
Sunday, August 9, 2009

Mom spent over 2 hours at the bookshop checking out on books about miscarriage, recurrent miscarriages, dealing with grief, death, guardian angels... and dogs. She ended up getting a few books, including this one. I think it spells bad news for Hershey and I... (more so for Hershey than me though).

Mom will be going for a short holiday to some seaside resort this coming week with her best friend (aka Aunty F). Mom and Aunty F have known each other for 17 years and have been each other's pillar of strength through the ups and downs of their lives. Aunty F had been there for mom and dad when they lost Lucas, and now she's also here for them as they are grieve for Chloe AND Lucas.

Dad will be alone with Hershey for the next 4 days while I will still be spending my time at GrandParent's Day Care.. I can tell that mom is a little worried about leaving Hershey completely in dad's care because while he loves Hershey heaps, he can sometimes get too carried away with his work... like forget to take her out to pee/ poo at the appointed time, (over)feeding her, refilling her water bowl, giving her a treat/ bully stick before he goes to work in the morning...

I think mom is worrying too much but well, being the fillial son, I have suggested that she can use my blog to put down the list of 'To Do' things for dad in case he forgets (Shane: I do admit that I think too much and worry too much at times... is it just me or is there anyone out there who does NOT think I am looney??)

1) Please let Hershey out for her last pee pee before you go to bed
2) Please DO NOT overfeed her while I am away in your attempt to 'beef her up'.. The (burgeoning) size of her **cough** bum **cough** is begining to concern me
3) Please don't forget to refill her water bowl every morning
4) Do try and leave her some treats and bully sticks before you leave the house

Oooh and since I am at it, can I also include just one more thing:-

5) Water my (dying) plants --- Since they aren't officially dead yet, they still need water
6) Please don't forget we have a dinner appointment on Thursday eveing
7) And don't forget that I love you heaps and will be missing you like crazy!!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Maybe woo should eat the book?

PeeEssWoo: Please give your mom some SPECIAL H&K from H&H fur ME!

Charlie said...

What a good idea to let your mom use your blog that way. Now just add... 7) Don't forget to take lots of treats over to GrandParents Day Care for Huskee Boy

Martha said...

We agree with Khyra!!!
Have a great break Mom and don't worry - Dad will be fine!
Martha & Bailey xxx

Dexter said...

Ha! Sounds like my momma. She thinks Master cannot figure out how to care for us by himself. But he does a good job, just does things a little differently.


Raising Addie said...

We hope your mom has a relaxing vacation!

We know Hershey will be fine. Your mom is not alone. Our mom worries like your mom does cause our dad forgets the same things. When she would board Zoe and K-8 at the vet when they would go on vacation she would print our a sheet with their pictures on it and all of their "instructions" being likes, dislikes and allergies. Thinking back, the vet must have thought that I was insane!!

Take care dear friends!

Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie, and Hailey

Ms. ~K said...

We hope your Rama has a good time w/ her friend...she needs some "Girl Time!"

Ms. ~K said...

We just sae this article on anouther blog and thought your Rama might be interested!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Have fun at the Grandparents place and we hope Dad follows Mom's list. And most importantly, we hope Mom has a wonderful time with her friend.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Teddy said...

Don't forget to leave a note for dad to check your blog so he can see the other notes :) I know how it is, my mom is a big worrier too.

Enjoy being the center of your grandparents attention. I'm sure they will dote on you. I hope your mom feels better after her vacation.

Deefor said...

My mom is like that. She thinks my bearded owner is a dumb dumb. (Don't tell him!) When she goes away she thinks he doesn't take us out enough and feeds us all his food. (I am sworn to secrecy)

Be careful when your mom reads doggie books. My mom reads them and always thinks I'm bad or that she has to do new mean things. "Click to Calm" was probably the worst one my mom read. But they lost the clickers so that's done. Glad your mom is taking some time with her friend. She needs lots of time.


Jans Funny Farm said...

Hope your mom has a happy time with her friend. And you guys, help your dad remember to read the list.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Purrs from me for your mum and I hope the rest and calm of the seaside helps just a little..

