
Thursday, June 14, 2007

Merry Christmas everyone.. yes, I am sure it is Christmas already because I have been receiving so many presents lately.. first from Baby, then from Girl Girl and Eil and now from Opy and Charlie!!

Hey Mom, look what I have got from my friends from Down Under??!!

Opy and Charlie are so thoughful... they even sent over mom's favoritest magazines!! (Mom is into the latest Hollywood gossips..). They sent me a Dino Cuz, but evil mom is keeping it from me for the time being until the current one that I am playing with is spoilt... This is so unfair I tell you. Theoratically, everything in the package belongs to ME --- Huskee Boy, 'cos MY NAME is clearly stated on the package from MY friends. But well, how can a little 7kg dog stand up and fight for his rights against a 50 'something' kg woman? *sigh*.. It's a lost cause, I tell you...

On another note, I also want to share with you what Sir Chance-lot's super-duper talented mom did for me. It started from this photo:

and she made it into this beautiful picture that my mom and I totally love:

I am so happy today is Fri and the weekend is just ahead! Wishing every pup and Girl Gir a HAPPY WEEKEND!!


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Heee, you sure are getting lots of cool presents Huskee. I hope you get to play with your cuz toy soon. Sir Chance-Lot is so clever to create that graphic.

~ girl girl

Boo Casanova said...

huskee, more presents! opy & charlie are the latest santa clause sending out gifts to every woof! hehehe.

wet wet licks


Joe Stains said...

wow! it may not be christmas but maybe its huskeepalooza!!! why cant you have more than one cuz at a time??

chiyo said...

it is very sweet of opy and charlie :) and that picture is beautiful! hehehe i tell you, if you can't do anything to your mom, then i think i will be a gone-case too! i am only 5.5kg and HM is like... 697849029348kg!


Myeo said...

Wow! You got the Dino Cuz! I have one too and i love it so much.

Boy n Baby

MJ's doghouse said...

wow you are lucky to get soooooooo many presents...i never get mail ...well not since christmas anyhow. My mom said i will get presents from my family cuz i am going to be 7 on the 16th of i love the picture you got...but dont udnerstand how the two pictures aer is going to stop by and see how she did it....

Luckie Girl said...

Oh wow Huskee, you are really celebrating christmas early!!! Anyhoo, i think those magazines are for's addressed to Huskee Boy right? So you shouldn't let your Mom read them. I think it'e meant for you to pee on the papers or sumthing.

Simba and Jazzi said...

Love the photo. Christmas? I thought santi paws only came once a year.

Simba xx

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Happy weekend Huskee Boy. Hmm, maybe you should kill your old Cuz fast so you get the new one!

Oscar x

Duke said...

Chance's mom is so talented! We love her work!
Hey, we don't have Dino Cuz yet! Maybe I'll ask mom and she can bring TWO of them home this time!

Love ya lots,

Hammer said...

Hi Huskee Boy

You are a lucky boy getting so many nice gifts from your friends, but you deserve it.

The photo of you in the bubble is beautiful too.

Have a great weekend !!

Love from Hammer

Unknown said...

50 *something* kg... oh Huskee, you are too kind to your mom, she is so lucky to have you!! That is why you got so many pressies... whichever way, I wouldn't question it, you deserve IT!! Loves ya


Amber-Mae said...

Nice pressies Huskee! Hey you got a cuz, not fair! I want one too... I Dino cuz coz I only have good & bad cuzes, cousin cuz & chicken cuz. I want dino cuz!!! Hehehehe... Have a great weekend too Huskee.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Gwyn Valentine said...

Hello Huskee boy!

Nice to meet you!
That sure is alot of stuffs you recieved from the mail box!
I wish christmas will come faster too!


Ferndoggle said...

Christmas in June! Yipee!!

Huskee, WE got a package in the mail yesterday & it was from YOU!!! Mom won't let us open it till this weekend (mean Mommy) but we're SSSssssooooo excited to see what's inside!

Thank you!

Sherman, Penny & Lola

Lorenza said...

Hi, Huskee.
Presents!! Wow! Opy and Charlie are so nice!!
Gossip magazines?? I know about them!
Chance's picture of you is beautiful!
Have a nice weekend

Toby said...

Huskee, you are so lucky to be getting all these pressies!!! But I must agree with you, technically, everything (yes all of it) is yours. Cuz YOUR name is on the package. I think its time to have a chat with your MOm...hahaha.


Ume said...

hi Huskee,
u r a lucky boy, such lovely pressies!
i'm oways amazed by how u can sit still n model with your pkgs. i noe i wld hv ripped them apart!

Bella said...

Wow it really is christmas in the middle of the year for you !!
Great pressies - very thoughtful from the wonderful Opy & Charlie.
Sweet bubble pic by Chances ma - she sure is clever.
Happy Huskee days to you, wuffs

ToFFee said...

Hi Huskee!

Wowf! lots of nicey presents!

Opy and Charlie's mom sure got gift to make some paweetty pictures!

Dino Cuz? is that squeaky? love squeaky things!

I totally agree with you on the magazines! I thinks it's sent for you to tear it to shreds!!!

Take it to higher dog court!


PerfectTosca said...

Man oh Man you sure are popular Huskee Boy! That's because you're so darned cute.

PreciOus said...

You have 2 christmas in a year? Cool


Urban Smoothie Read said...

wow! so many pressie 4 u....definalte makes u feel like being in a festive season