
Monday, February 25, 2008

Hello all pups and Girl Girl,

Now that
my bride has come home safely after her 'little saga' a week ago, the wedding is back on track and the new date is 14 March.

You can come as any fairy-tale character but those who prefer to come 'au naturale' will also be warmly welcomed!! It's your presence that we are looking forward to!! Please
RSVP at we want to ensure that there is enough food and treats for everyone!!

Aire-Ruby will be taking care of all the trans-paw-tation logistics, so don't forget to make your reservations early!


L said...

We are so happy to hear that the new wedding date has been set. Just make sure somedog keeps a close eye on Baby so she doesn't sneak away again.
Comet and BLU

Myeo said...

I am so excited..... I need to get my dress, the make up, the shoes..


T-man Angel said...

Ooh, I may show up au naturale as long as it doesn't get the single babes too worked up. Otherwise, I can wear my paris fashion coat. I'm glad you've set a new date!

PerfectTosca said...

Huskee sweetie! I didn't know your Baby was missing! I am so glad she's back. Can't wait for the wedding!!!! If anybody needs a ride they can hop onto me! I am a good horsey!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Yeah... This will be the pawfect wedding

~ Girl girl

Amber said...

Hey Huskee, I thought I missed the wedding! ThankDog that Baby is safe and sound now! Can't wait for the big day~!

Amber :)

Amber-Mae said...

Oh, I'm sooo excited once again! My calendar has been marked.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Harry said...

I am very glad the wedding has all been re-arranged!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Duke said...

yeaaaaaaaaa - we're so excited that the wedding has been rescheduled! We'll be there for sure! Tell Baby to stay safe this time!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Princess Patches said...

We will make sure to get our reservations on Aire-Ruby before all the seats are taken! We are so glad Baby is home safe and the wedding is back on!

Poppy & Penny

Asta said...

I'm so glad you and youw baby munchkin awe all set..take good cawe of each othew! This is the BEst!!!
smoochie kisses
pee esss I did a squeeck-ectomy on the lamb..he'll be OK aftew a little stay in the hopsital

Ben & Darling said...

Oh NOoooooo!!! Not again!!!

Huskee, you better lock up Baby till your wedding day...later she sneak out again to avoid the wedding or I might kipnap her this time. Hohohoo~~~

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Huskee, I'm so excited the wedding is back on. We will get Aire Ruby all ready for the big event!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

~Sweety~ said...

I am so glad that baby is back!

Will be checking ur blog for updates of the grand day.

PS: lets teach ur daddy a lesson for not sending ur mummy flowers! :P

Lots of Love,

Joe Stains said...


Simba and Jazzi said...

Still going through with then? Must be love. Will there cake?

Simba xx

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh how wonderful, everything has turned out Happy Ever After.

I would love to come to your Wedding, but I will be "au naturale" but I may wear my best red bandana.

Congratulations and I am so happy Baby is safe!

love and licks, Marvin xxxxxxxxx

Unknown said...

we take note...
14 of march...

Dolly & Zoopy said...

Will you two be combining your blog after your marriage?

Have both of you discussed about of puppy-planning yet?

Dolly and Zoopy

Lady Kaos said...

It's great to hear the wedding is back on. I won't be able to attend, bnut I'll be thinking about you 2 and looking forward to hearing about it and seeing pictures. I'll be busy helping Mom and Dad get our house ready to sell.

Asta said...

I had to tell Mr.Twump that he should look at all my fwiends blogs fow haiw advice..all of my fwiendz have much bettew haiw!!!

Huskee you still have my dwess-up pictoowe fow youw wedding? ow should I wesend it?
smoochie kisses

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Gosh I sure hope that Baby wasn't having "cold paws"! I am glad Baby is back, and what wonderful news that you have a wedding date!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Huskee!
I am ready!
Kisses and hugs

chiyo said...

congratulations a 2nd time!! :) the wedding is going to be lovely, i know it. i can't wait to see Baby happily married to you! hee hee but but but.. if Baby is ever sad because of you then me and GG and the Princess Gang will make sure you don't get off lightly! hee hee just kidding, i know you will be good to her


Urban Smoothie Read said...

wow... the new date had been set...

we're looking forward to it..

btw...request ur mother in-law to put ur bride under top security supervision...

Asta said...

Awe you vewy busy making plans??
Whewwe awe you going fow the honeymoon??
This is going to be gwweat..I think evewyone in the wowld is coming!
smoochie kisses

Hammer said...

Hi Huskee
I'm coming to the wedding, with Powder Puff and Odie and maybe Molly too. We're so pleased you and Baby are finally getting married.
Love from Hammer

Lenny said...

Huskee this is SO exciting! I am so happy for you.

Your friend, Lenny

Maya and Kena said...

Hey there Huskee Boy!
We met Baby during the sad time when she was away from her home, and we were wondering if we could come to the wedding.. we sent you an email.
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
PS. We thought it was SO sweet of you to send Baby that beautiful pendant!

Mack said...

Oh I can't wait!
I will go au naturale, but my naturale includes a tux! WooHoo

Jessie, Jake and Lola said...

We are sooooooooooo relieved that everyone is home and the wedding is on - we can't wait. Mama said this is our first wedding and we are thrilled!