
Monday, July 21, 2008

I was tagged by Boo Boo to share what can my mom do to make me happy. This is a real tough one... mainly because there are soooooooo many things that can make me a happy... like yummy food, new squeaky toys, belly rubs, etc. (Gee, do you think it's because my expectations are too low?).

After some serious thought, the thing at the top of the list would be this - I want my mom to be happy. If my mom is happy, then I'd be happy too... though it'd be perfect if I can also throw in a new squeaky toy as well... *sheepish grin*...

There's something that I need your views on... I still owe Baby a candlelight din din for her barkday. There are a few locations that I shortlisted, but I just can't decide which one she'd like. So what are your views?

1) At the beach

2) Fine dining restaurant with city view

3) Poolside

Dad bought mom a book from Amazon called 'An Empty Cradle, A Full Heart - Reflections for mothers and fathers after miscarriage, stillbirth or infant death' by Christine O'Keeffe Lafser. The title of the book is so simple, yet meaningful. It's not very thick, only about 250 pages in total and mom finished reading it at one go cos it was so apt (and of cos, she read it through her tears). One particular paragraph stood out - 'Often the people around us can't seem to understand how it could hurt us so badly to lose a baby they think we didn't really know. Since there are no real memories of our little one's life, they have a hard time comprehending the depth of our love and grief. Though they don't mean to hurt us with their attitudes and comments, sometimes their words of comfort sound cruel.' I have previously shared with you about the unwelcome comments/ advice that mom's received from her friends and colleagues, so she could really relate to that paragraph. (Huskee's mom: I JUST got to find out late last week that one of my new colleague who sits near me is 6 months pregnant... I am genuinely happy for her, honestly!! But it really pains me so much to see her baby bump, especially since my Lucas will only be a month younger than her baby if I did not miscarry. Why did her baby get the chance that mine didn't? I find it hard to look at her right now because I'd start to feel so jealous, bitter and sad that I get a lump in my throat and I just want to cry!!!)

I have received so many supportive comments from all of you on my last post, assuring me you'll never 'foresake' us for blogging about all these sadness and unhappiness. I can only say 'THANKS'... Though 'thanks' is just a simple word, but still, it's meant to show your kindness is appreciated more than you can ever know.


andrahyb said...

No words...

Just another hug for today.
We hope it'll strengthen you...

Rudolf & Goofy + Drea

Duke said...

The beach looks pretty dreamy to us, Huskee! It's quiet and romantic! We choose that one!
Mom says that book looks like a winner! How sweet of your dad to give it to your mom!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

BrandytheGreat said...

Hmm , you should go for the beach!
The book looks really nice, and if it does help your momma, Huskee, you should read it to her again!

Asta said...

I hope youw Mom found some comfowt in that book..I can undewstand how it must huwt hew to see someone else expecting a baby..I don't undewstand whey she had to have Lucas taken fwom hew..I know he will always stay in hew heawt though..I still pway that she and youw Dad find comfowt somehow aftew this tewwible loss
smoochie kisses

Peanut said...

Mom says the beach. She would know she's a girl.

We are glad the book could help your mom a little.

Jessie, Jake and Lola said...

Um, we have to go with the beach! Simple and nice.

As for the book - what a wonderful idea. Thank you for sharing your thoughts at this sad time - again we agree with duo disaster - another hugs is coming your way from us :-(

Amber-Mae said...

Those are some nice places to go to that I'm sure will make you & ME happy! Hehehehe!!! That's wonderful news about your mom's friend but I feel sad for your mom too. Please take care!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

i said...

The beach would be lovely!

Hope your mom finds some comfort in the book. It's really thoughtful of your dad to get it for her.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

I think the beach sounds pawsome.

Big hugs to you and your mom.
Stay strong ok

~ Girl girl

Lorenza said...

Hi, Huskee!
Yes, the beach! The best place for a romantic time!
I hope your mom found some comfort reading that book.
Kisses and hugs

Ben & Darling said...

Huskee, no worries. You can bring Baby to one of those place & I bring her to another 2. Sound great??

and I want to give a wet slurpy licks to your mom. SLURP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

slurpy licks,

Myeo said...

Your dad is so sweet, Huskee. Please send our hugs and kisses to your mom.

Baby: hmmm, let me think and i let you know *giggles*

Boy n Baby

Deefor said...

I think the beach too. And your wish for your mom is pawfect. It's good she found a book that understands.


Amber said...

Hey there, Huskee,take good care of your mommy~ the beach is very romantic~


Ronak said...

I like the beach one too.

Huskee, I'm glad that your mom sounds like she's... in better spirits. Please tell her that while we love when you blog, we'll always hear her words with our hearts and will always listen in whatever capacity possible.

More hugs and kisses and licks for you both. Oh and happy birthday to your dad!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I think Baby will love whatever you choose for her barkday.
And that looks like a wonderful book for your mom.
Sending more purrs over to your mom, ok?

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Huskee boy,
Please check out my blog, I have an award for you.
You well deserve it!

Joe Stains said...

We sure hope that book helps you! We are sending hugs and good thoughts your way! Huskee, you need to take Baby someplace faaabulous!

Asta said...

Deaw Huskee
You have nothing to be ashamed of you would nevew betway BABy ..I know youw love is twue, and you wewe just wif all the boys, and I was giving advice on being good to youw should nevew lie to BABy..honesty is vewy impowtant..I was NOT fliwting wif you..I'm sowwy if I gave that impwession
smoochie kisses to you and Baby

Pedro said...


I'd go for the beach dinner and I'd take your mom. That might help her to feel a little better. That looks like a really nice place to have dinner :)


Two Schnauzers from New England said...

What pretty pictures. We like that beach one. Huskee Boy, you are so romantic.

We hope the book helped your Mom feel a little better.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

T-man Angel said...

I'm glad that book helped your mom. I'm sure other people out there understand firsthand the pain she's going through and can help.

Huskee, if I were you, I'd pick the beach for your dinner. That looks so super romantic, as long as there are no bitey bugs bugging you. Scratching and itching isn't so romantic.

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

I think the beach would be pawfect, Huskee.

I hope the book provides some comfort to your mum. J x