
Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I was forced to pose with all the pressies that I received from MY Baby Munchkins, Boy, Boo, Boo Boo & Bond, Girl Girl, etc.. THANK YOU so much! Not that I minded posing with my pressies, but I am really starting to dislike those antlers A LOT. They seem to be appearing way too often lately...

This is worse than the antlers.. it's a whole Christmas tree... I am just glad mama didn't manage to capture the whole d@*# thing in the photo. Do you get subjected to such humiliation by your own mama??

Posing with the lovely fur-trim coat from Aunty J, Jay & Co. I love it.. I wore it to the Ice Skating Pawty organised by Butchy and Snickers and it really helped to keep me warm.

Mama and The Maid went to do some last minute Christmas shopping along Orchard Road last Fri and everywhere was so crowded! Some photos of the Christmas lighting along Orchard Road to share with you -


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Merry xmas to you antler Huskee. hee
You got lots of presents, you must have been a very goooooooood boy this year. Everywhere is so crowded with hoomans going for their xmas shopping huh

~ Girl girl

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you and your famiy Huskee - those presents look like fun!


Asta said...

You look gweat in evewything, but the coat is my pawsonal favowite..I hope you had a gweat Chwissmuss
smoochie kisses

Myeo said...

I know, i know how it feels.

But you do look cute in the antler.


Amber-Mae said...

That coat sure is very nice! What else did you get? Would love to see... Merry X'mas to you once again!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Dolly & Zoopy said... many pressies...
What's inside? You havent opened up the pressies yet?

We left you a message, requesting for the yummy meat patties recipe so that Mommy can cook for us. plzzzzz

Dolly and Zoopy

Duke said...

Did you get to open all those pressies, Huskee? Your coat is just beautiful! We love it! And the Christmas lights are so festive too!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Goofy said...

wow!!! great pressies u have there!!!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You look really nice in your antlers. Mom tried to get Louie and I to wear those too but she finally gave up. Sis and Toph ended up holding them on our heads for our Christmas picture.. Enjoy your new coat... Gus and Louie

Lorenza said...

Merry Christmas Huskee!
I see your presents wrapped. Tell us what you got!
Don't worry. Those antlers appear only once a year!
Have a good night

Ferndoggle said...

Huskee, you are the handsomest boy ever in those antlers! Very macho.

Hope you had a Merry Xmas!!


L said...

At least the antlers will get put away for another year soon. The lights are so pretty. Thanks for sharing the pictures.
Comet and BLU

Amber said...

Merry Christmas Huskee, you have many xmas pressies, I wonder what you got! :) the orchard road is really pretty!

Amber :)

Lacy said...

woofies Huskee, u shure lookie better in u aNtles den me did...wuz hard to carrys them...glad u hads a pawsome xmas..

b safe,

Stanley said...

Huskee Boy!

I have only 1 question for you... who is the Moosie NOW???? With those antlers on you are looking more and more like a moose every day, man! (My girl thinks you are looking very cute, though).

Finally, we are going to post about your FABulous prezzies you sent us! (About TIME). Stella stole my hammie stuffy, but I love her flower so we're okay... for now.

Goober love & smooches to you and Princess Mooskeeta,