
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mom was hanging out the laundry yesterday and she heard a commotion on the street right across from our yard. She ignored it at first but after 15 mins, the little crowd was still there, so out of curosity, she popped her head out further and saw that there was a Husky lying by the side of the road. The poor doggie was lying there under the scorching midday sun, and mom was pissed that no one had enough sense to give the poor dog some reprieve from the heat, considering the fact that he's got a full coat. Some of the humans gathered there had enough sense to seek shelter under an umbrella or in the shade of a tree but no one thought of the dog!!! It must've been a good 32 ºC (90 ºF) on that day.

Mom grabbed some cold water from the fridge and the biggest umbrella she could find and went across to the 'crime scene'. The owner of the doggie was there and mom passed her the umbrella after telling her that it was meant for her dog.
The poor doggie was involved in a hit and run and was bleeding from his hind legs. The sh*thead driver who knocked him down did not even stop to help and a passing motorist took gave chase. Unfortunately the culprit refused to stop and the kind motorist who gave chase came all the way back to the scene and gave the license plate number to the Husky's owner.

The doggie's condition didn't look good and mom thinks he suffered a bad hit to his hind quarters. He was conscious throughout and mom said he even gave her a few feeble licks when she stroked his head.
Mom stayed with the distraught owner until the pet taxi arrived to take him to the Animal Hospital...

We hope that his injuries are not serious and he'd be back on his paws soon...


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

PLEASE give your mom OUR thanks fur doing all she did -

Khyra and Her Mom

✿A 'n' L✿ said...

Send our regards to your mom :)
She's been really nice. We hope the doggy will get well soon. Poor him


Bae Bae said...

Oh dear.. I hope the doggie is ok.
Darn those hit and run drivers, I hope they get what they deserve.

~ Bae

Maxmom said...

Hey there, Hershey
You have a very compassionate mother! It's always distressing seeing uncompassionate people. Hope that poor doggie survived...Oh dear, such a sad story!
Anyway, we love your new bed - it really suits you.
Sending lots of love and licks to you all!

Dexter said...

Good for mom! I think the humans panic and think if they drive away then it didn't happen or it wasn't so bad. I hope that he got to the vet in time.


My Mind's Eye said...

Huskee and Hershey
Mom is VERY angry about this too.
We say thank you to your mommy for her kindness. We are so very sorry for the poor puppy. We'd like to get our hands on that driver....
We hope you two pups are well and that you are giving Mom and Dad lots of love,
Madi and Mom

Par said...

I anger me that such people could do such thing. Don't even deserve to be on wheels on the road. I hope the dog is ok. Your mom have a very good heart.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

How sad! Your mom is so wonderful to do what she did. Give her a big kiss from us for her kindness. We hope the dog is going to be able to heal.

Hugs, the OP pack

Martha said...

Oh my goodness, that poor dog. How very upsetting for your mom too. She was very kind trying to help but we felt very sad reading that story.
In the UK this summer two police dogs died who had been left in a parked police car by their handler.
We were shocked that the handler did not know better. We dogs are not good in the heat and need humans, just like your mom, to look out for us.
We really hope the dog is OK.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx

Piappies World said...

Hi there Huskee and Hershey,

We hope that the poor doggie is alright. It was really a good thing your mom was there to help him out. Thank you mom!

- Frappie, Mocha, Sugar & the Piappies

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Well done to your Mom for helping out. I so hope the husky will be ok!
~lickies, Ludo

Ms. ~K said...

Such a sad story...thanks to your mom for helping.
I'm sending paws-itive thoughts to the poor doggie...
I believe strongly in Karma...and driver's is not good!

Lorenza said...

Your mom is wonderful! I hope that doggie is doing well!
Kisses and hugs

Huskee... could you please tell your mom to send me an email with your address (I am not sure I have it). I'd love to send her a Fortune Lamb.

Mika said...

Your mommy deserves an honorable mention for helping the pup. The pup will be in our thoughts!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh my, I so hate hearing about dog traumas, I so so so so so hope he is ok. poor Husky.

As I get older I cannot bear to read or think about animals suffering.

Your Mama is a good lady, so kind.

Thank her from me for caring..........

sorry we have been absent from the dog blogs, just life took over.......

well that is her excuse, I can't type stuff without her help!

lotsaluv Marvin xxxxxxxxxxx

Dawn said...

Good thing your Mom was vigilant! Sometimes owners just lose their heads in moments of crisis. Other people should have helped sooner. I hope the dog is OK!

Duke said...

Bless your mom for doing what she did!
We hope the doggie will be okay!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Oh no!! How horrible. God Bless your Mommy for helping that poor pup. Mommy will pray for him. We think people that hit and run and animal should be punished as if was a human that got hit.

We love you guys so much.

{{{huggies}}}...Mona & Mommy too!!

Raising Addie said...

OMD!!! Good job mom for acting quick on your feet! We will be praying that the Husky makes it.

Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey

Teddy said...

A big thanks to your mom for helping that poor husky. I hope he gets the care he needs from his owner. Hopefully someday, the nice people will outnumber the bad ones. We'll have to keep working on that!

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hurray for your Mom! It's amazing how stupid some people can be. We hope that the owner was able to get the dog the medical attention he needed.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci