Mama must have missed me so much during the time that they were away in Hong Kong, that's why she couuldn't stop hugging and kissing me when she came back.. (as you can see from the 2nd photo, I was trying to squirm out of her *killer* grasp as she was holding me too tightly and I couldn't breath!!)
Here's what they got for me as 'compensation' for leaving me behind... In addition to the toys, I also got some dog cookies but silly mom forgot to take photos (surprise, surprise...)!!
Oh and last but not least, guess who is staying over for the week??!
Oppa!! You are back in action. :) Ooo..i like your new toys. That brown bear reminds me of Mr Bean's teddy bear. hehe..
Oh, I see Girl Girl too. *waves* She looks like she's having lotsa fun too. Eil is coming back tomorow already. She sms-ed Mom last evening to say she's at Jeju Island and it's very very COLD.
woofies Huskeee Boy, bout times u gots back to missed u and moosie and girl furgots it wuz friday cause girl girl wuznt there to remind me, way to go on da toys, dats the only good fing when dey leave us, we gets toys and treawts...heehee
b safe,
Huskee Boy
You must be so happy to get youw Mommi back! It's obvious she's vewy vewy happy to see you. Those awe gweat pwessies,and don't eat all the tweats at once,cause you'll get a tumy ache!
It must be so nice to have GirlGirl visiting, i bet she and Moosie have a lot to discuss, I'd like to see theiww houses side by side.
smoochie kisses
oh Huskee Boy.. for a moment i thought u are going to be suffocated.. hehehe.. anyway.. ur mama much be missing u so much.. she just can't get enough of you..
Send our regards to Girl Girl n Moosie.. our wet wet licks to Girl Girl.. and smoochie kisses to Moosie..
Huskee Munchkins
I am so glad that you are back. I miss you a whole lot.
Do you join GG and Moosie when they are having their chit chats?
Welcome back Huskee's mom & Huskee! We missed you. Oh, those pressies are nice. We once had that Mr.Bean's muted teddy too but now he's kinda like, well, how do I put it, dead...Yeah! All Chloe's fault! She sure has itchy mouth...I bet she misses you alot! GG seems to be very happee at your place. Bet she & Moosie are good friends.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Yaaaaa, Huskee Boy!!!!
Your mama is back and she is LOVIN' on you! Isn't it funny? When they're away we want them with us, and when they're with us, sometimes they're a little too close!
Thanks for the Girl Girl photos! I missing seeing her sweet face. Any chance we can see a photo of Moosie & Girl Girl together (without putting Girl Girl in danger of too much lovin'?)
Goober love,
Welcome back Huskee!! What cool toys you got and those are great pics with your mum!
What nice prezzies Huskey. Oh and having GG visit must be so much fun!!! Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hi Huskee Boy
It's great to hear from you again and of course, your mum has missed you. How is your maid ? Hope she is well. Please give her lots of hugs and licks from us. Girl Girl looks very happy. We did not realise Moosie was much bigger than GG. Eil and GG will be very happy when they are together again soon. I left a message for you on your c-box about my parcels. At first I started chewing the parcels, and then when mum spoke to me about waiting until your pawrents get back home and you can blog, and then my 1st anniversary, I haven't gone near the parcels again. You and your maid and your family are all so very kind to me, and GG and Eil too.
Love from Hammer
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaa you're back! Gosh, your mom does give you bear hugs, doesn't she! Enjoy them - it means she loves you LOTS and missed you TONS! The new toys look like fun!
How sweet that Girl girl is sleeping over. We're sure Moosie is over-joyed!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Huskee, oh I love the photo with your mommi - so cute.
It's great to see pictures of GirlGirl & to hear that she is enjoying her visit to your home.
I love your Mr Bean ted! I can only imagine how happy you were to see ma again!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Glad to have you back blogging Huskee Boy, and you sure look loved!! I'm glad Moosie and Girl Girl are having a good time.
Your friend, Lenny
Hi-Woo Huskee Boy,
Of course yur mommy missed ya!! Look at her face to see how happy she is to be with you again in those pics. Those are great pressies that you got!
-Cosmos & Juneau-
Welcome BACK! Have fum with Girl Girl, just no wrasslin, she might not like it.
Hi, Huskee.
Sure you are as happy as your mom is! Glad she is back and you too blogging!
Are you having fun with Girl Girl? I wish I was there to play with you all!
Have a nice day
Poor Huskee, I feel your pain! Mom just got back from a vacation too, and tried to win me back with a toy. Just be sure to tear your toys apart to let mom know how you really feel.
Say hi to Girl Girl!! She's lucky to be able to stay with you and Moosie :)
huskee, you are back! we miss you so much. too sian!
your mom has sooooooooooo nice skin i'm getting jealous, i mean my pizza face dad sure jealous!
wet wet licks
oh, huskee, we miss u so much.. and the toys.. those are nice toys, right?
you must be SO HAPPY to be home AND you have girl girl there, how pawesome! I am so glad you are back!
She is squishing you, tell her to stop and just give you treats.
Simba xx
Your Mom is so pretty Huskee!! It's so great when Moms come home...especially when they have presents!
Give GG a big kiss for me.
Glad your mom is back and you are blogging again. Our girl always hugs us too tight when she gets back too. It just lets you know they love you.
Comet and BLU
Hey - your mom has a death grip on you. My dad is really laid back and he's ok with you using that picture.
yay your mom is back!!! hee hee hee.. did you miss her as much as she missed you?
the toys are so cute! hee hee is the middle one a peanut or a milk bottle?
can you figure out what Moosie and Girlgirl are chatting about? :p
oh please keep an eye on both of them, you never know what may happen Huskee boy, you are their legal Guardian!
give Moosie and Girl Girl, my best licks1
glad you are back tooooooooooo!
Hey Huskee! What lovely presents! It's almost worth it when the humans go away if they bring back lots of treats and stuff! J x
Boy you guys are sure lucky. You get to be with Girl Girl and everything. And she gets to be with you!
I mean that's LUCKY!
Good to see your cute face again Huskee.
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