
Friday, August 14, 2009

Mom's finally back from her short vacation with Aunty F!! We are proud (and relieved) to add that Hershey is still in one piece and looks exactly like how mom left her before she went away, so I guess dad did a fairly good job at taking care of her.

We almost could not recognise mom when she came home although she was gone for only 4 days because now she resembles a character out of Little Mermaid. I think it's called Sebastian.. LOL!!
Mom and Aunty F spent a little too much time by the pool (like 5-6 hours every day) and both ended up being sunburnt despite all the sun screen that they applied.

Some nice pics taken at the beach...

Status updates on the pups:

This one is Alive and Playing

And this one is Alive and ummm.. ahh... Sleeping.. no no.. I mean Meditating..


Kasha said...

Oh my goodness I am thrilled you got to go on such a relaxing vacation. You for sure needed that. You made my night with your comment about your dog having the same experience and then growing out of it after a year. I am going to take her outside like you say every time and hope she grows out of it. Thank you!

Bae Bae said...

Yeah, your mom's pawliday looks pawsome.
And everydog is ok. ;)

~ Bae

i said...

Glad your mom had a good time there. Glad you and Hershey are doing very well too. I like the way you meditate hehehe...

Have a good weekend!

Duke said...

It looks like your mom had a wonderfully relaxing time!
We knew your dad would do a great job while your mom was away!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'm glad your mom had a nice time!

When she isn't looking, maybe woo khan share some of the REAL fun woo two had with your dad!


DoMoFi said...

We luv the beach! ^^

Dexter said...

Please! Meditating is a very different activity from sleeping. Clearly you are a meditation master.

Hope your mom is feeling better after her vacation.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Glad you are all back together and well. Maybe next time you can stay home with Dad too. The pics of the vacation spot are beautiful, hope Mom got some good relaxation in.

Woos, the OP Pack

Agatha and Archie said...

OOhhh that looks like a lovely place..and we had total faith in your Dad( well pretty much anyway...) tee hee Love nad kisses A+A

L said...

We hope your mom enjoyed her holiday, even if she did get too much sun. Good job to your dad for keeping Hershey in one piece.

Ms. ~K said...

SO glad Mom had a good time... I know she is happy to be home w/ you all!

Teddy said...

Wow that looks like a relaxing vacation, and what a beautiful place!

Huskee, you need to give us lessons on how to meditate. You do it so well :)

Chow Chow said...

I'm sure you are delighted that your Mummy is back! Looked like she had a great time at the beach!

Mia said...

Glad your momma got some much needed rest adn relaxation!!! Also glad Hershey was in one piece when the momma got home!

Deefor said...

Those pictures are really beautiful. I think I need to get away to a place like that-- without Arrow. I'm glad Hershey survived and your mom got to relax.


Jans Funny Farm said...

Glad Hershey survived several days with her dad. Her dad must have done something right while mom was off getting sunburned. Hope it was a fun time for all in some way.

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

That looks a lovely place, so relaxing. It sounds like your mum had a nice time. :-)

Holly & Zac...XX

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Lovely pictures..The sky one's are awesome..

Hugs GJ xx

Par said...

Beautiful place to relax and enjoy the surrounding.

Dawn said...

What a pretty place to go for a mini-vacation! Glad your mom is back and you guys are all together again though! Very beautiful pictures. Hope the sunburn doesn't hurt too much now.

Lizzy said...

Huskee! Hershey!

What a beautiful place, those pictures are gorgeous! I wish I were there.

I'm glad you two are still alive, that's good news. Hope you have a grrrrEAT weekend!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Huskee!
Sure it was great that your Mom found everything in order when she came back!
Glad she had a nice vacation!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

what a gorgeous place to take a vacation, she sure deserved it. your meditation looks good too, as for Hershey... I think seems to have done fine while your Mom is away.

Martha said...

What beautiful pictures - looks perfect for your mom - apart from the sunburn!
Well done Dad - sometimes we need to let Dads know they did well!!!
You both look absolutely fine and we hope mom soaked the sunshine into her bones.
Martha & Bailey xxxx

Abby said...

Hi, Huskee & Hershey...

I'm so glad your Mom got to go on a little vacation...

The ocean is so beautiful & relaxing...

Abby xxxooo

Raising Addie said...

Glad your mom got to relax on her get away!

We just knew that Hershey would be in one piece although it looks like he is trying to make that toy into several different pieces!

Looks like Hershey was taking a little rest too.

LOVE the pictures of the beach! We are soooo jealous!

Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie, and Hailey

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

hee hee, my mom takes pics of her feet like that too when on vacation! Great beach and sky shots!
Uh, Huskee, is that you in the last pic? I could not tell.

Goofy said...

that is a great holiday i would say... mom wishes to have one too

Astrid Keel said...

Yay for going on vacation! I hope you recover from your sunburn - those are no fun!

Wonderful sky photos!