Not sure if any of you can still remember... I have previously blogged about the new apartment that papa and mama bought over 3 years ago. After a loooong wait, it is FINALLY ready and they collected the keys last week! It's sure been a real long wait but everyone is so excited, especially papa and mama because this is their very first official real home.
When it was still under construction:

The new place is about 15 to 20minutes walk away from my grand-pawrent's place so all of us (me included) took a leisurely stroll there on Saturday.
Me checking out the surroundings...
Ok the coast is clear... C'mon guys, follow me
View from the living room window...
Smiling happily for the camera
Huskee: Ok mom.. enough already???!! I need to check my peemails..
Hi, Huskee!
Finally! When are you going to be moving?? I hope soon!
Do you like your new house??
Kisses and hugs
huskee, you have very long neck... are you sure you are not dinosaur or maybe giraffe?
wet wet licks
are you gg to have your own pawsonal room? that will be so cool!
Boy n Baby
Oh your new house look pawsome. Have you picked which room you're gonna stay in?
~ Girl girl
Humans just don't know when to stop do they?! You'll be able to keep an eye out for cats from up there.
Simba xx
We think it's so cool that you live that close to your grandparents! Lucky you, Huskee!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Oh Huskee, that seem to be a great place. So which one is you & baby room??
Hey Oppa,
Your new home is lovely!! I can imagine how exciting it's going to be for your parents to make it their love nest. hehe...
Are you going to have a house pawty? :)
What a beautiful doggie!
Hey I found my missing hamster ~ wahey!!
hi huskee..
new house'?? grate the windows to the salon ein..
this view.. ufff..
you don´t need the balcony
What a great place! It's got such a great view! I'm sure your Mom & Dad are relieved it's finally finished.
Wow! It took a long time for it to be finished! Are you all moved in yet?
How are use and Baby going to decorate use new room? Colonial, Modern, Funky or is that a secret?
Looks lovely and I know use and your pawrents will be sooo happy living so near your grandpawrents.
how exciting, congrats on your first real home!!!
Oh wow, that's great to know! The new apartment is really nice...So when will you be moving in?
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Woh, how's your new house like?? Do you have a room??
Finally your moving to your new place.
Love the open windows!
Wow what a view!! It must be so exciting have a new place to explore.
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it must be wonderful to be bale to have a brand new home - it looks great.
When do you move in?
Wow that is beautiful and look at all the grass for you to pee on!
Yes tell us when you move!
What a great view, Huskee! That will be nice to have your own home, but still be close to your grandpawrents!
Poppy & Penny
Hey Huskee, that looks pawsome! Have you chosen your bedroom yet? J x
Wow, a new home! That's gonna be exciting! When are you moving in?
Great pictures, I like the view from the living room! I bet you're gonna love the new place!
I hope you got to check all your peemail.
So when do you all get to move in? Soon I hope. It looks lovely, very fancy.
Cassidy x
Oh how exciting. Glad it's done. that is a nice view you have.
That's a great view in your new home, Huskee!! You'll be able to do lots of people & dog watching from there. I bet you're excited to finally be able to move in :)
woofies and burfs huskee, dat new place lookies sooo pawsome...luv dose windows, u can seed ever dog or cat.
b safe,
pps haff a pawsome weekend....
Congwatulations on youw bootiful new home!!! I love the view....and you ook gweat wif youw new spwing haiwcut
smoochie kisses
wow!.. huskee.. ur new house looks great!.. especially when u have such a huge window glass where u can view outside.. lucky u..
Huskee Boy!
I see you have your springtime haircut. It looks fabulous!
That view from your new home is amazing! When do you guys move in? (Did you pee at the front door to let the neighborhood pups know that it is YOUR house?)
Goober love,
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