The most devastating thing happened 2 nights ago... Mom got an sms from my future-mom-in-law saying that by beautiful wife-to-be, Baby, has slipped out of the house unnoticed at around 6pm Singapore time on 10 February and hasn't been home since!!
While this isn't the first time that Baby has sneaked out for a walk on her own, it's the first time that she's out for so long. In the past, she'd find her own way home after a couple of hours. Hence we believe that she's at someone's home. Hopefully whoever who is keeping her now will see the posters that Baby's family have put up around their estate and return her home to her family (and me!!).
If anyone has seen this pretty face, please contact me immediately at

My sweet Baby Munchkins, please come home soon... we are all worried sick about you.
Meanwhile, I'm sad to advise that my wedding with Baby on 14 February will be postponed till my bride is found... please pray for her safe return.
Huskee, we heard the terrible news about Baby and are praying for her safe homecoming. You must be heartbroken. We wish we could help.
T-man & family
Oppa, I am terribly upset to hear about Onni. I hope whoever is taking care of her returns her to her pawrents (and you) soon.
Dear Huskee
We just checked your blog to send our photo to you for your wedding and we're horrified to hear this terrible news. We didn't know Baby had gone missing. This is terrible. Mum is going to help me put a post on my blog right now to alert everyone. Have there been any sightings of Baby ? We will all be praying very hard that Baby is safely back home very, very soon. Have you alerted the DWB News ?
Love from Hammer and his mum
we are all hoping she returns home very very soon.
We heard that and we have all paws and human fingers crossed in this house that baby will be found soon soon soon.
yeah, i just got to know about the news y'day. it was certainly a shock and surprise news for me. i hope baby will return safely in time for your wedding.
wet wet licks
Told ya baby doesnt want to marry you, you better tell the whole world that u gonna cancel the wedding then baby will coming back.
Okok, Im bad. We are worried sick bout baby too & hopefully she will be back home today.
We share your pain.
Do contact SPCA if you haven't.
Another avenue is to post of STOMP here :
Runaway Bride?
How could it be? IMPOSSIBLE!!!
Please let us know if we can extend any assistance to you to help find back your bride-2-be.
Till then, we pray for both.
Rudolf & Goofy
Really sad to get the sms from Baby's mom. I hope Baby will get back home soon
~ Girl girl
Huskee, we're devastated to hear that she's missing too! I'm praying very hard that she comes home safely very soon.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
We are so upset. We can't imagine what Baby's family must be going through. We pray whoever has found her will see the posters and get her home quickly.
Toodle pip
Harry x
Dear Huskee Boy
Any news ????? Blogger is playing up again tonite and we can't access Boy n Baby's blog. We are so worried.
Love from Hammer and his mum
We can't believe this has happened! Our paws are crossed that Baby is found soon, Huskee! You must be beside yourself with worry!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
we are so sorry to hear about the runaway bride....
we hope she will find her way home b4 the valentine...
We're so worried about Baby! We're crossing all of our paws for her safe return.
Huskee, I am sure we will find her soon. We are hoping and praying.
Your friend, Lenny
Huskee, I'm crossing all my paws for Baby's safe return. J x
Huskee Boy
I am so sorry to hear about Baby, my wheels are crossed and Nanny's fingers and toes are crossed too.
We are praying she is found and returned home very soon.
Opal & Nanny
I have been pwaying evew since I heawd..I'm so vewy can't imagine...why awen't they wetuwning hew if they know she's soeone else's..howwible hoomans
smoochie kisses with cwossed paws
Hi Huskee Boy
We posted a topic about Baby on the Doggiesite Forum which is based in Singapore. I mentioned the email address on your post as well as Baby's dog blog address.
Boo Boo's mum posted a topic on this Forum about Beau.
Love from Hammer and his mum
Hi Huskee Boy
Mum hopes she was right with Baby's breed. From memory she thought Baby was a Shihtzu X. If this is not right, can you please let us know and mum will correct the post on the Doggiesite Forum.
Love from Hammer and his mum
My dear Huskee!
I have my paws crossed (my mom too!) for Baby's soon return to her family!
Kisses and hugs
Huskee i miss Baby so much :( i really hope she finds her way back home, or over to your place. i hope it's just cold feet before a wedding.
Huskee Boy!
I just found out about Baby, and I'm crossing paws and praying she is home soon so we can all celebrate your wedding and her return together!!
I'm sending you extra goober love to get you through all of this, buddy.
Goob love,
We have passed on the Valentine's tag to you.
Please visit our blog.
we prayd my friend....
is so sad this situations...
Oh no this is horrible - i hope you guys get posters and stuff up - we hope Baby makes it home soon - we are soo sorry to hear this.
We know Baby will be back soon but we will pray regardless to get her home sooner!
Oh no this is horrible - i hope you guys get posters and stuff up - we hope Baby makes it home soon - we are soo sorry to hear this.
We know Baby will be back soon but we will pray regardless to get her home sooner!
This is just terrible news! We're praying for Baby.
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