
Monday, September 14, 2009

Does anyone recognise this torture equipment??

Lucky the poor 'victim' is NOT me!! Poor Hershey was 'FURminated' by the FURminator... LOL!! Dad LOVES this tool because it got rid of soooo much fluff from Ms Evil Teefies. I think the evil one liked it too cos she'll feel cooler (and perhaps lighter) in this sweltering heat.

Initially dad was skeptical when mom told him about it after it was recommended by friends, but now FURminator has got a loyal fan!! Dad is addicted to combing Hershey... you can see from the pics below on the 'results' of his hard work, and his model posing happily... silly girl!!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Wow, that is a lot of fur!!! But Hershey looks great. We have that furminator here too, but Mom doesn't like it because it breaks our fur - a comb or pin fusion brush seem to work better. We hate all those tools.

woos, the OP Pack

Astrid Keel said...

OMD... You could make a coat for me out of that fur!

Chow Chow said...

OMD that is a lot of fur! I think the Furminator is such a worthy investment! Maybe we could start a competition and see whose Furminator can remove more fur?!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Oh my gosh! That is a whole lotta fur! Hershey, do you have any furs left? Ok, well you do look great.
And yes, it sure is not fair that the former owner of Armani could have so many babies, and some can not, like your wonderful mom. Don't lose faith.

Piappies World said...

Hi there Huskee and Hershey,

Nice fur-cut Hershey! You still look cuddly and lovable! weeeee

- Fudgie, Princess, Scrappy, Bullet


Well you know, us high maintance gurls have to keep up our appeerance! Good for Daddy!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

THAT'S so khwite a lot of fur!

I hope woo've already started on regrowing it!


Deetz said...

Your dad did clean up that mess didn't he? My mum would have been infuriated.

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

What a lot of fur Hershey!!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oooh, Jan's drooling. She wants one so bad. For us, not for her.

Checkers & Chess said...

holy moly that's a LOT of fur - I don't shed so I can't relate - bet hershey feels better tho with all that fur gone

Dexter said...

Great furmination! I love mine. It makes me feel all tingly.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Huskee!
I can't believe it! That furminator sure works!
And Hershey looks gorgeous!
Kisses and hugs

Charlie said...

She looks pretty happy!

DoMoFi said...

We h.a.t.e all tools ><;

Joe Stains said...

Holy cow!! You can make another dog out of all of that fur, its amazing!!

L said...

Now that is a lot of fur!! We bet the furminator could do that to us too. Luckily the girl hasn't bought that torture device.

Mia said...

WOW, that's an other whole doggie!!! I don't hink I have that much fur on my whole body (although the momma might disagree). I'll bet Hershey feels much better!! =)


Lady Kaos said...

Wow! I've seen other pictures of what that thing can do, but I don't think I've ever seen a picture where the pile of fur is the same size of the dog it came off of. Mom keeps talking about getting one of those torture devises, but after seeing those pictures, I'm hoping she doesn't!

My Mind's Eye said...

Hey Huskee and Hershey,
Yes we have heard of the furMinator
but never seen the results. My word that thing is fantastic. Hershey must feel like a new woman after losing all that fur. She certainly looks clean and fluffy!!!
WE'll have to see if they have them for kitties.

Great job.
Madi and Mom

Deefor said...

I can't belief all that fur came from Hershey! Maybe she could start a pillow business.

Dawn said...

WOW! Is the dog naked yet? LOL!

Moco said...

That is enough fur to make a blanket. We are betting that Hershey loves all the attention.

Martha said...

We both LOVE being furminated! Guess it depends on what type of coat you have but we feel very nice with all that undercoat gone.
Our mum also loves having a big pile of fur like you have! She keep saying she could make another basset although why would she want another when she has us?
Martha & Bailey xxxx

Thoughts said...

I was skeptical first about this thing too but I now am the BIGGEST Furminator fan out there. Its AMAZING What that thing can remove from ANY pet, isn't it???


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh my, never seen such a travesty of justice like this before!

You could make another dog out of all that fur though!

lotsaluv, Marvin xxxx

Emily and Ike said...

My mom furminates the cats! HA

i said...

Did all of that came from Hershey?

Pedro said...


Ha! I do recognize that implement of torture but, like you, it is not used on me but is used on Ziggy! Our yard looks like your floor by the time my mom is done with him! She says it works great. I actually let her Furminate me because it feel like a good back scratching!


Duke said...

Wow! You must feel at least 5 pounds lighter, Hershey! That's a lot of fur!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Toby said...

Oh my gosh that is a LOT of fur!!! Are you sure ALL that came from Hershey?? Yikes, hope mom doesn't see this b/c she might get "ideas", even if I only have hair and not fur! UGH.

Raising Addie said...


Look at all that fur!!!

AND you still look happy Hershey!

Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie, and Hailey

duo_disaster said...

From Rudolf to Hershey:

It's always a mystery how history repeats itself huh? Welcome to the torture club Hershey! ... Maybe not.

Our Dad was skeptical initially too, but when Mommy was "ripping" me off, Dad came to join in the fun too & since then addicted to it.