The car dealer came to collect the car on Monday and the photos were taken to the day before it was taken away. Ma told me that they won't be able take me out for a while until the new car arrives... sigh sigh... (Oh and in case anyone read my earlier post on the 'battle' between pa and ma on which car to buy, the result is out.. Pa won!!)

Huskee, you look so happy in the car. And it's so nice of you to check that everyone is belted up.
Aw, I feel sad that your mum lose the battle. But great that you're getting a new car. :)
~ fufu
Huskee - I like your smile. You always look so happy!
Huskee, you look like a natural behind the wheel!~ As for your Pa winning the battle, oh well, at least you get to sit in a new car soon!~ (By the way...My mommy always wins the battles). Well, I guess its cuz Daddy always lets her win.
hey huskee,
glad you like my portrait and make sure to show us yours if you ever order one!
no more car rides until the new car arrive? i hope you still get to go to the park for a walk though.
wet wet licks
Hi Fu Fu,
I can't wait for the new car to come so that they can take me out again!!
Hey T-Man,
Thanks! I am always happy when they bring me out..
Hello Toby!
Maybe next time we can be a tag team.. I handle the steering wheel and you handle the pedals?!
Hi Boo,
Sure I'd share my portrait with you if I get mine done.. I am quite excited by the thought of it!!
Huskee - You look so good behind the wheels but not sure if I want to sit in the car you're driving coz you can't even see out.
Who cares right? We are all being chauffered. LUCKY US (no wonder they call us GOD spell backwards) ohhhh and welcome to the AUDI family
Woo hoo guy cars rule!
Bussie Kissies
Huskee, you are such a handsome doggie ! I love your new short coat !
wow you guys drive on the right?? Hey Huskee, you should come pick me up for a spin!! Again, we'll worry about #1-#4 when we get around to it.
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Can you really drive a car? Will they let you drive the new one?
Simba xx
I hope they get another car that matches your cuteness as well as that one! You are very cute in that car!
Wow! New car! You gotta work hard to imprint your scent on every corner of the new car!
Hi Huskee, you looked so happy driving the car! :)
J's dad is getting a new car too. YIPPIE!
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