Hugs GJ xx

Lorenza said...

Hi, Huskee!
I wish your mom a nice and safe trip.
I hope your Dad has time to turn on the computer and she your mom's instructions!
I am sure he will take good care of Hershey!
Have fun with your grandparents!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Agatha and Archie said...

Ha Ha that is a good way to remind him!!! Love and kisses A+A

Astrid Keel said...

Prove your pawrents wrong and grab that book with your teeth and drop it in the rubbish bin!

Hugs to your mom! sounds like my momster is related to her! BOL!

Aki and Poopie said...

auntie shane! you are not looney at all!! If its any consolation, manang also left a rather lengthy list of To Do's to my nanny when they left me last christmas.

we hope that you would have a grand time on your vacation.. and Huskes, dont forget to let us know how the IQ test turns out!!!

missing you lots and wishing your mum a belated happy birthday!

drooly kisses,


Duke said...

Remind us to show you the 6 pages of notes that mom leaves dad when she flies off to Florida and leaves us in dad's care!
We hope you have a relaxing trip with Auntie F!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

My Mind's Eye said...

You are not should have seen the email my mom sent to my Miss Debbie before she went out of town!!! Mom believes if you write it down it is OFF your mind and one less thing to worry about. She is kind of a worry too. We hope you have a relaxing time with Auntie F. WE'll look forward to hearing about your trip upon your return.
Madi and Mom

Wei Qian said...

I think that book seems really interesting!!! Tell your mom to enjoy herself!

best regards

Simba and Jazzi said...

NSFF Daddy refuses to look after us when Mummy goes away, he says the to do list is way too long and we are way too spoilt, cheek! Hope your Mummy has a fun and relaxing break.

Simba and Jazzi xxx

Mia said...

My mommas says its ok to worry. She worried to when she went away last weekend and left me with daddy. She says it's just a momma thing and she does not think your momma is loony!!! Hope your momma has a nice trip and I'm with Khyra, eat the book!!!!!

Chow Chow said...

I don't think your Mummy is looney...well, at least my Mummy thinks exactly the same thing too when she had to leave me in Daddy's care.

My Mummy even had to prepare each of my meal in separate boxes and put them in the freezer just so that Daddy can simply take out a box, thaw and steam my food before feeding me. She just had to make sure everything is idiot-proof for Daddy! BOL!

Tell your Mummy to have fun and relax on her holiday! I'm sure Hershey will survive!

Joe Stains said...

omdog Mom worries TONS so tell your Mom she is not looney. She thinks of everything that can go wrong. The only wrong thing I see here is that book, you better toss it out the window.

i said...

Oh Huskee, I'm sure the book is not meant for you. Hope your mom is having a great holiday there!

Boo Casanova said...


shane is cute! does it mean hershey pee outdoor?

wet wet licks


Dawn said...

Tell your Mom to have a lovely time! Everything will be fine with you and Hershey.

the many Bs said...

we think your mom is NOT looney. our mom is the same way - worry worry worry. it's just a mom thing.


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

hee hee, your mom sounds like my mom. My mom makes lists for everything.
That book looks a bit disturbing...I am glad it is not about cats.

Bae Bae said...

OH.. I hope your mom have a great pawliday and I'm sure everyone at home will be on the best behaviour. :)

~ Bae

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

Khyra's comment is
You could try that! haha

We hope your mum has a nice time with her friend.

Holly & Zac...XX

Emily and Ike said...

Will you have your mom email my mom at emilyhthompson @
She can't find your address.

L said...

Huskey and Hershey -

We're sorry we haven't visited for a while. Our girl's stupid job is keeping her too busy and making her too tired to help us blog. Please know that we think of you and your family often and continue to send positive healing thoughts your way.

We're sure Hershey will be ok with your dad.... she'll let him know if he forgets about her!

Moco said...

Your mom should have put that list on the frig. We hope she has a nice time with her good friend. I bet you are in for an IQ test soon.