
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Here are some of the photos that mom took when they took Herhsey, The Pooping Pup, to the park.

Meeting & making new friends...

Wheeee.... I can feel the wind blowing through my hair!!

Caught doing what she does best --- Pooping!!
(That's dad walking there to pick up her poop)

A tired dog is a good dog!

'Smiling' for the camera...

Meanwhile, I have been helping mom with cleaning and decorating the house for Chinese New Year. This is one of the first things that we put up... the pussy willow tree (plus some synthetic cherry blossoms)!! We will be going to get more plants tonight cos live, blooming plants symbolize rebirth and new growth. Flowers are believed to be symbolic of wealth and high positions in one's career. Lucky is the home with a plant that blooms on New Year's Day, for that foretells a year of prosperity

I will show you more photos soon!


Bae Bae said...

Yeah a pooping pup is also a healthy pup. ;)

~ Bae

Par said...

You must be having a good day.
Can't help but to notice the green grass.....I'm waiting for warmer weather.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Huskee!
Looks like Hershey had a great time... pooping included!
Good job helping your mom!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

We hope ALL of your plants bloom on New Years Day!

We think perhaps we won't comment on the pooping.

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Life With Dogs said...

Hershey you are just stunning.

Asta said...

What a gowgeous awwangement..Mommi would love that..I can't believe how big Hershey is getting..I hope she had a good time in the pawk..pooping in the pawk is good
smoochie kisses

i said...

Hershey sure looked the picture of pure bliss there! Glad her 'business' is back to usual ;-)

May you have lots of blooms on CNY!

Stanley said...

Huskee Boy!

I agree with BB. A pooping pup is a healthy pup. At least she left some of it at the park instead of in the house! (Tell Hershey she is a stinkin' cute pupgirl, by the way.)

We wish we could be there to celebrate CNY with you. We're sending celebratory goober smooches to you, and an early Gongxi Facai to you too!

Goober love,

chelsea + apple said...

pooping is good yes!!

<3 Apple

DoMoFi said...

LOL @ Pooping Pup!

Joe Stains said...

looks like Hershey had a blast at the park! Chinese new year is monday, what is the next year's animal?? Mom was born in the year of the Dragon!

Abby said...

Hi, Huskee...

I'm glad Hershey is feeling better...It looks like she had a great time at the park...

Your plants are sooo pretty...I hope they all bloom on New Years Day for you...

Abby xxxooo

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What a nice arrangement to get your pawtied started with!

I think Hershey had LOTS of fun running and running and pooping and pooping!


Byron y Xinver said...

Hi, we love these pics of dogs playing and running. Greetings.

Moco said...

Hershey made good work of being at the park. Maybe she won't be chewing on you.
We are looking forward to seeing the rest of the decorations. We feel that this is going to be a good year for all of you.

Tillybaby said...
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Tillybaby said...

looks like you had fun ......pooping!!! :) lol hahahahaha

Simba and Jazzi said...

Looks like you made lots of friends.

Simba x

Lacy said...

w00f's Pups, heehee Hershey looked like she wuz having a blast...bol, heehee we all poop when its time..even at the doggy park..

b safe,

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Looks like Hershey had a wonderful time at the park. Yepper Mom says a tired dog is a good dog too..

Gig Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

That looked a fun play at the park.

Hershey smiling on that last photo...that is cute!

Holly & Zac...XX

Chow Chow said...

I sure hope I can meet you at the dog park someday, Hershey! And do drag Huskee along too! I can't wait to sniff your butts and say hello!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Such fun in the park for the pooping pup. And that flower arrangement - breathtaking - our Mom would love that for her table.

Woos, the OP Pack

The Musketeers said...

Looks like Hershey have grown ! & soon she will be 1 on the same month as me (:

Loves ,

-The Mullin Clan's Mommy- said...

Hi Huskee,

Yur as young as you feel - or sumthing like that we heard R mommy say. R daddy calls us da pooping boys cuz we poops a lot in the side run. We R glad that everything is comin out OK (literally) wif Hershey!!

-da boys, Cosmos & Juneau-

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Hehe...The last photo of Hershey looks SOOO cute! And your blossoms for the New Year look AWESOME, Huskee! Hope you have a great New Year's celebration...*grins* Mom will be bringing us back to Gramma's hometown, so it should be fun...heh!


L said...

It looks like Hershey had a great time in the park. We love pooping everywhere we go - and if we can poop 1 time more than the number of bags our girl is carrying, even better!

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day Pals,

I love the pawk and a good poop, but I don't want my mum taking photows of it.

If you come down and swim wir me I pwomise not to pee in the pool.

xxx Asta (oz)

Lady Kaos said...

Is Hershey still having pooping issues? Tell your Mom to get lots and lots and lots of plants for good luck! Mom thinks it's good luck that her Christmas Cactus has been blooming way after Christmas. It's goging to keep blooming through the rest of the month. My mom says her and your mom need lots of luck this year.

Duke said...

We can tell that Hershey had a blast at the park!
Happy Chinese New Year!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Angel n Miko said...

Oh Hershey, that smile was so sweet !
At what place is that park located??
It's beatiful ! The park I go to don't have many dogs :(

And Huskee , You're such a good dog ! I helped mom put up the pussy willow too by pestering her ! :P


duo_disaster said...

Does more poop means more luck too? Lol! We're gonna go to the park & rip some flowers back for the home!

Happy NIU year, Huskeey & Hershey!

Rudolf & Goofy + Hoomans
(and Lafite)

P/S: We received your 'pay it forward' pack yday!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

yep! Nothing like a poop in the park I say!

And a handy human to pick it up of course!

Samantha: said...

Dear Husky and Hershey, I just found your blog - how wonderful it is and the pictures are fabulous! I am making new friends this Sunday and have an award for you both! I'm about to go on a hike, but stop by my blog when you get a chance!

Raising Addie said...

Hershey you had such a great time at the park!!

I hope that your plants bloom for you on New Years Day! You and your family deserve the BEST!

Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie and Lucie

Pedro said...


Wow, Hershey is sure getting big! There were alot of good lookin dawgs at that park. It was nice of you to stay home and help your mom!


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Happy New Ox Year, Huskee and Hershey!

Amber-Mae said...

Hershey seemed to enjoyed herself! I say a tired dog is a happy dog! And I usually am when I'm tired after playing fetch at a park!

The last time, when my hoomans bought pussy willows, they died very fast. I wonder why?

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Teddy said...

My mom can't believe how much I poop. I wonder if all young pups poop a lot...or just the special ones!


♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hi my friends,

We wish all your plants bloom like crazy this year. The Mommy said she wil go by a blooming plant & keep it to help you along too.
What nice looking doggies you had to play with.

The Mommy said, she thinks your Mommy did the right thing getting Hershey. It's always best to have another doggie to snuggle with when our humans aren't available and think of all the good things you can teach Hershey and when you do have to go to the bridge the Mommy will have Hershey to comfort your Mommy and Daddy.

Last night I did a post about the relationship that me and Jacks had. I miss him so much. `I'm gonna do a post about brothers and sisters and would like you to participate. Come over when you can
and read about it.

Kisss and (((huggies))) to all....Mona & the Mommy too!!