
Monday, May 11, 2009

Just in case you can't recognise me in my new 'girly' haircut, yes, it's me alright...
Black black nose - Check
Crooked teefies - Check

** Pssst.. of you think that my haircut is bad, just wait till I get a pic of mom, aka Dora the Explorer's new do... LOL!!

Well, I hope all mommies had a wonderful Mother's Day on Sunday!! We all know that mommies (ok and daddies too) do a lot for us and shower us with their unconditional love and care.

It was a day that brought back a lot of memories for our mommy because last Mother's Day, she celebrated it with little Angel Lucas growing inside her belly and she was actually looking forward to this year's Mother's Day when she'd be holding him in her arms. Unfortunately, things did not work out as planned and she celebrated this Mother's Day without any baby in her arms (though she had a little angel looking down at her from Heaven).

Yesterday, she was at a supermarket buying the ingredients to make food for Hershey and I, and at the cashier checkout area, there were some people giving out carnations, I guess they were meant for 'mothers'. Anyway someone handed mom a carnation and she hesitated to take it because technically speaking, she isn't a 'mother'. But after a slight pause, she took the flower because she was thinking that even though she didn't have a physical baby that other people can see/ touch/ play with, she knows that she is a mom because deep in her heart she knows she has a little angel baby.

Next month marks the first anniversary of the day we lost Angel Lucas... It's not that we have ever forgotten him throughout the past 1 year, rather, we have kept him in deep within our hearts, and as we near the anniversary, all the pain, heartache, anger and sense of loss is flooding back. **warning: I foresee that next month my blog entries are going to be quite depressing, so stay away if you don't want your day to be ruined... though I promise I will try to cheer mom up!**

Ok, on another (happier) note, we received this via email from a friend.. it's really funny and true!!

  1. My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE."If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning." - Our grandmama used to say this a lot when mom and her younger sister were fighting when they were young... Heehee...

  2. My mother taught me RELIGION."You better pray that will come out of the carpet/ bedsheets/ clothes." - Again, Grandmama said this a lot after mom got paint/ crayon on her school uniform during Art class

  3. My mother taught me LOGIC."Because I said so, that's why." - Ok so who hasn't heard of this one??!

  4. My mother taught me about STAMINA."You'll sit there until all that spinach (etc) is gone." - This one sounds really familiar to me... Me being a super fussy eater, will stare at my food and that's what mom will say! **shudders**

  5. My mother taught me about WEATHER."This room of yours looks as if a tornado went through it." - To this day, Grandmama is still saying this to mom even though they are not staying together anymore... I guess some things never change!

  6. My mother taught me about BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION."Stop acting like your father!" - This one I can totally relate to... I think my mom calls the behaviour 'selective hearing'.

  7. My mother taught me about ENVY."There are millions of less fortunate children in this world who don't have wonderful parents like you do."

  8. My mother taught me about ANTICIPATION."Just wait until we get home." - Oops... this should sound familiar to Hershey!! LOL!!

  9. My mother taught me about RECEIVING."You are going to get it when you get home!"

  10. My mother taught me MEDICAL SCIENCE."If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they are going to stay that way."

  11. My mother taught me HOW TO BECOME AN ADULT."If you don't eat your vegetables, you'll never grow up."

  12. And my favorite:My mother taught me about JUSTICE."One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you." - Or retribution??!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'm sure woo two (along with your dad) will do all woo khan to help your mommy through the khoming sad times...

And YES she's a mom!

Woo two khount!

I mean, Hershey might even be worth a khouple extra mom points!

Tank woo fur sharing the email - that made my mom smile!


Dexter said...

That sounds like my Grandpa speaking. I guess those old folks are pretty smart.

Thank you for sharing your mom's story. I am glad she got a nice flower yesterday to recognize her motherhood. Her angel baby will have lots of nice doggies to play with.


Abby said...

Hi, Huskee & Hershey...

Make sure you give your Mom lots of extra love to help her thru her sad time...

I love the Email you shared...My Mom says that she remembers her Mom saying all those things & she remembers saying them to my human brother & sister...

It made my Mom smile...

