If you are coming to our wedding pawty, please don't forget to send your pictures to huskeeandbaby@gmail.com.
The theme of the pawty is 'Once upon a time' and you can come dressed in any fairy-tale character.... HOWEVER if you decide not to dress up, it is totally fine 'cos it is your presence that we want most!

We are definitely coming to your wedding, not sure we'll be persuaded to dress up though, even for you and Baby!
Toodle pip
Harry x
Oh I will make mom send you a picture of us. We aren't dressing up as you know.
Hi, Huskee!
Can I go with a causal dress?? I don't have a fair-tale one and my mom is not skilled enough to make one for me!!
Kisses and hugs
we are anticipating for the day to arrive...
can't wait!
Oh, I will not miss it! I already found an evening gown to wear to your pawty but it's not mine. It's my mommy's. She allows me to wear it for the night but I must promise not to mess it up by pooing or peeing on it & I must not shred it up or else, I will get it. She said, don't think about coming home if it is destroyed! *gulp*
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
I think you have our photo already! We're ready to fly! yahooooooo!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Youw Baby is missing..I'm so vewy upset..I'm pwaying and cwossing my paws fow hew safe wetuwn
smoochie kisses
I'm so totally coming to your wedding, Huskee! Unfortunately I don't have time to find something to wear, so I'll have to come as I am.
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