Here's where I went during my walk today... The Maid told me that this path will lead me to Girl Girl!! But well, mom said that it is not polite to visit other people empty-handed and since I did not have anything to give to her today, I decided to visit her some other day with a bottle of wine and a cheesecake.

* slurp slrp slurp*
*Look of Satisfaction *
Happy weekend to everypup and Girl Girl!
Hey Huskee,
That's a huge waterbowl! Careful you don't fall into it. I think Girl Girl can go swimming in it. hehee
Have a good weekend too! I realised we can meet soon!!
You're making me thirsty! That water looks so refreshing!
Love ya lots,
Ah, nothing like a refreshing bowl of water after a lovely walkie!
Oscar x
Oooooo, cool & refreshing water after a looong walk! It's better when there's ice cubes in it.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
huskee, wah, your water bowl SOOOOOOOOOO BIG! i only have the smaller ones from ikea. :(
wet wet licks
Huskee Boy....You look so happy to have that great big bowl of cool refreshing water.
Enjoy your weekend too.
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Have a great weekend Huskee...looks like you enjoyed your walkie!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
have a nice weekend too, huskee!
Mummy says you can come here anytime with wine and cheese cake. Now would be good.
Simba xx
Boy you and GG are so lucky to be so close to each other! I wish I could just walk up to your door like that and do a Arrrrrrrrroooooo! Can Huskee come out and play with Perfect Meeeeeeeee??? And your water bowl is just perfect for me.
Huskee, please stop by my blog tomorrow during my blogathon so I stay awake. Help me name the new kitty. And I am going to have an open Ask Tosca column.
Hey Huskee
We noticed that you have a red harness with a matching red leash and your bowl is red too. Is your favourite colour red?
Btw, do you notice that Boy is just 5 days older than you. You will be turning 8 too this year, rite?
Boy n Baby
That looks like good water. Have a good weekend!
Hi, Huskee.
Maybe soon you can go to visit Girl Girl.
I know how thristy we can be after a long walkie. Your water bowl is very tempting.
Have a nice weekend
You look very satisfied after your nice walk and nice cool drink
I think Girl girl will like cheesecake!
too bad you didn't get to see girl girl but walks are always great fun!
nose licks
Did you stop off for a game of tennis on your walk?
Tail wags
wow huskee boy..your mommy took you all the way to girl girl but didnt let you that isnt nice...oh wel ihope you see her soon.
Hi Huskee!
Lovely to meet you, thank you for visitin my Blog
love and Scottish Licks Marvin xxxx
ps I have linked with you if that is ok??
You look so adorable with your waterbowl.
you can come visit me with some cheese anytime you want!!!
That's a nice refreshing bowl of water
~ girl girl
it seems like u had a satisfying walk....
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