Abby xxxooo

Aki and Poopie said...

gee huskee... i was under the impression that you were sporting the latest dora the explorer look, too! you look really pretty.. erm.. handsome, buddy! your fur looks longer than it used to.. did you get it straightened or something?

i never got to spend mother's day yesterday, too! but manong managed to show me videos of my mommy before they took me home to be with them. i never saw my mommy, nor do i have real memories of her because i was still a wee pup when i left them. but you know what huskee? in that short period of time, my mommy had made such a big impact in my life.

the way she cared for me when i was still too young to fend for myself and the way she prepared me to become the big handsome dog that i am.. i owe it all to her. and i know, in my heart, that you, Hershey and Angel Lucas feel the same way.. because I know she did all that she can for all of you.

your mum is one of the greatest moms in the world. the way she cares for all of you, tolerates all your shenanigans and continuously remembers and celebrates Angel Lucas' life, is, for me, the bravest act any mother can make. i am not saying this just because you are my friend, but because i believe it is so..

so please huskee.. mommi shane will be needing you and Hershey more in the following days. we hope taht you will continue to be with her and make her happy. we hope too, that you can manage to make the days feel less difficult to get by.

if ever you need anything, bark at us. we will come running.

take care buddies and take good care of your mum!

drooly kisses,

Aki and Poopie

pee-ees. im sure your mum still looks pretty as ever, Dora or not!

Wei Qian said...

Hello Huskee,

dont worry, you still look great and lovely!!!

your mom is really great! do make sure you give your mommy lots of love! she surely will be over the moon

best regards

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Oh Shane never think you aren't a Mommy. Baby Lucas remembers his Mommy just like Samantha remembers my Mommy. They are always in our hearts and are waiting together for us to all be with each other again but for now you have Huskee and Hershey who love and need their Mommy.

You know my Mommy is here for you.

{{{huggies}}}...Mona & Mommy Sarah

Pedro said...


My mom and I thought about your mom yesterday. We know this is a difficult time for her but she is right, she is a mom and always will be. Give her lots of licks and loving this month to keep her spirits up! We'll help you too.


Emily and Ike said...

I'm so sorry your mom had to go through that yesterday. Mine has had a hard time too. Coming up on three years of trying for a baby :(

Joe Stains said...

We will always be here to read and offer support in happiness and when you want to be sad. And she is a Mom, not just to angel Lucas but to you guys too!!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

What a wonderful post. We are so sorry about your little angel..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Dandy Duke said...

Your crooked teefies are one of the things we have always loved about you, Huskee! It makes you YOU!
Make sure you give your mom extra hugs! She'll be needing them!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Please tell you mom that she will always be a mom in her heart - we will keep her in our thoughts and prayers as we understand how difficult this time can be for her. We are sure that Baby Lucas is smiling down on her and so happy that she will always be his mommy.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Lorenza said...

Hi, Huskee!
You look great!
We understand your mom feels sad. Please tell her she has Lucas, your Dad, Hershey, you and we all here for her!
The email is pawesome. My mom says she remembers all those things that my grandma told her when she was a little girl!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

i said...

Huskee, you look adorable :-) I didn't realise you have such cute crooked teeth! That gives you such an impish smile!

Here's a hug for your mom. She'll always have baby Lucas in her heart and Angel Lucas watching over her. That's a double joy to cherish.

Thanks for the laugh. They really bring back all the fond memories. LS said she finds herself using some of them too occasionally LOL!

Moco said...

You look a little like Dora yourself with your new haircut.
Of course your mom is a mom. we know that you and Hershey will help her through the tough time coming up.

Asta said...

Huskee and Hershey
I hope you gave youw Mommie lots of extwa smoochies fow Mothew's day. she most cewtainly is a Mommie! She cawwied angel Lucas inside hew and he will always be in hew heawt and he is waiting to kiss hew some day when she is vewy old and goes to heaven.
We will be thinking of hew and youw Dad in this sad time wif lots of love and smoochie kisses

Amber-Mae said...

Your posts will make us sad but it will not ruin our day. It's nice to think back about baby Lucas. I like your new hairdo by the way! Very cute.

Solid Gold Dancer + Puppies

Mika said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mika said...

Whoops, I just realized that I was making my post really confusing near the end.

