
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Our happiness was short-lived... it lasted something like 3 days before Hershey's evil teefies strike again!! Yes, you read it correctly.. the evil teefies strike AGAIN. Here's the scoop... dad was becoming confident that 'his princess' **insert gagging sound here** is behaving herself and is proving to be very good girl **insert more gagging sound**. So he managed to convince mom to let Hershey loose in the house when they went to work in the day. (Mom's convinced that he voodoo'ed her into agreeing to it).

Dad then set up some fancy webcam so that he and mom can watch Hershey online when they are in the office. On Monday, all was fine. She behaved herself and they were so proud of her. Then, here comes the interesting part on Tue.

As you can see from the 2 photos above, there is this white 'twig-like' decorative pieces that we hang in the house. Yesterday when mom was doing a spot-check on Hershey, she saw 'somepup' happily dashing around the house (this was all captured by the camera) with a BIG piece of the 'twig' in her mouth... and when Hershey got bored with running around, she started to CHEW on it. See the evidence below.

(Mom: I was watching the destruction 'live' and I felt so helpless and frustrated 'cos I cannot do anything about it!!)

Since there is nothing that mom can do to stop the destruction, mom promptly called dad and asked him one question, which was: 'So, do you want me to kill you or kill her?'.



Aki and Poopie said...

yay! were first! oh... that is one cool piece of technology. we should really get some of that installed so manang can monitor us.

Your mum must be pretty helpless watching Hershey wreck havoc in your house. What were you doing during those times, Huskee?

We hope neither options were taken. hehe.

drooly kisses,


Sabrina de Cutie-Pie :) said...

Hey Huskke n Hershey!hehe..cant stop laughing reading abt name is Sabrina n I'm a poodle!hehe..check out my bloggie..:)

wet-wet licks,

The Musketeers said...

LOL ! I hope your mummy did not kill anyone ! Your mummy is so funny . As at that moment of time , I bet she felt very helpless that she can't do anything ! Yeah , Huskee , were you sleeping at that moment of time ?? BOL !

xoxo ,

Abby said...

Hi, Huskee...

Uh Oh...Hershey & your Dad are in trouble now...

I'm glad my Mom doesn't have one of those camera things at work...

Abby xxxooo

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

OMD, Huskee, are you living in a 5 star hotel or what?
Even after all the damages from you-know-who, your house is still sparkly super clean compared with mine.
Oh yeah, "she" is a lovely girl but her teefies is shark teethies.
Today is Thanksgiving day, can your mom cancel the killing, have a little mercy, pardon your dad and you-know-who( I'm so scared of her teefies that I dare not to pronounce her name, hehe)

Raising Addie said...


The web cam is wonderful except when they are doing something wrong that you can't stop.

With our web cam, Mom did try calling the house and tried talking to me through the answering machine but that did not work!

You have a beautiful home! Hershey was just trying to help with the decorating a bit I believe.

What was Huskee doing?

Have a great day!

Boo Casanova said...

lol, that was soooooooooooooo super frustrating seeing the destruction LIVE and u can't do a single thing about it. too bad the offis is so far from home. imagine, if your mom's office only 2 mins away!

btw, how did your dad help setting up the webcam? mom would want one to "monitor".

wet wet licks


Cassidy said...

I would find that twig thing irresistable too so Hershey has my sympathy!

Cassidy x

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hershey, Hershey, Hershey what are they gonna do with you? But I'm sure they still love you lots & lots.

It's Thanksgiving here and me and the Mommy are going to Tina & Chris for lunch.

I gave out some awards last week but the Doofuss (the Mommy) forgot to tell you about it. Come on by & pick your awards up. I just love spreading the love.

Later tonight, if we can get the video to laod, the Mommy is gonna post a video of me licking peanut butter up from the cup.

Does it snow where you live? If it does can you send me a pocture of you and Hershey playing in the snow.

Love ya lots...Mona & the Mommy

L said...

Is there sound on that camera? We want to know if Huskee talked Hershey into the naughtiness, or if she did it all on her own!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Rut roh!

Guess we khan't blame this one on the evil skhwirrels...

Unless of khourse they had a khute Hershey KHOSTUME...

Wait, that's IT!!!

PeeEssWoo: Me thinks she needs to be khrated a bit longer....

Moco said...

