
Monday, June 9, 2008

Dad has a new hobby which has kept him very busy over the weekend. The 2008 UEFA European Football Championship, commonly referred to as Euro 2008, began on 7 June. This time round, the tournament is being hosted by Austria and Switzerland. Other than being glued to the TV at un-godly hours of the night, Dad's new hobby revolves around the Euro 2008. It is *drumroll please* the Euro 2008 STICKER BOOK!! My mom finds it hilarious that a grown man of almost 30 spends a few hours everyday playing with stickers.. *stifling a giggle*...

Mom had something similar to this when she was about 10 years old... the 'theme' of her sticker book then was Care Bears, which has remained her favourite till today. That sticker book is safely hidden somewhere in Grandmama's library cupboard... Mom is quite determined to search for it when she has some time, just to reminisce her childhood days.
Oh and mom bought more Care Bear stuffies at a toy fair recently but I'll save that for another post!

Well, my dad is playing with stickers and my mom's collecting stuff toys (and mind you they are not young anymore!!). Hmmm... it really feels kind of strange when your parents are still behaving like a couple of kids.

This is the sticker book

Packets containing 6 pieces of stickers each at S$1 (approx. US$0.70)

To date, dad's spent close to S$100 on those stickers alone!

This is the team that dad's rooting for... (Dad's 'idol' is Ruud Van Nistelrooy)

So far the book is almost 80% complete... dad needs to buy more stickers to fill up the missing pieces (meaning spend more money!!).

So, are any of your hoomans also addicted to Euro 2008?


T-man Angel said...

I've never heard of those sticker books before. Mom used to have a stamp collection, which reminds her of that.

It's a good thing CC-man isn't visiting at your house. He would probably chew through your dad's sticker book in no time.

Boo Casanova said...

my pfdaddy is not following. he said he's not interested in country football, only on Man U. if u ask me, he's lazy!

can't believe your dad is into sticker. har har har.

wet wet licks


Girl Girl Hamster said...

There's a toy fair? Where where?
I think you should start playing with stickers too Huskee

~ Girl girl

Peanut said...

that is kind of odd. Hey my mom likes care bears too. she has care bear stuff I can't play with.

Amber-Mae said...

Stickers? What are those?

Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer

Asta said...

We watch Euwo 2008 and love soccew, but Daddi doesn't do the stickews..I guess he's too fow youw pawents..being young is wondewful..and should be kept going as long as possible
hope you had a gweat weekend too
smoochie kisses

Myeo said...

My dad also is glued to the tv everynight now but he is not into the sticker thing.

Yes yes, mom remember the Care Bear Sticker book. That was really a long time ago probably 20 or more years ago. She say she feel old now.


Helios said...

oh my! My M says this reminds her of her sticker collecting days too! ANd the publisher is always Panini (or something like that)

Ben & Darling said...

Oh Huskee, my dad & mom is not into the euro thingy but they do have their so call "collection". Dad collect car modal & mom collect stuffie.....for me that are all toys!! Like you said, they are not young but still they like toys.

slurpy licks,

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hey Huskee,

The Mommy thinks everybody should have something they like to do so we think it is great that your Daddy is having a good time with his collection.

They say that confession is good for the soul so I bet you feel 100%better now. My question is, did they let you back in the big bed?


Dandy Duke said...

This is the first we've heard of Euro 2008! Keep updating us so we know what's going on, okay Huskee?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Harry said...

Well, as you know England is not at the tournament!

Pa says he used to love collecting his football stickers, and I reckon he'd still like to!

Ma used to collect Garfield ones!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Lizzy said...


I must say, I've never heard of these kind of sticker books before... But I'm sure your human dad must really like them, hee hee!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Huskee!
My cousin has a sticker book very similar! And his dad is paying big money for the stickers!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

we do not know anything about the games you are watching but mom had those sticker books when she was a kid, what memories it brought back, thanks for sharing!

Ferndoggle said...

That's a pretty interesting hobby...Dad does a fun thing with his American Football too, but it's not that organized.


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I hope the money for those stickers is not taking away from the money for your treats! Too funny how humans are sometimes!

andrahyb said...


you know those packets just seemed to have a few repeated ones. So just pray that those excess stickers dont get stucked on your head.

Our Dad doesnt like Soccer. But if you show him WRC -- I think he can be like your Dad too. Then we'll all (except M) accompany him till ungodly hours.


Urban Smoothie Read said...

netherland is kicking italy and france ass...

i'm sure ur daddy is really happy..

my owner loves those stickers too...but she hate purchasing the repeats...if only she can rip the packet apart before buying it

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Huskee, yes, J2 is watching EVERY SINGLE GAME. Now that there are 2 matches on at the same time every night he's got 2 TVs side by side so he can watch them both together. Sigh. J x

kingsley said...

I'm a italian now forced to support holland due to some developments in my family.

Do check out the very silly boy wearing the holland hat on my blog!

Hup Holland Hup!