
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ooopsy-daisy... I am in trouble again. This time, I was caught red-handed (pawed??) while I was happily chewing on mom's hairband at 3am. Mom is a pretty light sleeper and she woke up one morning to the sounds of my teefies gnawing on something. It is her one and only hairband, so she wasn't amused at all. I got a big scolding and got sent back to 'jail' for the rest of the night.

I was hoping that she'd forget about the episode the next morning. Unfortunately for me, she didn't cos she remembered what happened when she was looking for her hairband. This is what she did to me... (actually I think I look quite fetching with the hairband, don't you think?) ** Insert gagging sound from Huskee **.

At least now I know what to buy for mom for Christmas...

Lucky thing for me, although mom was real mad, she still made some chicken and pork pies for us (all the chicken is for me 'cos Huskee is allergic to chicken). They were topped with loads of cheese and smelled delicious. Mom actually baked extras for her colleagues' doggies, but we wolfed it down so fast she decided to give them all to us and make a new batch next weekend for her colleagues' doggies.

Huskee: Mom reckons she can write a book based on all of Hershey's 'Crime Scenes'... we are now at Crime Scene #8.... and counting.


Lacy said...

w00f's Huskee and Hershey, wow hershey u iz just a wild child..heehee good thing huskee iz a good boy, santa will come c him..

b safe,

Bee Bee said...


Haha! That hairband matches your coat very well heehee!

Yes I agree with Lacy, thank God that Huskee is much more sensible else it'll be headache.... Maybe when you get married you will be mature like Huskee ;)

Bee Bee

The Musketeers said...

Oh man ! Hershey ! You are so busted again ! Wait till Newreporter Aki come interview you again ! :DD

Aki and Poopie said...

wow.. it is such a treat to be with pawrents who can cook. my guardians (manang, at least) does not know how to cook.. and so i have to contend with gourmet food and the occasional tuna and cheese dindin...

as for your crime, we think its an improvement. at least, the cost is not that much.. unless, that is one pricey headband.. uh-oh..

Gee Huskee.. Hershey is getting bigger. I wonder how you'd look like sitting beside each other..

drooly kisses,


Aki and Poopie said...

and oh.. the next time we will interview Hershey, it will be with the aid of a lie detector.. BOL.

drooly kisses,


Katie and Gizmo said...

Oh Dear, Maybe you should put Hershey outside away from your furniture?

How old is he now anyway? He should of grown out of that by now.
Maybe he belongs on a farm where he can chase & bite sheep all day long.

I sure do feel for you

BrandytheGreat said...

Wow. That looks yummy. Huskee is allergic to chicken??

Raising Addie said...

Oh no Hershey! You just can't keep chewing stuff or you will never get out of jail!

But that was some yummy looking treats that you guys got!
Wish I could taste them.


Amber-Mae said...

Oh Hershey! You are gonna be one roasted Border Collie very soon. I think it's kool to start out a book based on your crime scenes. I would buy it!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

But when woo are that stinkin' khute, woo khan get away with it!

Good work!


Urban Smoothie Read said...

u are definately lucky to have got those yummy after what u did to her poor hairband

Duke said...

Oh no! Not another crime! At the rate you're going, you'll never be free from jail!
Those pork and chicken pies look delicious! We hope your mom forgives you and you get one, Hershey!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Peanut said...

hahahaha Hershey you are quite the gal. Hey can your mom give out the recipe to those pies? they look yummy.

Toby said...

Huskee, I love your crime stories! I don't understand why your mom is not amused?


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

See Mom still loves you. She makes you awesome stuff.
Mom Hershey just wanted you all to know what to get you for xmas...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Lady Kaos said...

Holy Cow Hurshey! It's like 9 days til Christmas and Santa is watching!!
Those pie things look very yummy!

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

Oh dear, not again Hershey..BOL

Oh well, at least your mum wasn't that annoyed if she baked you tasty treats. hehe

Holly & Zac

Chow Chow said...

BOL! Hershey, that's the thing with humans. They say they are mad at you for one moment and the next they will cook you something yummy to eat!

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

I see that every time Hershey committed a crime, there was a reward followed!
See that, murder a hairband then got a chicken pie for prize.
Muahhh, naughty girl!

Lorenza said...

Hershey, Hershey!
# 8?? Hmmmm... and I am sure many more to come!
Those pies look delicious!
Glad you two got them all!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Jans Funny Farm said...

Only 8 crime scenes? Hey, he's being a GOOD boy, mom!

But, Hershey, we suggest you cool it on eating mom's things.

Deefor said...

Hi Huskee and Hershey
Hershey you are a lot like Arrow. It reminds my mom of all his crime scenes and how nice our little house was before he started eating it... Those pies look yummy. And I liked reading about ChowChow.


i said...

The hairband does look good on you, Hershey ;-)

Oh wow, that looks really yummy! Gee...mine never bake me anything. Sigh...

I have an award for you.

Cocoa the Beagle said...

Oppsy Hershey!

That hairband really matches your color! Don't worry Hershey, I'm sure your mum will forgive your puppy musings. Look at those yummy pies!! Ohhh...!!

Cocoa and Barley

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Wow, those meat pies look yummylicious! Look at all the yummy cheese!!! *wipes drool off keyboard*

Crime Scene book eh? Probably it should have the title 'Crimes of Hershey the Ripper'...heh!


Chow Chow said...

Oh yes, let's exchange treats someday! My mummy is no domestic goddess but I guess if I like those treats made by her, you would too!

Cassidy said...

I have stolen a few of daddy's daughter's hair bands too Hershey, whoops!

Those pies look yummy!

Cassidy x

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hi Huskee and bad girl Hershey,

Them little chicken & pork pies look so tasty. The Mommy said she wouldn't mind having one for herself. Your Mom will have to share the recipe. But what did Huskee eat? The Mommy makes a hamburger meatloaf with mashed tatter icing for me and my friends. She would make one just for Huskee if he was here.

I've never had a chow chow friend before. I'll go over tonight and introduce myself. I hope he will want to be my friend, maybe you can put a good word in for me.

Thanks so much for the award.

Love ... Mona & the Mommy too!!

Stanley said...

Hey, Double H!

Hershey Girl, you look drunk in that photo where you're wearing the deformed headband, but it DOES look good on you. Black & white are definitely two of your colors.

Huskee Boy, I think YOU should write the true crime book on Hershey's exploits. You know, gnawing on furniture and fashion accessories is a gateway crime to ripping up couches and chairs. I'm just saying...

Goober love,

Pee Ess
Big goob smooch for my Moosie Girl!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Oh Hershey! Bear says you must be more discreet about your crimes! If you wear the item on which the crime was a part of then you can't get away with stuff. Just what Bear says.

Asta said...

TskTsk Hershey
(you do look fwtching in that's the pawfect colow fow you, hehehe), but you shouldn't destwoy youw Momi's things..that's not don't want to make hew sad.
I hope you get hew an even mowe bootiful one.

We only window shop these days , but even that's fun
smoochie kisses

Joe Stains said...

omdog, hershey you are NOT being a very good doggy! You are going to end up in jail forever if you don't watch it!

L said...

We think the hair band looks fetching on Hershey.

We're drooling over those treats!