
Monday, September 24, 2007

Yeeeehaaa... All ready to go to Asta's Cowboy Pawty with my loyal steed from Hammer... *gallop gallop*


A small group of us went over to Jay's place to celebrate his barkday on Sunday... It wa real fun and everyone had a great time!! Girl Girl and Moosie did not go, but they sent their reps., Sunny and Mousey Mouse-Mouse..

The barkday boy - Jay!!

Boo Boo (he was hiding under the coffee table.. WHY??)

Boo Boo standing on a stool trying to perform some stunts in exchange for some treats

Whiskey (who entertained and impressed us with his 'acrobatic skills')

Handsome Brandy

Sunny and Mousey Mouse-Mouse sharing a slice of the barkday cake

Yours truly in a very un-manly position... (WHY??)

Observing all the action....

Doggie food and goodie bags!!

Thank you Aunty J and Jay for all the yummy food and goodies!!


Boo Casanova said...

hmm, huskee, you are so right about the unmanly position. what were you doing?

wet wet licks


PerfectTosca said...

Hiya Huskee Baby! Smootch!

Can you tell me where to go for Asta's party tomorrow and when? I am in the dark here and biting my foot!

Amber said...

HI Huskee!! What a gweat pawty you had on Sunday. See you at Asta barkday Pawty!!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Hee see you at Asta's cowboy birthday pawty Huskee. You look so cute there, like a fluffy baby

~ Girl girl

Toby said...

Wow, those are some awesome barkday goodies!!


Ben & Darling said...

See you at the pawty !!! YeeeHaa!!

PreciOus said...

Hi Huskee boy! You look gorgeous and ready to gallop!


Bella said...

You look like a very stylish Cowboy !! See you there.
The pawty foy Jay looks great with lots of fun, Friends & food !!

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Huskee Oppa,
The pawty looks really fun!!! :)hehe...

Amber-Mae said...

Happee Barkday to Jay! Wow! The birthday pawty looked great... Great food, great friends, great cake & great goodie bags.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said...

Whiskey looks like he's already been drinking! hehehehe
That's awesome that you all got to pawty with Jay!
See you at Asta and Bailey's pawty!

Love ya lots,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Huskee
Glad you had the chance to go to Jay's party! Sure you had lots of fun! Yummy food and goodies!!
See you at the party!

Murphey said...

It might be unmanly, but you srue are cute in that pose!


Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Hey its Hopalong Huskee! Git along lil doggie!

Bussie Kissies

Putter said...

Hey Huskee!

Thanks so much for your well wishes on my newest ever baby brothers! I really appreciate it! Glad you had funnest on Sunday!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Lizzy said...

That food looks very good! Is there any left for me?


Myeo said...

The party looks so much fun. Too bad we could not come. But we know you enjoyed yourself.

Boy n Baby

L said...

What is it about people that like to put us too-cute-to-be-handsome dogs in very unmasculine positions? My girl likes to treat me like a girl dog. Hmmph!

At least you looked masculine as a cowboy!

Scrappy and Pebbles said...

Love that first pic of your. Very handsome.

Tail wags
Scrappy and Pebbles

T-man Angel said...

Huskee, you look like a fluffy stuffed teddy...much cuter than a man anyway, so don't worry!! :)


Texas's Mum said...

Hey HB,
WOW looks like you had a great time
so keep up the hard work ;) .

Love and Licks
Texas (and his humans).

Joe Stains said...

wow look at all those goodie bags, I wish I could have gone to that party!!

Stanley said...

Huskoober Boyoober!

My girl said that if you were HER pup, she'd be holding you and squeezing you all the time! No wonder somebody picked you up at the pawty!

Hey, it was fun hanging out with you at Asta's pawty! You looked fabulous & so did Moosie!

Goober love,

chiyo said...

heh even though i wasn't at the pawty but when HM came home i couldn't stop sniffing at her dress for the next hour or so! i could smell all of you on it!!
