I received not one, but TWO pressies yesterday!! One is from my good friend Down Under - Hammer and his mom, and the other one from Simba is all the way from UK!!
From Hammer and his mom: -
They are so thoughtful to send something to The Maid too.. Notice the 2 packages?? Heehee.. the BIGGER one is for ME and the SMALLER one is for The Maid...
Now I have got my very own horsie...!! She is such a cutie, isn't she? (The problem is she is so cute that the hoomans have 'confiscated' her and kept her on a shelf that I cannot reach... they don't want me to opawrate on her..) *sulks*

From Simba:-
Simba sent me some doggie ice-cream!! I have never had ice-cream before (other than Frosty Paws.. do they count??), so I can't wait to try them out!

THANK YOU , my dear friends... I am such a blessed pup!!
Further to my post about Benjy last week, many of you suggested that mama should bring him (WHAT??!). Much as she’d LOVE to, it is quite impossible because she and papa are staying at a relative’s apartment while waiting for their own place to be ready by middle next year. The relative is not exactly an animal lover, so she does not mind an occasional visit from me over the weekends; she really does not fancy the idea of having a pup in the house permanently, especially if papa and mama have to go to work in the daytime. Also, Benjy had been toilet trained to pee pee/ poo poo outside so he needs someone to take him out during the day to pee/ poo.
** Update on Benjy **
Till now, the little guy’s fate is still unknown… Mama is actively asking around the people whom she knows will love dogs to see if they can take him in. At the same time she is trying to convince Aunty W that what she is doing is so, so wrong. It seems like Aunty W is quite eager to ‘get rid’ of Benjy… I just hope they won’t send him to SPCA because there is a high chance that they will put him down given his age if no one adopts him after some time.
Oh.. u lucky little boy!.. u got another 2 pressies.. u sure a popular one..
Poor Benjy!.. hope he will get a good home soon.. i will ask my maid...oops.. my mom to pray hard so that he will get adopted fast.. and away from a meanie auntie....
That's a cute horsie that Hammer sent you. Nice gifts from Simba too.
Poor Benjy, I hope he'll find a good furever home soon. He sure deserves a better loving home
~ Girl girl
what nice pressies! I am keeping benjy in my thoughts!!
Hey Huskee Oppa,
That horsey is very cute. I'll pull his hair out first!!! It looks silly on him. LOL!
Why not ask your maid to take care of Benjy la.... :P
hmm... should i get jealous bcoz simba sent u something?
i seriously hope they won't give benjy to the shelter. have you tried posting it to the dog forum? in the dog forum here, a lot of takers for cute dogs like benjy. even not cute dogs like dopey has taker like mom too!
wet wet licks
wow! ice pops all the way from UK!
you are indeed one pup-ular pup! that's too many pups..
I hope Benjy gets a good home soon.. I shudder to think he'll be put to sleep.. that's soo inhooman
he deserves to live a happy life..
u r a popular boy of course!!!! there are so many pressies for u
Glad you finally got your present. I have given Mummy a written warning about getting to the post office quicker next time.
Simba xx
Did your doggy ice cream from Simba melt on it's trip from his house to your house?
The horsey is very cute! I think you should be allowed to play with it!
Our paws are crossed for Benjy!
Love ya lots,
Sorry about Benjy! I hope he finds a furrever home soon!
Now, what's this about the hoomans taking the horsie?? What's up with that?
Goober love,
Wow! The ice cream looks good...But how come it didn't melt on the way to your country? Hehehe...Must be really special ice-cream ha?
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi, Huskee
that horsie is really cute! Too bad you can't play with him!
We have here that ice cream but its for humans not for us!!!
I have my paws crossed for Benjy!
Have a nice day
Wow Huskee, you are always getting pressies!!! I think your horsie is cute!!
Hahaha, I thought the Pet Pops said Pet "Poops"! I was quite puzzled over that for a moment.
Oh the horsie is so adorable. We would have gave it a shake or two and then we start out operation..hehe
We are praying hard that someone will take in Benjy soon.
Boy n Baby
Wow, those are great presents!! I guess you like to operate on your toys too like I do (hee hee!).
Poor Benjy! Please keep us up-to-date on him. Is there a no-kill shelter around you can recommend to Auntie..just in case you can't find a home for him?
Oh, poor Benjy. I really hope that someone will be able to adopt little Benjy soon. It'll be so sad.
Don't give up. I'm sure someone will!
I'm just so vewy upset about Benjy..I'm sowwy to say this but youw auntie is not a vewy nice pewson if she can do this to him,
I can't even wite mowe, I'm so upset
smoochie kisses,Asta
i am so jealous!!! i want a horsie too! yeah yeah i know i have a moosie already but the more the merrier!
hee hee what a lazy weekend! :)
since your mom has a thing with pawpads, does she keep looking at yours too? :p
cool pressies - I hope you can reach to the horsie on the shelf !!
Yum the doggie pops look good - let us know how they tatse
I hope Benjy can find a good home soon - taking a dog to a shelter is always a very uncertain future.
oh Simba is a kind King to send you such lovely stuff.
Have you put a saddle on the horsie yet and ridden him into the sunset like a true Huskee CowBoy.....!
love and licks, Marv xxxxx
Ice Cream is terrific! Hope you enjoy all your pressies!!!
Paws crossed for Benjy.
Sherman, Penny & Lola
Aww the pressies jsut keep coming for such a sweet boy as you.
Poor Benji I hope he finds his forever home soon.
Isn't horsey supposed to be a cow? I'm keeping my paws crossed for Benjy. J x
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