Dad went on (another) business trip again and after Hershey's previous failed attempt to help mom pack his bags, she's not giving up and is offering her 'help' once again. As Dad is bringing lesser stuff this time round, there's more empty space in the bag, meaning that Hershey was able to add in more of her toys this time! LOL!!
*** In case any one is wondering why there hasn't been any pics of me post grooming, I/ mom have decided not to show you how I look like now cos we think the groomer was over-zealous and ummm... got carried away. So now my fur is REAL short and I/ she thinks I look **cough** 'strange'.
Huskee Boy, we think you'd look great no matter how much (or little) fur you have!!
- Charlie & Anne
Hair (or lakhk of) does NOT make the pup!
You would never look strange to us Huskee - we love you for whats on the inside!
That is the good things with us dogs - as long as you smell the same you will do.
We love the idea of your dad going off on business trips with all those toys.
He is one very lucky dad to be so loved.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxxx
Are you sure you can't fit even more toys in your dad's suitcase, Hershey?! We see empty spaces!
We've never known you to look strange, Huskee! You always look handsome to us!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Uh oh. Are you nekked? You must show us. I won't laugh, I promise.
Huskee....I had to show my disasterous post grooming shots so you should to!!!!! lol
Noah x
No way could you ever look funny to us Huskee. It's your soul we love and that is whats important not a lack of hair.
What is it about us and slippers?
Mommy used to have some fluffy pink ones and Toby used to drag them to bed every night.
Hershey, you have a beautiful smile on those pictures.
Oh Huskee we bet you look adorable!!!
Hershey has the happiest smile! It looks like she packed for a very long trip!
Tell your dad to be careful and to come back soon!
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie, and Hailey
Hi Huskee and Hershey...good job packing Hershey. You pack very colorfully. Hershey I(mom) feel you pain on the 'hair' cut. Once my regular 'groomer' was away so I took second best. Oh what a mistake that was.
Good news is hair will grow back quickly.
Big hug from Madi and Mom
Haha, you drink beer pretty girl?
That's the type of girl that I love, muahhh!
You did an excellent job of packing, next time, stuff yourself in instead of your toys, Daddy will take you with him.
Huskee, I'll pay any price just to see a picture of your new fur, haha.
Love ya'll
We gotsa see pictures of you with your new hair cut (or shave!) we promise to giggle only silently! BOL!
Hi there Huskee & Hershey,
Happy and safe trip to your dad! Good job for packing some of your stuff. You just might make your dad take you on a trip sometime. Weeeeee
And Huskee, c'mon out and don't worry, we'll love your new do no matter what. =)
-Fudgie, Princess & the Piappies
Good thing furs grow back! Did Hershey really pack all of those toys? He must really love your dad!
We want to see, Huskee, we bet you look adorable. Maybe Mom needs to find an extra suitcase for Hershey and train her to pick up her toys at the end of the day.
woos, the OP Pack
Hershey just wants to make sure the daddy doesn't forget her while he's gone!!!
Hershey packs very neatly.
We don't think you could ever look strange.
Good job, Hershey!
Soooo... when we are going to see you again, Huskee??
Kisses and hugs
Good for your Hershey!! I think your dad will find those toys very useful on his business trip.
Oh my Huskee, your hair must be even shorter than mine. Those groomers need to take it easy!
I think you'd be handsome even if you had no haiw..tell youw mommi we need pictoowes of you!
Hershey looks vewy pleased indeed, but how did she look when she found out that she wasn't going on the twip?
smoochie kisses
pee ess take good cawe of you Mom while youw Dad is gone
Well done Hershey! That's good packing!
I bet you still look great, Huskee!
Too cute how Hershey hides her toys.
w00fs, heehee iz u shure Hershey packed or did u pack fur her..
b safe,
Hershey is all ready to go!! LOL
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