Mom and dad are going to be travelling again... This Wednesday they will be going to attend their friend's wedding in Kelantan, Malaysia. Mom's pretty excited and apprehensive at the same time about the trip because it is her first time going to Kelantan and also because she's heard quite a lot about how it is one of the most 'conservative' states in Malaysia. (So I guess all her shorts and singlets are staying at home this time this time..) After that, they will be staying over in Kuala Lumpur (the home of Boo Casanova) for a few nights before heading home. Hopefully mom will be able to control her shopping urges for long enough to take some photos back to show me (I am not putting much hope abt it though)
Naturally I get left behind (again) and miss out on all the action... They'd better come back with something for me..

Any takers??
yeah huskee, kelantan is pretty conservative. they don't even allowed you to show toes! ok, just kidding.
so, u r up for adoption huh. since i'm first to comment, u think i stand a chance??
wet wet licks
I'll take you! If you don't mind helios poking his nose in your face all the time.
Oh Huskee mama coming to Malaysia??? Thats great but poor Huskee has to stay at home again.........mayb you should put yourself into a box and mail it to me. hahaha !!!
Come and live with me. I'll a post a rabbit to replace you and we'll see how long it takes them to notice.
Simba xx
Aw Huskee, I'm sure they'll come home with a ton of cuddles for you!
Oscar x
You can also come to live with me in Mexico. I'll love to have you here.
For sure you will get lots of presents from that trip. Be patient.
We would take you little Huskee! Then your mom could just take an extended flight to Canada to pick you up! I think that would be just great:)
BIG hugs from Billy Boo:)
Aw... your parents going away again. Hey Huskee, maybe we should go out and play. heee Hope your mom enjoys her trip
~ fufu
too bad you cant come over and hang out with us!!
ILL ADOPT YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Huskee,
Is your Mom going to visit Boo? hehe.. You are welcome here at my place. Get your maid to bring you out instead. Find your own entertainment so your hoomans will know how much they are missing out going without you.
wow your mom travels so often! :0 are they going to meet boo? are they? are they?? :) hee
i am off right now to convince HM to adopt you! :)
welcome to malaysia!!
but v ourselve had never been to kelantan b4...
btw huskee,
u think your hooman will still be around this sunday? there's a doggie carnival at central park (at 1 Utama shopping center). I'll be there with the hooman.
check out the info here.
wet wet licks
I want to adopt YOU right NOW!!! i dont care what mama or Boy got to say about this. Do you need me to send a DHL man there NOW?
Hey Huskie Boy
You'd never be put up for adoption. You KNOW you're way too precious.
Thank you for your kind comments on my blog AGAIN and Khomet is real handsome. He's very humble though. Also Charlie is not the only dog to be de-barked. I was de-barked too. My mum is real upset that this happened to me.
Love from your friend, Hammer
Bummer! We hate when our people travel without us. They usually bring lots of goodies & we get extra attention for a long time b/c of their guilt! Hope it works out that way for you Huskee.
(Have your folks give Boo a big kiss from Lola).
Sherman, Penny & Lola
*Jack holding his two front paws up*
Huskee, Jack is asking if he can adopt you?
Can I adopt you then if nobody wants you??? Hehehehe...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
G'day Huskee Boy, Don't miss your hoomans too much. You can always come visit me in Melbourne! xxx your mate, Asta
We'll take you Huskee!! You look like fun!
Oh Huskee, you can stay here with us!! I can lend you my snuggle ball, and Mom will give you cantaloupe with your din dins. CC-man will serenade you. And you can be a featured guest on my blog!! How about that??
I asked my mom if we could adopt you but she said your flight would be too traumatic and you would probably miss your mom and dad who love you a lot.
Hey Huskeedoodles, I think you have your pick of homes.
huskee boy - come stay with us in Melbourne, Australia, - it'd be great fun !!!
awwwwwwwwww huskeee boy
your mum and dad will be back. But i won't mind it one bit if you came to live with us here in Tokyo.
We get to play, go to doggy daycare and eat lots of nice yumy treats!
Huskee my Nutball says she would take you in a nanosecond.
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