I have a big bag of chews for you to share with your mommy. Keep your mommy company and do something nice for her every time she's sad. I'm sure she'll be grateful. =)

That email is so funny! My mommy remembers her mommy saying a lot of that stuff too! Grandma and mommy's mom used to always tell her the crossing-eyes one and up until high school, she believed her grandma and mom. Mommy stopped believing in high school because her physiology teacher had "question Fridays" where the students can ask any question they want (about anything even things that aren't about physiology). Mommy asked if it was true that if you crossed your eyes for too long, it'll stay like that. All of her classmates laughed at her and the teacher said that her grandma and mom were just joking. Boy did she feel like an idiot that day. =/ But at least now she knows! Oh, and when she got home that day she told her mom "mom! you lied to me when I was a little kid." Her mom was a little confused until she told her mom what happened in class. Her mom laughed at her too and said "You still believed that?"

That story gets me laughing at mommy every time. Maybe if your mommy reads about my mommy's dummy time, she can get a good laugh out of it. =)

Oh, I forgot to add, mommy found that out during her senior year in high school, so it was a looooong time before she realized that it wasn't true. hehehe..

Mommy's best friend had the same teacher and asked the teacher if it was true that when you crossed your eyes and someone hit you on your forehead, your eyes would stay like that forever. That was what her mom told her and she believed it until that class too. Her mommy laughed at her too.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Well, if that is not the cutest picture of you, Huskee! hee hee
And don't worry, we will be by this month and next month of course to visit. You must remember Lucas always.

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

I know you will do all you can to help, but it wont be easy. Of course your Mom should have tooked a flower. I hope these coming days not be too hard for you all.

Very funny email, my Mum said it sound fimiliar. BOL!
~lickies, Ludo

Simba and Jazzi said...

We think you look cute with your new haircut.

Simba and Jazzi xx

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh Huskee and Hershey, this post made my Jeannie feel very sad. We did not know about Lucas, and feel bad we had not realised.

The loss of a baby is very sad, as is any loss, but our thoughts are with you all, especially your Mama at this time.

My Jeannie said to tell your Mama this:

"Your Mama totally and utterly deserved that carnation in the supermarket, as much as any mother did on Mother's day"

I am also sorry we are slow with our commenting, we have had computer issues, which my Jeannie has tried to resolve in her usual technical manner by sticking a hammer through the computer.

No go Jeannie, not the right way to solve it!

Please tell your Mama we are thinking of her, these "days" always come at kinda the wrong time it always seems.

Many hugs to your Mama, lots of High Paws to you guys too.

Hug your Mama, she is one brave girl.

lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxxx

oh and Jeannie xxxxx

Thinking of you H & H Mama......

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

ps from Jeannie, no worries about the hair cut, I have just had my fringe trimmed and now I look like the female in the Wallace and Grommit series.....not sure if you get it in your area, but it is not nice, it is not clever, and the fringe is far toooooooooo short!

Grow hair, grow!

take care. xxxxxx Jeannie xxxxx

Lady Kaos said...

My mom told me to tell you to tell your mom not to get sad. She has to stay positive and undepressed.
Love you guys!!

Jans Funny Farm said...

We remember this time last year and know it was terribly hard for your mom and dad. We hope you are looking after them this year because they need lots of extra love to help them through.

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Oh those cute crooked teefies, I could close my eyes, touch your teefies and know right away it was you, Huskee! I think your wife Baby fell in love with you just because of your velvet black nose and ivory teefies.
Mother's Day brought back sad memories to your parents, specially to your Mom, here all three of us together lend her our shoulders to cry on.
We're all ears too, talk to us, auntie Shane, anytime, anything.
Up there, Angel Lucas is smiling, he telling us a secret which will becoming a wonderful news soon, soon.
Love y'all

Lacy said...

w00fs H and H, we always here fur ur mom and daddy...i cant believe its almost been a year...seems like just yesterday u all wuz telling us the sad news...

b safe,

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Huskee Boy and Hershey -

Although your Mom does not have a two legged child right now - you and Hershey count! You are the four legged children and we know you and your Dad will help your Mom.

Mother's Day is not a good time for Mama, either. Grandma passed away almost seven years ago but at least Papa's mom (Grammy) is here for Mama to enjoy being with.

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

OOPS! Mama forgot to write that she enjoyed the e-mail message you got. She seems to remember quite a few of the sayings - especially the last one.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci