Hi friends... It's me, Hershey!! Huskee is still too preoccupied with trying to milk all the attention he can from the humans with his bad hairdo, and he is trying even harder to grow his fur back in the shortest possible time. (If he finds the secret to accelerate hair growth, he should share his secret formula with our dad too.. LOL!! Oooops... I've said too much!)

Since I hardly get any blogging time as Huskee is the 'Master Blogger' of this site, I am glad I have this chance to correct everyone's misguided conception of me. I am NOT the destructive, hyper-stimulated pup that Huskee had made all of you believe. I am really a sweet, docile and very well-behaved pup. Well, most of the time anyway...
Mom's been feeling moody and a bit low this week because next week would have been Chloe's supposed due date. As a family, we had been counting down to 14 Oct since early Feb when mom told us that she's expecting a little playmate for us. There's no baby to bring home and there's no playmate for us. Things have changed and there's nothing happy to look forward to next week. I have been learning some tips from Huskee on how to cheer mom up (since he's too concerned about his own nekkid-ness to be of any help now).
Now it's Hershey-les to the Rescue!! Mom gave me this nickname... cos dad and her ALMOST got me a little brother and wanted to name him 'Hercules'... fortunately, sanity and common sense took over so there's no little brother for me, but I am now stuck with the nickname 'Hershey-les'.
So far I have taken mom done all the below (and more):
1) Take her out for walkies
2) Watched out for her while she swam 
3) Give her my kisses (mom calls me a 'Kiss on Demand' Machine.. anytime, everytime!!)
4) Keep a CLOSE watch on her... and I mean C.L.O.S.E
Lovely to see you taking such good care of your mom!
A human can never have too many kisses it seems......
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxxx
Your a good doggie Hershey. Your mum is very lucky to have you & Huskee of course.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
You are a great nurse. Tell Huskee to come out of the closet and get over himself already.
Keep up the good work Hershey!
We know that you can make her feel better.
Poor Huskee... his cut doesn't look that bad.
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie, and Hailey
Here's look'n at you kid! And you look pretty good too!
Riley and Star.
Ah yes!
The power of Hershey Khysses is proven once again!
PeeEssWoo: Mango is khorrekht Huskee: bukhk up Butterkhup!
PeePeeEssWoo: I'm a khyssing machine too!
Your such a good Hershey-les!!! It's so nice of you to try to cheer up the momma. She needs all the lovin's she can get right now.
Awww, Hershey-les, you are doing such a good job taking care of Mom. Will you please give her some extra kisses just from us?
Woos and hugs, the OP Pack
Hi Hershey...you are very special and sensitive to your mom's needs.
I don't know whether or not you thought about it but Mom wanted to point out if you take the 's' out of Close you have "Cloe"!!!! So you are doing just what mom needs you to do being her Close 'Cloe'.
Many hugs and lots of thoughts for you all,
Madi and Mom
You are truly a good watcher of the mom. Keep up the good work.
PS Hershey...I meant to say that in the US we see Chloe spelled Cloe w/o the h....thus my comment...anyway I thought it was significant that you wrote about being close to her.
Madi and Mom
Hi Hershey
I think you are really good with your human. She's lucky to have you. (But you still can be a pain to Huskee)
Ah, such a good doggie! Katie never gives me kisses, no matter how much I ask! Stay close to your Mom especially next week! She needs you!
Hi, Hershey-les!
I know you are doing a pawesome job cheering up your Mom!
Sure she appreciates it!
Kisses and hugs
Hiya Hershey,
Us younger guyz R so misunderstood! You will probably get lotz of bloggie time, since growing fur takes a while. Take good care of yur mommy.
I admire your talents, you know how to cheer your mom up, being her bodyguard and you're a great kisser and you have a priceless upbeat smile that brightens any gloomy day!
And last but not least, we received your package today, omigosh, my house turned up side down 'cause we fought for the ownership of the pressies.
We'll post it up asap, thanks a bunch, my mom will have us open it tomorrow. I go to bed tonight dreaming that I will enjoy the pressie 'til the last piece.
Please hug your pawrents and Huskee for us. Your mom's thoughtfulness and kindness will never be forgotten!
Love y'all!
You are a good girl, Hershey-les! Glad your mom has both of you to comfort her. You are truly living up to your name with all the smoochie kisses you're giving your mom, aren't you? :-)
You are one sweet girl, Hershey! Give your mom a kiss from us too, okay?
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Friday 10/9
Hi Huskee and Hershey,
Madi says thank you for your kind comments....she is blushing...
You all have a great weekend
Madi and Mom
Hershey, you are a super caretaker! Your mommy is fortunate to have you!
You deserve some blogging time too, just a little. Great pics of you and love the Hershey's kiss!
Hope your mom will get through this week ok. Give her some extra kisses, ok?
Pee Ess: Is there a Hair Club for dawgs? Maybe Huskee could call them for help with his furs?
hi Hershey...I thing that Your mum is very lucky to have you & Huskee of course.
a big hug
Aww, those kisses must be helping a lot Hershey. You are good dogs. :-)
Holly & Zac. :-)
Of course Hershey, we believe that you never ever get into trouble ;) You do look very docile in those pictures. It sounds like you're doing a great job making your mom feel better when she's sad this week.
Hey there Hersheyles!
I do believe you, girl! I just think that the boys can be such furry pains in the beehind sometimes. And I'm willing to bet that they always manage to fabricate tall tales about you just to put you in a bad light.
like that video from eons ago where you ravaged through the house decors. I'm sure it was staged.
We have to say though, that despite all this, we are most proud at how you were able to handle all these malicious intrigues bent to destroy your immaculate name. LOL
Good job on this post and we cant wait to see more of your posts in the coming weeks (keeping paws crossed taht Huskee will still be sulking over his fur cut)!!
poopster hugs,
First time at your blog, both of you look fabulously cute :)
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