Puppies have not learned the self control that we older pups have. They are not to be trusted out of sight. But, then again Foley who is quite a bit older than Hershey has gotten to dragging the garbage around the house when the hoomans leave. It has to be shut up now. It's like he has a brain fart or something.

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

oh dear, if it helps any... we do grow out of it....eventually..

Your pals,
Holly & Zac

Duke said...

Mom was just hysterical reading your posting, Huskee! The "insert gagging sounds" started the whole thing and by the time she finished she was rolling on the floor! We honestly don't know what's so funny because we know that Hershey is gonna get tossed in jail for a good long time now! Poor, Hershey!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Oh dear...I hope Hershey didn't get killed in the process! LOL! Perhaps she should let both of you out so you can keep an eye out on her...*wink*

Hope you have a great day!


Urban Smoothie Read said...

maybe they should give you the authority to pawcuff hershey when he strike again

Lorenza said...

Hi, Huskee!
Oh, Hershey! She had a short time freedom!
Kisses and hugs

T-man's mom said...

That's great to have a webcam so you can watch your kids while at work. Bad bad Hershey though!! Your home still looks beautiful despite her destructive teeth.

T-man's mom, CC-man and T-man Angel

Myeo said...

Hmmm, i am not trying to defend Hershey but i believe she is just trying to decorate the house with twigs.

That was what i had in mind when i took the withered flowers from the balcony and placed it on the sofa.


Deefor said...

Hershey sure got caught in the act! Arrow is like that. He'll be good for a while-- but it's just a trick to get more freedom and make more messes. I don't know what you can do.


Stanley said...

Huskee Huskee Cocoa Puff!

I don't know WHERE that name came from, but I HAD to type it.

Man, I've missed you, buddy. Even though my girl has been a big lazy hooman, I have been thinking about you a LOT, espeically since you're breaking in your new sissy pup. Sounds like she's still got a few things to learn.

At least your parents know that you are such a good boy... insert evil laugh here... and that you would NEVER destroy some decorative home fashion twig-like piece. Although, I have to say that twigs have got to be kind of tempting, don't you think?

We hope to be more regular about checking in with you and everydog else. When we finally got back to checking up on friends we saw that our sweet Girl Girl had left us for the Rainbow Bridge. We're still crying her in G-Stan.

How is that Moosie Girl? Please give her and your mama (and even Hershey Girl) big juicy goober smooches from us. Stella would LOVE to get a chance to play with Hershey & Moosie.

Take care of yourself, man.

Goober love,

Bae Bae said...

Oh oh.. So what was your dad's answer. hee hee

~ Bae

Simba and Jazzi said...

Do they not know dogs like to play with sticks? Just think how annoyed they'll be when you pee on the tree lol. Nice house!

Simba x

BrandytheGreat said...

Sorry for the sudden disappearance!
Oo, thank dogness YOU'RE still alive, Huskeeee!!!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Mom doesn't trust little Callie either.. She managed to tear a big piece out of the couch one morning.. Since then she has to stay in her condo at night. Louie gets in the trash almost everyday. So it may take a while before she is ready..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Oh no! Hershey is so bad! We are not having quite a bad time with Bear. So far he has been pretty good in puppy terms. My mom keeps buying him new stuffies and bones to keep him busy!

the many Bs said...

hi Huskee, we think that Hershey is a chewing puppy and will probably be like that for quite some time to come. that's a great idea about setting up the web cam, but we think it was driving your mom crazy. hee hee


Joe Stains said...

Mom tried letting Tanner out of his crate for a while, but he was just not able to behave and it was safer for him to be in a crate. Sounds like its back to jail for Hershey!

Amber-Mae said...

I think it is very torturous to watch the whole thing being done live on your compooter. And you're like miles & miles away from home to stop it! Heehee! That's the problem with webcams. So, did anybody get killed???

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Peanut said...

Better to not see it live and just find it when you get home we thinks

Par said...

at times I like to watch what my furball do while I'm away....

Ben & Darling said...

That is why mom has cancel her thought of putting webcam coz she knows she gonna yell like a crazy woman in the office coz she cannot do ANYTHING !!!! but watching the live show.

slurpy licks,

Alfie's Mum said...

U are so norti n funny Huskee

Lady Kaos said...

Uh oh! I wonder if ther's a way you could hook up something on the camera that while your Mom is watching she can click on something and the camera would yell something at Hershey.