's ( and his friends'. Pretty, pretty please...
And Mama knows nuts about all the 'techy' stuff, so I better not harbour any high hopes either(although credit must be given to her for setting up this blog for me). In case anyone wants to know, Mama set up this blog so that she can be updated on my latest mischiefs and wrongdoings.. . I am 'separated' from my Papa and Mama and am staying with Grandpa, Grandma and 'The Maid' (she is actually Mama's younger sis but she takes care of me, hence, the nickname). Reason I stay with Grandpa/ Grandma/ The Maid is because when Papa and Mama go to work, there is no one at home to keep me company (and I luuuurrrve company). I only get to stay with my parents on weekends... *sob*.
*Special note to my Papa.. Please help me set up my blog so that it'll look nice, just like Scuba's ( and his friends'. Pretty, pretty please...
From the Paws of
Huskee and Hershey
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