Stuffie Appreciation Day
I read from Girl Girl's blog that today has been declared 'Stuffie Appreciation Day'. So to pay tribute to all my stuffies, this post is dedicated to them with this poem that I came up with below:
I read from Girl Girl's blog that today has been declared 'Stuffie Appreciation Day'. So to pay tribute to all my stuffies, this post is dedicated to them with this poem that I came up with below:
All stuffies big or small;
All stuffies new or old;
Stuffies with squeakers dead or alive,
Huskee loves them all.

Ummm... yes, these belongs to mom too...

Wheeee.... look at my 'flying' ears...

This is from my dear friend Hammer...
This is Mr Carrot #347 (or something)
That's so pawsome that you've come up with a poem for your stuffies too. Yeah... stuffies are great to have
~ Girl girl
Hi Huskee boy!
That's a lot of stuffies you've had! My stuffies are nowhere to be found. *Giggle*
wah! got such occasion one? lol
wet wet licks
Flying ears, where you in a rush to get away? Kill the care bears.
Simba xx
We just LOVE that picture of you with Mr. Carrot! You and your mom have a lot of stuffies, Huskee! I bet you don't destroy anymore, right?!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Wow, look at all the Care Bears! Ma says she used to have lots.
Toodle pip
Harry x
You're so handsome with your stuffies - definitely a George Clooney type!
- Charlie
That carrot looks good enough to eat!! I almost didn't see you in that sea of stuffies!
Wow, you have tons and tons of stuffies! Great pictures. Happy National Stuffie Appreciation Day!
You look so tewwific among all those stuffies..I think youw Mom should shawe..does she weally need all those to chew hewself??
smoochie kisses
omdog I still cannot believe all those care bears! I sure am glad Mom doesnt have those, I couldn't control myself around them!
Hi, Huskee!
You look like a very cute stuffie among all those stuffies!
Happy Stuffie day!
Kisses and hugs
Holy Dog! That's a LOT of CareBear stuffies...I'm sure you appreciate your stuffies alot huh Huskee? Happy National Stuffie Appreciation Day!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Huskee, our mom would never put one of us in the middle of HER stuffies! They might be missing some body parts when we got done with them! Have a great weekend!
Poppy & Penny
Hello Huskee how are use and Baby doing? Use sore have a lots of stuffies at use house, and use look so handsome sitting amongst them
Have a good weekend to use and Baby
Hugs, bellyrubs, smoochies
Ooh, your mom had better not invite me to her house, cause I'd destuff all those stuffies in a heartbeat!! That's what I do (hee hee).
Huskee you look SO cute sitting with those stuffies. I wouldn't destuff're my friend :)
ooooohhh what a loy of stuffies to tempt you to play with them !!
Hey Huskee
Sorry we havent visited nor written in a while.
We're looking for new place to live.
We totally missed out on SNUFFIE day!!!!!!
Fei and E
Hey, your mum has a neat collection of care bears... I love them, I only got 1 bear... sighhh
your mom have a lot of bears.. wowwwwwwwwwwwwww
i don´t know what is the meaning of Stuffies??? :(
ein huskee the photor are grate...
a big hug
w00f's huskee boy, u shure gots a bunch of bears..hehee and ur poem to dem wuz pawsome...
b safe,
~rocky and company~
Those care bears are real cute. How many of them does your mom got?
Boy n Baby
Your M does have a good collection of Carebears... Hehehe! Yesh! Whats her's is also yours...
Daddy use to give us a stuffie of M whenever she isnt around. She always goes fuming when she reach home with her stuffies on floor.
Now.. It's not our fault but Daddy's right =(
Love Licks!
Rudolf & Goofy
Huskee Boy!
Judging by the very fine poem you wrote to your stuffies, I can imagine that Baby must be swimming in the poetry you write for her!
I think you should just dive into that care bears collection. They really are yours just as much as they are your mama's!
Stella must have the same flying ear gene that you have. Hers are always ready for take off!
Goober love & smooches,
wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! thats soooooo many care bear!!! and they are all mom??? My mom got many stuffie too, I wonder if the hooman need to chew too??
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