The Maid took part in some online lucky draw held by a pet food company and won a (of all things) BATHROBE. I think the organisers need to re-evaluate their prizes cos I have a feeling they don't understand us one bit... I mean, who likes baths????!!! Definitely not me... (although I must say that the bathrobe is pretty comfy and soft). I hope you all understand that I am not trying to be ungrateful, it's just that I would liked to have gotten some treats or squeaky toys instead.. *grin*

Boo had a durian feast at 2 days ago and last night something exciting happened... Dad's brother (Uncle Dennis) brought over 2 H.U.G.E sacks of the fruit!! I think durians are in season now. Grandmama counted over 40 of those thorny devils in the 2 sacks. Durians, quoting Boo, is the 'most smelly fruit in the world' and people either love it or hate it, there's definitely no grey area. In the family, EVERYONE loves it except The Maid and she totally loaths it and sufffers everytime we eat durian at home. At one stage, she looked like she was turning green from the lack of oxygen! For those of you who have not had the chance to smell it before, it is very pungent and the smell lingers even long after the fruit is in your stomach, so I'll leave it up to your imagination on the overpowering smell of 40 durians. We invited people over and had a durian feast of our own... mom was too busy eating and feeding me that she forgot to take pictures (thank goodness for that!!).
What a coincidence! I spent the day hanging around in my bathrobe too and posted photos!
Great minds think a like.
I do like baths as long as they include candlelight and caviar.
it might not be your dweam pwesent, but you suwe look luxuwious in a big mogul or sumpin, stwutting awound in your wobe bawking owders to your undewlings heheheheh
I've never seen or smelled or even heawd of duwians..glad you enjoyed them though
smoochie kisses
pee ess. why not give the maid the night off while you feast on them
Well it sure LOOKS cool on you Huskee Boy, so I say wear the robe and hang the bath.
well huskee, you could treat it as a boxing robe u know, those boxer likes wearing this robe before a match rite? you look... ROCKING!
everydog that don't know durian keep asking how smelly it could be. i wish i could tell them the smell but just couldn't!
wet wet licks
Huskee, its true that we dont like baths but ahem, u look pretty sexy in the bath robe *blush*
wow!!! 40!!! can i camp over? :p or maybe your Maid can camp over at my place i luff luff luff her :p
ooooh i like baths. hee the bathrobe is so cute. it covers your eyes! at least it doesn't have a girlie picture of a rubber duckie on it or something :p
Oh Huskee, that bathrobe make your bum bum look bigger. wahahahaha...
Ok, sorry for that but still I think its a big bum bum. hehehe
40 durian?? Im sure mom is gonna die if she at your place your maid...dying of lacking oxygen.
mom keeps wanting to get us bathrobes and fortunately dad says NO
Aw, you do look very cute in your snuggle bathrobe.
I wonder how hungry the very first person to try to eat stinky prickly fruit m,ust have been?!
Oscar x
that bathie robes is very kewl...
who's cesar??! that's the name at the back...
does it mean you had a bath?
Durian? mommy says it takes like corn beef and she likes it.. daddy always laughs at her for saying that...
I would have been disappointed in a bathrobe too Huskee! Toys and treats are much more appropriate gifts unless the giver REALLY knows us very well!
So Durian smells like corned beef Oscar's mom says? I might like this!
Love ya lots,
I'm not sure I like the sound of that fruit.
Simba x
Hey Huskee,
That hoodie robe looks great on you. So rapper dude I tell ya. the girls will be rocking it big time. hoomans don't eat durians too and they say NO WAY! Mom says...she can understand what your maid has to deal with when hoomans around pig out nonstop on durians.
Huskee Boy - that is the coolest looking bathrobe - you are vewy lucky winner.
The Durian feast sounds fun & you liek it too??
Shucks - couldn't you have won a year supply of bones or cheese?
Crazy contest but nevertheless you look smashing in your robe!
We want to know what is underneath!
Hi, Huskee.
I like how you look with that bathrobe. So bad you don't like baths. Maybe you should take Boo's idea. Be a boxer!!
I am still clueless about durian fruit!
Have a nice day
Hahaha! My Mom's been looking for those things here and can't find them anywhere.
We have guavas which get pretty stinky!
Bussie Kissies
Huskee, you look cute in that hoodie robe... I wish they come in my size..
Eil dont like durians too
~ girl girl
That durian looks scary. I don't know how you can even cut into it without running and hiding.
wow..i never even heard of that kind of looks really funny though...and if it is stinky i will probably like it...but i doubt it...i dont like fruit or vegetables...ewewwwwy
Woohoo! I lurve durians season! My neighbourhood even organised a durian fair! Kor said he has been to hell everytime he passed by. Hahaha!
You look simply mahhhvelous in your new bathrobe, dahling! (That's from my girl - I don't talk like that).
About the durian. My girl used to work in Asia and she's with the maid! She thinks durian smells like dirty feet and tastes even worse. Glad you and your family like it though. Less for her to have to eat!
Have yourself a good weekend, buddy!
Goober love,
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