One of the few good things that I have achieved during the last year is that I have made SO many more friends that I ever could in my lifetime had I not joined DWB. So, here's a great big THANK YOU to Opy the Gruffpuppy (and her hoomans) for coming up with this brilliant idea and making it a success!! Furthermore, it had also forged friendships between the hoomans... I know that The Maid and Girl Girl's Eil are hanging out together quite a fair bit... and then we have this pawty on 9August during Singapore's National Day holiday where some of the pups and hoomans in Singapore have have made plans for a gathering! I am so excited that I can hardly wait....
Oh your barkday's coming soon! Yay! So you're gonna turn 8 years old right? I won't forget to wish you happy barkday when the day comes.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Wow! How lovely you have a Bark Day to look forward to this month!
And you will be the same age as me!
It is truly the best age!
Love from your friend Marvin xxxxx
8? you're not I think even 2 yrs!
is that a human year or doggy year?
I wish I was in Singapore.. I would love to hang with you...
so.. what's the pawty plan?????
Hi, Huskee.
You are right, the time flies!!
We will celebrate your birthday!!
I hope you invite me to your party!
Have a nice day
My Barkday is this month too!! We should have a joint pawty! Jackson too!!
You sure don't look 8 Huskee! You must eat right and take very good care of yourself!
Love ya lots,
Hi Huskee,
Happy Happy Early Barkday! May I eat cake along with you on your Barkday? I think yes, definitely must have cake right?
Please send your addy my way please?
Yeah... I think you'll receive lots and lots of presents this year for your birthday Huskee..
DWB sure is a great place for us to make new friends. I'm glad I got to know you from there. :)
~ girl girl
You're birthday's comin' soon? That's awesome! Mine too!
You are right Huskee Boy. It's the best pressie to all us doggies and humans being a part of DWB.
You are going to be 8? We are almost the same age. I will be 8 in September.
Love, Seadra
I know, isn't life much better with DWB? We've all made such good friends here. My mom has also learned a lot about how to take better care (=spoil) me :)
Yeah, Huskee Boy, your birthday is near...mom and I are still waiting for you to email us your add, coz we are preparing some pressies..
Hey Huskee,
I am also happy for you cos I know your entire family (almost la) celebrates their barkday the same month as you!!
Hopefully we can have a fun time at the pawty. I will ask my Dad to capture nice piktures!!!
PS : DO you always only keep a centre parting on your head? LOL! *curious*
Happy birthday!!
Some fun days coming up in August for you Huskee. Don't forget to take lots of pictures & tell us all about it.
Will you really be 8 dog years old??
You turning EGG ???
You look soooooooooooo small, I look bigger than u but Im only 1 yrs plus......how come??
Hi Huskee
I miss you. How have been been going .. another barkday coming up for you .. are you having a pawty.
DWB is a great community. My mum and me have made many wonderful friends. Your maid is very kind to us, and Eil too.
Love from Hammer
Hi Huskee Boy! Hi!
Coolest that your Barkday is coming soonest! Barkdays are the bestest for sure!
Your Friend,
Putter ...:)
We are so excited to meet you too.
Boy n Baby
i know u must be very excited awaiting ur coming barkday!!
hope u get lotsa cakes, treats n pressie
hee hee hee yes i think HM is having alot of fun too getting to know the hoomans of the singapore DWB'ers :)
8 is a very lucky number wor... must buy 4d!
I can't wait to see all of you at the pawty! If I bark at you, you know that means I'm wishing you a happy advance barkday! *Grinz*
You look so young.
Simba x
Awwww that is a beautiful picture of you Huskee Boy and yes mommy has been warned to not forget your birthday. You have to be thanked for your generosity to me.
tail wags
Hi Huskee!!
Oh my, so exciting that ur Barkday is coming soon!!
Um, can u do me a favor? Can you email me and tell me how much you weigh and how long you are from your neck to your tail. (not the end of your tail, but the beginning of the tail). Um, like where ur bum is. HAHAH. Can you email me the info to tobylittledude@hotmail.com
hi Huskee,
u still look so youthful, nvr would hv guessed u gonna turn 8 soon!
Pee.S: can u email me your home address? at cupcorn4177@yahoo.com.sg TQ!!!
Yep, so true about DWB and how great it is.
Hey, my barkday is in August too. Woohooooo!
Chow for now,
Tin Tin xo
hope your mama had a splendid birthday!! :) hee hee did you get any cake??
I bet you're going to get so spoilt on your barkday Huskee Boy - can't wait to check back and see what you got up to!
Gool your birthday's coming soon and I heard it was your mommy's Birthday.
Happy Birthday Huskee's MOmmy!
Frenchie Snorts
i am so excited that your barkday is coming soon Huskee...my mommy would like your mommy to send us your address so we can mail you something ...please email us @ pamrouleau@hotmail.com
thankyou...it will probably be late...but better late than never...we loved that my present from you arrived right on my birthday
Huskee's maid Happy birthday to you we hope you had a wonderful day
Scrappy and Pebbles
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