
Thursday, January 8, 2009

Reporter Huskee reporting from ummm... home. Hershey is still having the runs and she woke dad up at 3am cos she wanted to poop. They had given her some charcoal pills and loads of water. Mom also boil some rice and chicken for her so hopefully it'd improve. If she still does not improve, they'll be taking her to the V.E.T. ** shudders ** The diarrhea does not seem to be affecting her much fortunately, as she still has a healthy appetite and is very playful.

We were wondering what's the cause of this sudden bout of diarrhea... Pawsonally I think the girl just had too much to eat during the Chirstmas and New Year pawties. She should learn not to be so greedy next time!!

I have been a good big brother... I helped by being a good boy (I usually am) so that mom and dad can concentrate on taking care of Hershey.


Raising Addie said...

Oh noes.... we hope that Hershey gets better soon. Being sick like that is no fun!

You are a very good big brother Huskee. Keep up the good work!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Are woo chewing anything up in her honour?

Please take good khare of her!


Aki and Poopie said...


we missed you!!! but i bet you missed your mum and dad more!

we just read that eating lots of bones may upset the bowel. maybe the poor girl ate lots of holiday ham and bones over at your gramps.

we can always count on you to be a good boy huskee. ata boy buddy! woof woof woof to you!

drooly kisses,


pee-ees. let us know what the vet found, ok?

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Good big brother, Huskee.
I guess the secret plan sending her off to Siberia aborted?

Boo Casanova said...

poor hershey. i hope she gets better by this evening.

wet wet licks


Lorenza said...

Hi, Huskee!
I really hope she gets better soon!
I am sure the chicken and rice will help her!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Bee Bee said...

Dear Huskee

That's so mature and sensible of you :) Hope Hershey will get better soon!

Bee Bee

Chow Chow said...

Thank dog you are a good boy, Huskee!

I hope the runs clear up for Hershey soon. At least she knows how to wake your Daddy up when she needs to go.

Cocoa the Beagle said...

We hope Hershey gets better soon. You can get your mummy to try feeding some plain yogurt before meals. That usually helped us when we get the runs. You are a good brother Huskee!

Cocoa and Barley

L said...

We hope Hershey feels better soon. Having an upset tummy is no fun at all. We bet she appreciates that you are being a nice big brother right now.

Asta said...

Youw pawents awe so lucky to have such a good boy ..I'm suwe it helps them lots not to have to wowwy about you getting into mischief..
I hope Hershey gets bettew soon and won't have to go to the dogtow
smoochie kisses

Angel n Miko said...

hey huskee !
oh my , hope hershey gets well soon!
it's so noble of you for being so sensible !


Bae Bae said...

Oh dear. I hope Hershey gets better soon

~ Bae

Duke said...

We sure hope Hershey gets better soon! The runs are sure no fun!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Stanley said...

Huskee Boy!

You ARE a good boy (didn't Baby prove that by marrying you?)! We hope Hershey gets over her squirting bout soon, and we're sending some goob smooches her way to help her heal!

In the meantime, please stay clear of all that flying poo, and try to enjoy yourself.

Goober love,

Abby said...

Hi, Huskee...

I hope Hershey feels better soon...It's no fun being sick...

That chicken & rice stuff usually helps alot...

Abby xxxoo

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a good brother to be worrying about Hershey. She may not like it much but sometimes it helps to not eat anything for a day or so, then try the boiled chicken and rice. Hope she is feeling better soon.

Woos, the OP Pack

The Musketeers said...

Aww~ such a considerate brother you're Huskee ! Smart boy , and you look so cute in that picture !

Amber-Mae said...

Oh that poor notty girl. Yeah, I guess it must be all that food she walloped during those pawties. Oh, those things happen to us all the time too. It's normal. Hee! Hope she gets better soon.

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Simba and Jazzi said...

I hope Hershey gets better soon.

Simba x

Snowy and Crystal said...

awwee are such a GOOD big brother

tell Harshey that we hope she feels better VERY soon

Maltese paws


Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

Good boy Huskee.

We hope Hershey feels better soon. Is Hershey okay with chicken normally?

We only ask as chicken didn't suit Holly so when we are ill we get boiled egg and rice instead.

Holly &Zac

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I hope Hershey's poop gets better soon. That can't be fun. Is she still chewing stuff?

Lacy said...

w00f's Huskee and Hershey, me shure hopes dat hershey iz feeling better now and no missed u pups...blogger eated my last comment...

b safe,

Asta said...

Huskee and Hershey
I hope you and youw pawents have a tewwific weekend
smoochie kisses

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

When Louie got that diarrhea stuff one time we took him to the vet and the doc said that since he is a dumpster diver that is what happen. He said you can give them Imodium which really surprised mom..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Lady Kaos said...

You're such a good big brother! I hope Hershey's issues get better soon!!!

well this sucks said...

Huskee your teeth are beautiful! Hahahahahaha I love small doggy teeth.

Joe Stains said...

We are sending healing vibes over to Hershey!

the many Bs said...

hi Huskee, we get diarhea at times and it always goes away. mom just says it's cause we eat stuff that's not always good for us. the boiled rice and chicken sounds yummy. that will probably help Hershey's tummy.


Katie and Gizmo said...

Ooh not nice for Hershey. I had diarrhea when I first came to live with my mum. She thinks it was caused from change in diet. Apparently us doggies can't handle even the smallest change in foods so it probably was just the Christmas food. Either that or was she wormed recently, that causes it too.

Hope it clears up soon

Urban Smoothie Read said...

i hope hershey will get better soon... diarrhea is a mess to clean up..

Life With Dogs said...

You need some magazines to read - or some Imodium biscuits!

Tillybaby said...

love your og...your one cute doggie. lets b friends?!!! vist me and leave a comment..i will be visiting you alot :)