New Friend
After the sombre post yesterday, I am back to my usual, happy-go-lucky self... (well, not that I think I will be granted eternal life, but what I'll do is to treasure each day with my family!!)

Anyway, mama told me about a friend that I never knew about.... When she was still in Australia, she had a friend (Auntie A) who had a female Cocker Spaniel called Chestnut aka Nut Nut.. I never got to meet Nut Nut because Auntie A brought her back to Singapore by the time mama got me. Mama spoke with Auntie A last night and there are plans to let us meet up!! Here's the pic. of my new friend..
Wow, she's beautiful. Huskee, you must be really excited to meet Chestnut, yah?
Hey, J also spent sometime in Australia about 6-7 years back.
I did not go with her though :(
Had to stay behind with the rest of the family. I reckon one person missing me is better than 4.. hiak hiak hiak
Do you still want the female maltese?
Hi Jay,
Mama was there (Melbourne) from 1998 to 2001 and Papa was there from 1997 to 2002.. Which part was J in?? 6-7 years ago?? Wow, that's about th Same time leh.. small world huh!!
Hi Scubs,
OF COURSE I STILL WANT MY FEMALE MALTESE!! Where is she?? Godma, I want my girlfriend...
Huskee, Your friend so cute.
So nice you meeting up with friends.
*By the way, is that really you in the washing machine in scuba's blog?*
~ fufu
Hi Fu Fu,
Heheh.. that's me without doubt! My mama is always trying to make me do funny things or do funny things to me. So far I have been placed in a fridge, a freezer, washing machine.. last I heard was they were contemplating the microwave.. *roll eyes*
She is adorable and so are you! I love your name "Huskee". I wonder what husky people do when they hear your mama call your name while you are playing with their huskies...hehe
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Hello Miss Sunshade,
Yes my name is a cause for confusion isn't it!! I have a real Husky friend called Rafv and things do get interesting when we met up previously!
The reason I was named 'Huskee' was because I looked like a Husky when I was a pup.. the colors and markings.. but well, as I got older.. hmm...
Oh what a face on her!
And juust watch out your Mom doesn't pose you in the toilet!\
Bussie Kissies
Hi Huskee, J was in Brisbane. Yeah, it's such a small world!
Hi Huskee,
Your friend has a beautiful hairdo. I'm in the fashion industry, so notice those things. (I like your hairdo also!!) My mom tells me how special I am to her too. She says we will ALWAYS be together, no matter what. I believe it too :)
Hey Huskee Boy, Husky or not, I think you are very cute as it is! I love your colouring of your face and ears!!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Hey, Huskee Boy - NutNut looks smart, make sure you dress up when you meet!
Kevin the Collie
Hey Huskee,
Please let us all know how your meeting goes with Chestnut - you make a good looking couple :-)
Wahh! She is so pretty. Her confused face is so cute...
Hi Huskee! You have been tagged! Check out my blog for more information. Good Luck!
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