Soccer season is back on Saturday nights and I think I have lost my 'battle' with the television to get daddy's attention. ** Big sigh from Mom and me **
There were 3 matches taking place last Saturday evening and dad was glued to the television after being 'deprived' of watching soccer for the past few months. Since mom is not interested in watching a group of men chasing after a black and white ball, she refused to watch it together with dad. Unfortunately, I was not spared... You can see from the below pics. on how I was being 'tortured'. Dad is a Man-U fan and the Man-U match was the last of the 3 matches that took place that night!! So as you can guess, I was stuck in this position for the longest time.
Still on the topic of 'balls', during the National Day Pawty, I got a present from Boo Boo and one of it is a green ball with little red stars and it can really squeak! Mom intended to keep it until my barkday as it was meant to be my barkday present, but she accidentally pressed it and it sqeaked so loudly it got my undivided attention. She knows from experience that there was no other way other than to let me have the ball because if I do not have it, I'd be sitting there staring at the cupboard until I get it!!
I love my little green ball heaps and spent many happy hours playing with it (and in the process, annoying the hoomans to death!!) THANK YOU, Boo Boo!
Huskee, you should have your very own soccer player's card! So Cute!
too bad, man u got drew with reading...ur dad must b devastated...
Oh Huskee Munckins, Why do i feel that you are getting cuter n cuter by the day. I like the picture of you with the ball. You look like a soccer star!
You are such a happy boy - you look pawsome with your soccer ball too!
wah huskee, i'm fallen in love with your first few pics... oh, you look so... *ahem* i better behave.
wet wet licks
Huskee.. You need me to come rescue you????
You look cute with that ball toy.
~ Girl girl
Huskee! You look a lot better than David Beckham!
My hooooman bruv supports Man U!
Football is a trial in our house tooooooo!
love your pics!
love and licks, Marvin xxxxxx
You look very boyish with that ball. You sure like squeaky a lot.
I love watching TV with my dad! Tell your dad to grow a big belly and he will be more comfortable to lie on.
Bussie Kissies
You look very pleased with your ball. I think the cuddle looks nice.
Simba x
Cool Ball Huskee! I know what it's like to be neglected due to sports on TV. Come Football season around here....Dad doesn't leave the couch on Sundays!
I would rescue you from the soccer viewing - but you really do look so comfy sitting with your daddy.
Awww...just look at your face Huskee. So adorable but yet, a wee bit sad. Hehehe!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
U R the cutest with the ball under your paw. U look so happy. It's the best!
huskeee you poor thing. Caz likes doing that to me too. When he feels stressed, he needs me to be beside him when he sleeps. hehe OOPS was that supposed to be a secret?
The pictures with your green ball are the cutest. And your pictures with Dad don't look like torture to us.
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Yes, Martin is going to be glued to the football for the rest of the season now too!
Katy x
Huskee boy
You absolutely look like a soccer staw..keep pwacticing and pwetty soon your Daddy will be watching nobody but you!
smoochie kisses
Hi, Huskee.
You look simply adorable in those pictures with your dad!!! Your mom deserves a prize for them!!
Yes, you look like a soccer star with your green ball!
Have a nice day
You don't look like you're in too much distress there with your dad Huskee!
So you got an early birthday pressie! Good goin'!
Love ya lots,
Huskee, you actually look happy lying on your daddy's lap like that. I bet you'll learn to like soccer someday.
Hey Huskee,
Wow, you sure pose like a soccer player huh? Next time you wear your shirt make sure you pull it up to cover your head and do zoomies round the room okay? I think tat's what they do when they score a goal. My Dad doesn't like soccer...hehee...
PS : I just tagged you for a game. Go check out my blog!
i must say that you actually look quite comfortable on your daddy's tummy! :p hee hee hee... maybe it's big and soft enough hehehe..
you look so cute smiling with the ball. so happy! i wonder how long you will sit looking at the cupboard if you didn't get the ball. maybe till your actual birthday? :p
Huskee, you look like you should be a soccer star!!
Only eight more days until your BARKDAY!!!!!!
I loove noisy squeaky toys. the noisier the better lol Cute picures of you Huskee.
I guess you are not a sports fan like me! I love to watch baseeball with Mom and Dad!
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