Just the other week I read Angel Herbie's post about a scam email which he received when he was in Heaven. Then this morning when I was checking my email, I received an email from a 'John Alison' (see below):
If I did my sums correctly, I'd stand to get 6,000,000, which is 30% of 20million bucks, if I provide him with my mailing address, phone number and fax number. I noticed that 'Mr John Alison' did not indicate the currency of the said amount though.
I just wonder how 'Mr Alison' will react if he finds out that he emailed an 8 year old Maltese X Shih Tzu. Do you think he'd still be interested to go into this 'partnership' with me? *snigger*
To be honest, who cares about being a 'millionaire' if you have got friends like mine... My superhero friend Tanner, the not-so-doofus lil' brother of the mighty Joe Stains, became my hero overnight after he delivered my request of 3495987 Chicken McNuggets right to my doorstep!!

Tanner the Super-Pup in action!!
P/S: (Message to Tanner) - Umm Tanner, I hope you have found a way to pay for all those food. Otherwise, if you can use your charm and convince the good people over at McDonald's to grant you deferred payment, I promise I will help you out on it once 'Mr John Alison' pays me my 6million bucks...
Haa.. You can buy everyone McD treats if you get the millions
~ Girl girl
Ha! You played with those scams too. I actually played with them too & they replied! Heehee! With that money, you can buy the whole McDonalds restaurant all to yourself & even hire those people too cook McNuggets for you everyday!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Huskee, you are going to be a millionaire soon. My sister is so lucky.
Huskee Boy,
You are going to be rich soon! I hope you get the money soon.
I got my delivery from Super Tanner too. I hope he will go another round of delivery soon.
I definitely think you need to tell Mr. John Alison that he's making an offer to a DOG! Some hoomans are HUGE GOOBERS!
Goober love & smooches to you and Moosie & Baby,
Don't listen to those scams. If it were real we would all be millionaires!
Will you hide all of your money in your mattress, Huskee? Imagine how high your bed will be?!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Ben the Rotti has been getting similar emails. Think of all the money us dogs could have if those weren't scams!
You must really like chicken mcnuggets to order that many!
My human got that same e-mail! Does that mean she's gonna get 6 million bucks too?! She'd better share it with me.
Joe said that Tanner's gonna post about how he earned the money to buy the McDonalds food tomorrow. I can't wait to find out.
tune in tomorrow and you will see where that money came from to pay for those nuggets. I think Mr John Alison is a doofus!
huskee, please share the prize with me will ya? you can forget about baby... she's not worth it!
*whispering to baby: i'll share my share with you instead*
wet wet licks
I love that photo of you among the McNuggets!! I can't stop staring at it....droooool....
Just dropping by everyones blogs to say Hi.
Simba xx
did you get sick after you ate all those?
Hey Huskee, I don't like scams, they cheat peoples's money. Yumyum, lucky you!!
We certainly hope we get an email too - so we can fly you in some nuggets cause we can't do any superhero stuff.
who cares about money when all we wanted are good food
Hi, Huskee!
I get at least 10 of those emails everyday!
Like you, I don't need money. Just love and great friends like you!
Kisses and hugs
We get those stoopid emails all the time. Sad thing is no doubt some people do fall for them and lose money.
Gosh, look at all those nugget, yum!
Toodle pip
Harry x
Do you know what your wife has been up to? oooohhhh
I hope Mr.Allison sends you that money soon..what a nincompoop he is..how stoopid does he think doggies awe..we don't fall fow stuff like that..you'we wight, wif fwiends like SuperTanner who needs money
love and smoochie kisses
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