This morning, Mom and dad were on their way to send me back to The Maid at my Grandparent's place before they went on their way to earn the money for my treats and squeaky toys. Look at how dark the sky is... *shudder*.. I don't like thunder and/ or lightning one bit!
Rain, Rain, Go Away,
Little Doggies Want to Play..

Despite the cloudy skies, today is a very special day 'cos it is the birthday of someone who is very special and dear to me and mom. It is the 4th Birthday of mom's godson/ my godbrother -- Scuba!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my 'Big Little Brother' (cos obviously he is bigger than me in size although I am *ahem* more matured). I hope you like the present that I got for you!
Huskee Munchkins,
Glad that your mom likes it. I got 1 too with Mama's HP no. on lt in case i get lost.
dats a pwetty tag tag! so sweet of Baby & Boy...
that's one pretty tag u got there. what? you or your mom are not going to use it? wasted! but yeah, i understand what your mom thinking. i have a name tag, it is difficult to see my name at all now.
wet wet licks
Huskee cutie
could you be more adowable? no it's impossible..what a pwetty medal you got, awfully nice of Baby
Hope you didn't get scawed with the thunder
smoochie kisses
Wowf! thatsa vewy nice tag!
since both of you have it.. then does that mean you're engaged?
*with the wiggling of the eyebrows*
don't let the thunders scawe you!
Nice tag, it's like the one Sunshade and Jaffa got me for my barkday.
Oscar x
Your tag is beautiful Huskee! That's so sweet of Boy and Baby! What a super special gift!
Love ya lots,
That is a really nice tag!!! I've never quite seen anything like that before either.
Your Mom is like my mom. She likes to NOT USE things cuz she's afraid to scratch it or ruin it. Humans are strange like that. I think they should be like us and chew or lick everything. Right???
Those gray clouds look so much like the weather we had today!!! I don't like storms or thunder either. Scawwwwieeeee.
That is a pweetty tag Huskee. You're one lucky boy... Baby must adore you alot to send you something so nice as that, kekeke! (Boo is soooooo jealous of you rite now!)
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi Huskee Boy
I love the tag Boy n Baby gave you. It is bootiful.
Say hello to your maid from me and my mum.
Love from Hammer
I know how you feel. So fed up with the rain.
Simba xx
Hey Huskee,
Yeah, the skies were dark and gloomy...the hoomans's faces were just as dark and gloomy cos they had MOnday blues...
Thank dog we don't need to work. It's so over-rated!!
Baby's pressie is lovely!!!
Hi, Huskee.
I'd never seen a tag like yours! Its very nice. Great present for you!
That is a scary picture of the gray sky! Looks very dark!
I hope you are not having too much rain!
Have a nice day
G'day Huskee Boy,
That's weally nice tag & it looks just like you.
xxx Asta down under
Wow you are lucky you get presents and things. that's a pretty one. I got a tag but it's just a regular one. The woman says i am already full of myself and she won't give me clothes and frills. Stinks, don't it? As usual, you are looking very handsome!
wow that is a cool pressie ahve some very nice friends..what is an HP...
Woh, that is a very nice tag.. Will you showcase your "Huskee Collection" to us one day?
~ girl girl
hey huskee that tag is very nice! :) HM has kept my tag too cos i don't wear a collar usually :p
oooh the sky is so grey! last night it rained around midnight and i was scared out in the living room so i screamed and yelled until someone woke up to sit with me
What a great key tag & it looks just like you - happy days
I saw the present you gave to scooba! Nice nice!
Beautiful tag, dude!
Hi Huskee, love the new tag. How nice.
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Awesome tag Huskee! I think you should wear it all the time:)!
Your Friend,
Putter ...:)
Huskee dear.
Thank you 4 remembering my barkday. I love your barkday gift - it is so special. Mom 4bid me to use it and it is now sitting in the display cabinet.
Big big kiss
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