I am telling you, I am not a happy trooper... (if you can't already tell from my expression above). How can they even compare me to Shrek and attempt to make ME look like HIM? I think there is a serioooooooooous lack of R.E.S.P.E.C.T for me and is an absolute insult to cute and handsome self.

This is how I really feel about those green ears...
Ok one nice shot to make the hoomans happy. Seriously they are so easily contented.
So what do you think, my friends? Who's the charming one? Me or Shrek???!
you are the king of charm no other doggy comes close....
though you do make a cute Shrek
tail wags
Hi Huskee,
OMG you look so adorable! So ur maid came to the dachshund gathering with Eil? I AM NOW SO ANGRY AT MY MUMMY! She failed to intro me to Eil and your maid. HOW MADDENING.Seriously useless Mummy Haiz...
Anyway, i think u look REALLY cute with that Shrek Band!
Mummy has got one of it but its too big for me :p
You don't look amuse at all Huskee... I want those Shrek ears actually coz I think they're cute & weird. Of course you're still he cutest & the most charming one(Boo don't get jealous...) NOT Shrek. He's just a big, fat, green, oogly Ogre! Definitely NOT you, nu-uh!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Oh Huskee !!! Why do they do it to us ???
-- well because we are so darn cute and adorable they can't help themselves ;)
'You are the man'
Only you could carry those ears off and still look good!
huskee, you are soooooooo cute!!!
my local McD staff are wearing this cute head gear. a-ha-ha-ha-ha. no body can fight with your cuteness!
wet wet licks
hehehehehe How cute you look Huskee! But you're cute with or without the green ears!
Love ya lots,
Hi, Huskee.
Anything to make happy our parents rigth?
You look really cute with those ears! I like them a lot
Have a nice day
Hey Huskee,
I dunno how you do it, but those shrek ears look HOT on you. hehehe...very handsome indeed.
I mean you could wear an apple netting and still look cute.
You're so charming! And mom says you look ultra cute with those ears on!
OMD, you look simply adorable in those Shrek ears!!! (Sorry Huskee, Mom made me say that!).
I know you're not impressed, but you really do look very cute!
Oscar x
OMDawg!!! You are sooooo pissed aren't you? But do you know how incredibly cute you look? My ma showed this post to every lady she knew... this is definately the way to a woman's hearts!! Dude, do you know how many lady's I got here wanting you? You are stud, even with green ears.
Since i am not princess Fiona but princess Baby instead, i would say you are the cutest.
Oh be patient about the mail ok. Mama fogot to send it out last week and she is on 2 days leave so probably she will get it send out on Wednesday. I had given her a earful for forgetting.
Hi Huskee.....you are adorable and so are those ears on you.
We found your blog via some of our other doggie friend blogs. Nice to meet you.
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Great pics!:)
Your Friend,
Putter ...:)
I like you without the green ears. I haven't seen any of the Shrek movies, but would definitely go to watch a Huskee movie if you ever make one!
Huskee, you look really cute with those ears. (Can you hear better with those ears?) Maybe they can get you to film Shrek part 4
~ girl girl
awww, you look cute with those green ears!
very charming
nose licks
Are you kidding me, there's absolutely no contestYOU areGORGEOUS, shrek is not, but the silly ears do look kinda cute on you.
Why is it impossible for you to come visit me in my neighborhood, you Mommi just has to hire a plane and then a pet taxi, and, tah dah! you're here...I'd intwoduce you to everydoggy and I'm sure they'd love you too like I do
Hi Huskee!
I think you look absolutely adorable (Mommy said this not me!)
Don't give mommy any ideas! She might do the same thing to me!
The things they do to make us un-manly! sniff sniff!
!!!! Huskeee you are too cute!!!!
You are the best shrek!
hi Huskee,
my Jiejie bot me one of those, but it was too big for me, n i had ripped it apart!
n i muz say u looked incredibly cute with the ears!
I'd have said you were more like the donkey.lol.
Simba xx
Hi Huskee,
You will always be my charming RIVAL in love ....
Hey, I just link you up to my blog .... sorry, took me so long to link you up :P
Huskee you are so much cuter than that big fat blob Shrek!!
We can see that you're less than thrilled playing the part though.
Sherman, Penny & Lola
Priceless - uttely priceless!
Can you burp like Shrek?
snogs from the dogs
Kerrio & co
G'day Huskee Boy,
It's bad enough your hoomans made you wear those hears, but by Dog, wouldn't 1 photo be undignifying enough?
xxx Asta down under
Hi Huskee... hahahaha.. you are such a cutie pie!!!... my mummy n i was laughing all the way and can't help it put to drop a comment to your old post..
My mummy bought those Shrek ears too for me when she was away to Singapore.. but unfortunately it was taken by a hooman little girl who visited us...
oh anyway, am new to your blog.. nice knowing you!!.. do drop by my blog too..
Well Well Well, U R not alone Huskee Boy.
I was made to wear those ears too. Of cos MaMa took a zillion pictures of me in it.
Hi Huskee Boy
Well ... all I can say is we sure have to put up with a lot of stuff from our hoomans !! Fancy thinking you look like Shrek. He's green.
Love from Hammer
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