
Friday, January 4, 2008

The Army of Four have organised a mission to help make 2008 the year that Beau is reunited with his family. Hammer and his family are a dear friends of ours so how can we be left out of 'OPERATION BRING BEAU HOME'?? My mom in particular, is very touched by Beau's mom's dedication and all the work she has been doing tirelessly to bring Beau home. I tell you this lady has our R.E.S.P.E.C.T.

For anyone who hasn't heard about Beau's story, you can read it here.

Please help to spread the word....

Here we are all decked out in our mission helmet and all ready to go!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Huskee
You two look so ready for the mission! Sure I hope Beau comes home soon!
Kisses and hugs

Peanut said...

You guys are cute in your helmets. My mom can't figure out how to get helmets on us. She's not that bright.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Yeah... you 2 are ready for the mission! Bring Beau Home! Bring Beau Home!

~ Girl girl

Kien said...

Hey Huskee boy..

u 2 sure looks cute n so ready to help.. but am afraid those bad guys will crush u guys down since u both so tiny!!


Boo Casanova said...

huskee, r u carrying any "gun of love" or "gun of peace" too?

wet wet licks


ycling said...

be careful out


Myeo said...

Oh Huskee

You are my Hero!


Anonymous said...

You both look great and ready for action in your helmets :)


PreciOus said...

Hi Huskee

You both look ready for the mission! May the force brings Beau safely home!


Simba and Jazzi said...

You two look like you mean business.

Simba xx

Duke said...

awwwwwwwwww, even Moosie has a helmet! You look ready for action, Huskee!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Hammer said...

Dear Huskee and Moosie
Thank you very much for your bootiful post about DWB/Supreme Commander Stormy Operation Bring Beau Home.
You both look good to go in your A04 Trooper helmets. Moosie can go undercover with Charlamayne coz they'll camouflage well together. Moosie can ride on Charlamayne's back.
Mum is pleased she's not the only hooman who had trouble fitting the helmets.
Thank you for your kind words. This mission to find Beau will NOT fail coz there is too much love.
Thank you for being our friends.
Enjoy your weekend.
Love from Hammer and his mum

Amber said...

You and Moosie look all gear up! Good luck in the mission!!

Amber-Mae said...

We're joining the army right now!!!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Baily said...

i hope Beau will be reunited with his family soon again :)

we are keeping all 4 paws crossed

nose licks

Asta said...

You and Moosie loo weady and able to help with this impowtant mission..I love you two!!!
Beau's Mom desewves ouw rwespect and help!!
smoochie kisses

Stanley said...

Huskee Boy!

I can't believe that you guys found a helmet to fit Moosie Girl!

This is the best mission ever. I definitely hope we find our Beau. It's time!

Goober love,

Joe Stains said...

We are sure that we will be successful in this mission!

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Oppa,
Both you and Moosie look so opawrationally ready!:)

sharkgila said...

Ready for your mission! Woo guys look cute. I really hope Beau is home soon.


Ferndoggle said...

Wow you guys look like you're all set for battle! We'd love to bring Beau home in '08!

Sherman, Penny & Lola

Asta said...

Huskee boy dawling
Thank you fow that I do feel silly, you know I just wanted them to like me, but now they said they like me anyway and they wewe wong...Laci and BabyStan now say they like evewybody no mattew what colow haiw they have..Thank you fow being my fwiend
smoochie kisses

chiyo said...

I hope Beau comes home soon!


p.s. your mom went to the Jacky Cheung concert too? HM really loved it!!! she wasn't that huge a fan before she saw him sing live but now she is totally hooked!!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh Huskee, you both look so Macho in your helmets. I am wearing mine too. Let us hope we can find Beau and bring him home. His Mama has our R E S P E C T toooooo!

Happy New Year.

love and licks, Marvin xxxxx

Asta said...

Guess what??
I got youw bootiful cawd and COOKIE!!! today! Thank you so vewy much..that was such a gweat suwpwise, just when I thought I wouldn't get any mowe mail..Thank you so vewy much! the cookie was bootiful and awe cvewy sweet
smoochie kisses

~Sweety~ said...

Hi Huskee,

You guys look pawsome in those helmets! hehe i found you thru girl girl blog.

Hope you can drop by my blog when you have the time.

I am a mixed breed too~ half schnauzher half poodle. some say i am half maltese half poodle haha

Lots of Love,