I got tagged by Fei to do an entry on the 2-legged folks at home whom I call ‘Family’. After a futile attempt to ask my dad some questions (please see conversation below), I decided to depend on my mom instead and in exchange, I promised her not to dish out too much 'dirt'.
Huskee Boy (HB): Dad, do you have a minute? I need to have a father and son chat with you please…
Dad (D): Mmmmm…
HB: Hello Dad??! I said I want to have a father and son chat with you.. like NOW...
D: (grunts some inaudible reply)
HB: Daaad!!! I said I am growing another head and 3 more tails!!
D: Mmmmm…. (and more inaudible mumblings)
HB: Grrrr…..
* Note from HB to Mom – Now I really understand your frustrations…
Huskee Boy (HB): Dad, do you have a minute? I need to have a father and son chat with you please…
Dad (D): Mmmmm…
HB: Hello Dad??! I said I want to have a father and son chat with you.. like NOW...
D: (grunts some inaudible reply)
HB: Daaad!!! I said I am growing another head and 3 more tails!!
D: Mmmmm…. (and more inaudible mumblings)
HB: Grrrr…..
* Note from HB to Mom – Now I really understand your frustrations…
So here's what I managed to find out from our mother and son talk: -
Dad is a senior software engineer working in the IT/ banking industry and he enjoys most PlayStation games especially the tennis and car racing ones, washing the HuskeeMOBILE, stepping on my tail/ paw, kicking me off the bed in the middle of the night, channel surfing when mom’s watching her favorite show (mom made me write this)…
Mom is a regional business manager who works in a travel management company that deals with corporate clients. In her spare time, she likes to go shopping, do some reading, more shopping, making costume jewellery, shopping and more shopping (dad made me write this)...
My Paw-rents when they were holidaying in Hong Kong last Dec
My paw-rents met sometime in Feb 1998 when they were both living in the same hostel in Melbourne when they were there for their studies (they were next door neighbors). They started dating not long after that and tied the knot last year on 29 Sep. Dad got me as a gift for mom on 21Oct 1999 and at that time, she was terrified of anything furry and four-legged (yah, she didn’t know what she was missing then!!)
Last but not least, there’s grandpapa and grandmama with whom I live with on weekdays (I have separation anxiety, remember?) when mom and dad are working for treat and toy money. Grandpapa retired many years back so he gets to spend the most time with me when everyone is out. I love to sleep on his tummy during our afternoon naps! Grandmama is the one who brushes my fur and coaxes me to eat my medicine when I had my itchy-scratchy problem a few weeks back.
So that's about all the dirt that I can share with you about my Family without risking being disowned by them.
Hey Huskee Boy,
I met your maid, and pawrents before. However, I have yet to meet YOU!
So when can I meet you?
huskee, your pawrents are a matching pair. unlike my dad who has a pizza face. (oops! chiyo said no more calling dad pizza face coz i have a pie face. :()
huskee, at least your dad don't say "whatever" just "mmm..."
wet wet licks
Cool family reveals there. Hehe. I can see your mom do lurve shopping very much eh? Hee.
What a nice idea. I should write about my paw-rents too but, I am much more interesting compare to them
Hi Huskee Boy. You were a gift to your Mom, that's very special.
We wish we had a maid. How can we get one too?
Love, Seadra and Zoe
You sure are spoiled Huskee! Lucky.
Hey Huskee ~
Wow, your parents look very friendly and nice. :)Your Maid also very dedicated to your needs. I wonder where can I find a maid like yours. Which agency? Can recommend?
I love the picture of your parents! What a nice looking couple! How come your mom isn't wearing any of her own designed jewelry?
Love ya lots,
Hi, Huskee.
Your mom is pretty and your dad is handsome!!
Thanks for sharing them with us!!
Like you I stay with my grandparents during the day.
I hope your Maid finds a good job!
Have a nice day
Wow Huskee you have a very big and loving family and so lucky to spend time with all of them.
I agree with the others I want a Maid too - someone to pamper me and entertain me when mama is working.
Huskee. everyone in your family are so cute & nice. You sure are lucky to have so many hoomans to love you
~ girl girl
Ooh, you've got a Grandma Daycare just like I do!! I was wondering why you had a Maid...now I understand. I thought maybe you were EXTRA messy so your mom had to hire someone just to clean up after you (hee hee!)
I understand the separation anxiety. I have it too. Being alone just isn't natural for cute furries like us.
huskee, i forgot to ask, how you managed to get through the days when you were in aust??
wet wet licks
Wow Huskeee. Your mum and dad are a good looking couple!
Your maid and mummy look alike too!
What a great gift you were to your mum.
Thank you for sharing
I met your maid before and have yet to meet you too!
Your parents have a really nice story. Mummy's friend recently got married to her hostel neighbour. So now she is married to Hongkong!
I hope your maid find a job soon, but does that mean she will have less time with you?
Hey Huskee Boy...
That's great info on your family. I can't believe your Dad ignored you on the interview AND kicks you off the bed...I think you should pee on his playstation??? OK, just kidding that wouldn't be nice!
When your Mom does all her shopping...is she buying you things? That the only reason I let my Mom go shopping...hee, hee, hee!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Thanks for sharing that Ogre-Kee... I enjoyed reading it! So, that's your Maid. That's why I was wondering how come you have a maid taht's sooo close to you & buys you lots of stuff overseas. Now, I know who she is & I know why she adores you a lot! Heheheh...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Ah hah, finally I get to see who the "maid" is!! Does your Aunt know that you refer to her as the "maid"? Cuz she may start asking you for a salary soon...
Your mom and dad sound like nice people and I sure do wish I had a maid!
You are very lucky.. You got so many hoomans to dote on you. You think iif i marry you, then i become your family and they will dote on me too?
ooooh your parents met in college! that is so sweet! :) hee hee.. can't wait to meet you, your mom and your Maid. i know you don't like other pups much, i don't either, maybe we'll click :p
I think your pawrents and maid are really nice!
it's not too obvious your mum luvs shopping ei?
Mommy loves shopping too (don't let her know I said so)
Dear Huskee Boy
It's lovely to see photos of your mum and dad and your maid. I think my mum enjoyed them more than me.
It's great they all love you so much.
Love from Hammer
Wow that was real great.
Our Mom enjoyed it - nice to find out about your pawrents (heehee).
We want a maid too!
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