Tosca, the Perfect Collie, tagged me (or rather, I think she tagged ALL pups and Girl Girl) on how their breed will change a light bulb. I have put on my thinking cap and have thought about it all weekend. As you know, I am a Maltese X Shih Tzu, so after 2 days of intense debate, the "Maltese' part of me and the 'Shih Tzu' part of me still cannot come to any agreement on how they would change the light bulb... (geez.. this is one of the drawbacks of being a mixed breed. I think I am a bit of a 'schizo'??
Then I got tagged (again), this time by Boo Casanova, to continue the story about the 'Royal Tails'... The story stopped at how Prince Boo *ahem* dominated the Princesses, which led to commotion among the Princes.
Then I got tagged (again), this time by Boo Casanova, to continue the story about the 'Royal Tails'... The story stopped at how Prince Boo *ahem* dominated the Princesses, which led to commotion among the Princes.
After a lot of discussions between the Prime Minister and his Cabinet, it was decided that since it is crucial for the royal bloodlines of the Royal Tails to be continued, the Princesses will all be bestowed to Princes who still have their *ahem ahem* 'jewels'. Records seem to show that only Boo Boo and Huskee Boy still have their 'jewels' (* Note: As this is deemed as paw-nographic material, 'evidence' will be provided upon request only).
...... story to be continued by Boy....
More Barkday Pressies!!!

I got yet another present from Godma and my godbrother, Scuba!! Godma is so thoughtful to get me a food and water dish that comes with a stand so that I don't have to bend my neck so far down when I am having my meals... It's just amazing that my own mom didn't even think of it!! The piggy is from Scubs. cos godma said that Scubs. looked like a piggy (??!)
Then I got these from Toby, the lil' dude!!

Tobes sent me some treats and also gave me my first-ever set of pyjamas!!! Everyone was cooing about how cute it looked!! (Pardon my sleepy face in the photo.. I was woken up in the middle of my afternoon nap to model it). THANK YOU Tobes, I wuff it so much!!
And then just as I thought that things couldn't get any better, the biggest box arrived and it's from The Dogs of Jackman Avenue. Can you see all the treats and toys?? That black and white toy has a tag that says 'squeeze me'.. and it lets out the loudest squeak!
I really think I am the luckiest boy ever... I have never ever received so many pressies on all my other barkdays combined! THANK YOU dear friends for being my friend and for making me feel so loved...
wow... more prezzies! aint barkdays the bestest???
keke... All hail the Princes with *ahem ahem* 'jewels'!
Weee Huskee! Never ending pressies for you. You look very cute in your baby blue pyjamas!
I luv the bowl stand it's very stylish.
You look very cute in your PJ's too - blue really suites you.
On the 'story' though I think I read that BooBoo no longer has his "ahem" so you will get all the princesses now !!
Hey Huskee,
Thank dog your family jewels still intact so you won't miss out on all the fun. Don't overwork them many little time. LOL!!
PS : Oh also have a loofa hotdog in purple! Same as me! Tad sent me one for my barkday!!
Love the PJ. You look soooo cute in it.
You look so cute with the PJ. I'm so jealous. I want a PJ too *sulks*
ps. I dont see you wearing any ring or necklace. What jewels are you dogs talking about?
~ Girl girl
Oh man, you sure are a very, very, very, very, very, VERY lucky boy Huskee! I think you've broken the world record for the 'Most Presents Received by a Dog'. Hehehehe!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
huskee! you are so adorable with the PJs!
I'M SO JEALOUS of you being so popular!
wet wet licks
hey pal!
you got great pressies! thanks for your note on the email.. I'm keeping my paws crossed for mom too.
love the PJ's.. now you have something to wear on your afternoon naps.. the bedhead look completes the picture.
Hey H.B,
Tell your mum not be be a big woosey and go and get a tattoo :-P
Nah seriously - the one on the top of mums arm on the outside (her 1st one) didn't hurt at all. Pain Scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest would have been about a 2, it felt more annoying than anything.
The second one which is on the back of her neck - the same, didn't hurt at all.
The third on on the inside of her arm - well, that hurt alittle - probably about a 4 on the pain scale. I guess the skin is alittle more delicate there.
Mum has heard that ankles can hurt because of the bone being so close to the skin. Inside of the wrist could hurt alittle too - but if she got it on the topside of the wrist, like where your watch face sits - it would be fine, minimal pain.
Be warned though, once you have one you will get more - they are very addictive :-)
(and her mum)
Congratulations on having your, ahem, jewels still! Sounds like you and Boo will be busy boys!
You look totally stinkin' cute in your pj's. Tobey's a good little buddy to get them for you.
BTW, I just got a message from your little sis, Moosie. She is SOOOOO CUTE! I couldn't find anywhere to leave her a message yet, so please tell her that she is welcome in GooberStan ANYtime, and that I think she is a bootiful hamsterrier (is that the kind of hammie dog she is?)!
Goober love,
wow you recived a lot of thigs...
you have place for all???
wow! those "even more" gifts are just amazing, how kind of everyone!
You deserve it though!
love and licks, Marv xxxxxx oh and you are so sweet in those jammies!
Hi Huskee Boy
Those awe the bestest pwezzies, and you desewve evewy one of them! You do look awfully good in those get all the pwincesses,what a lucky boy you awe..have fun and don't let it go to your head,hehehe
smoochie kisses
Wow! You are super dooper popular! Sorry it took so long to get the pressie to you. Hope you enjoy it!
Sherman, Penny & Lola
Yay Huskee! So glad the pressie got to you (even though it was a few days late). You look totally adorable in ur PJ's!
Wow, what are you gonna do with all ur pressies?? Are you gonna share?
Hi, Huskee.
You are a very nice friend and deserve all those presents!!!
Your picture where you are wearing your pj's left me out of words, because you look adorable!!!
Have a nice day
oh huskee you ARE so lucky, and those PJs look soo cute on you!
oh the little piggie is precious! I mean it's nice...not that the piggie is know?...
you do know right?
Huskee, it's like Christmastime at your house. I'm expecting to see Santa there too!! You are very well loved among your doggie friends, that's for sure :)
more pressies!!!! wow.. I like that bowl stand.. mom is trying to get me one too..
huskee... AHEM!!! we princesses are not presents that can be given out! i protest!!! we can make our own choices thank you very much!
i love your pyjamas hee hee.. maybe i'll pick you :p
oh my dog looks at those bowls, I want I want I want.
Simba x
Hi Huskee.. happy belated barkdays..
that's lots of pressies u had there.. sure u are one of a famous dude.. Boo will be so jealous .. and he will get even jealous if you get all the attentions from the Princess.. hehehe..
Thanks for dropping by..
Golden Rossi
huskee boy, u looks slim in that outfit...
Hi Huskee Boy
Don't eat all the treats at once or you won't fit in the pj's any more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Charlie Boy
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