I am proud to announce that Rubber Duckie No. VIII has lost its beak and tail.. (just like Rubber Duckie No. I to Rubber Duckie No. VII).. As you all know, I do lurrrrveee my toys so much!
Getting comfy and catching a nap after my 'workout'...
Papa was sick this weekend and spent a lot of time resting. Being the filial son that I am, I kept him company and gave him loads of kisses. He was feeling better by Sunday night and I think it was due to all the kisses that I gave him.
Mom's going to Shanghai tomorrow and won't be back till the weekend so I might not get a chance to use the computer... Hopefully Scuba and I will be able to join in the DWB Wine, Cheese and Chat Pawty this weekend if his mom (aka MY godma) and my mum (aka HIS godma) can make it back in time from their Shanghai trip. Imagine all the cheese I can eat... yuummmm... and all the pretty girls I can meet...
huskee, you are definitely using the doggie bedsheet to the max! hehehe.
nah, i don't need anything from SG. i think i got more than i ask for during my b-day. i'm still enjoying all the gift and toys! u know what? i have managed to dig out the stuffies from the air ball ball u gave me. :-( mom hid it from me now afraid i might eat all the stuffing.
wet wet licks
Hey Huskee - Where did your hoomans buy all the rubber duckies from? The dumbbell toy squeeks but not very loudly. Mom bought it from Pets Station I think.
Aw Huskee, hope you can make it to the pawty! Glad your kisses made dad feel all better.
Oscar x
Huskee, you sure look very happy biting the duckie's beak.
I'm sure your daddy got better coz you were looking after him so well.
~ fufu
You look so angelic with your head on that pink pillow. You would never guess that 2 minutes before you ate a duckie's head off!
Love ya lots,
Pretty Girls.. oh no. Am i not the prettiest in your heart?
Your mom going to Shanghai which means we wont bet to talk for a while. I am realli going to miss you...sob sob.
Huskee Boy,
You do us doggies proud with your 'refinement' of the duckies - I'm with you there our toys are there for us to shape as they need to be shaped.
Haha... Is the rubber duckie dead? I want to see dead toys! Ahahaha!!!
Oh hope your daddy gets well soon... My two hoomans including my momme Melissa are also sick. They three have the same sickness which is cough, flu & fever. What's going on??? I think the weather caused this, I'm very sure.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Husk-a-doo! That duckie loves you! Or maybe not. You should try that game in the bathtub.
Dear Huskee,
I really hope I see you at the PAWTY, but to tell you the truth, once the PAWTY starts, it's not gonna end. Somebody (pun intended) is always gonna stick around. So you might as well just have your mom or maid e-mail me so you know where the secret location is!!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Hey Huskee, looks like pretty tiring work ripping bits off the duckie. Is it totally destroyed? J x
G'day Huskee Boy, Doggie kisses are the best medicine! xxx Asta down under
Nice job Huskee! It's always very tiring ripping off the heads of our toys...but very rewarding!
Hope to see you at the Pawty!
Sherman, Penny & Lola
Bussie Kissies
wahahaha does the rubber taste THAT good? :p
hee you look so cute sleeping on the pillow, it looks like it's made just for you!
p.s. will you be meeting me and Baby nexxt week? :)
Poor duck, not! You show him who's boss. I hope your Daddy is feeling better.
Simba xx
Ofcourse you healed your Papa with your kisses.
Us doggies are very powerful!
You're so sweet!
Careful with those toys - you could choke (that is our mama talking not us - cause as far as we are concerned ya got to have fun!)
We won't be able to do the cheese and wine party cause we have to go see our grandma this weekend and she doesn't have a computer (get with it grandma)
Have fun for us and EAT A BIG PIECE OF CHEESE FOR US!!
My mom eats duck, but it doesnt look like that!!
I hope we get to meet up on the chat!
wow.. the names you give your rubber ducky sounds so regal... like king henry the V, VII, VIII etc etc
Hey Huskee Boy
Please tell Biyin to visit my blog. Look what has happened because of your post about Beau and all the posts of my very special DWB friends.
Re your duckie, there would be nothing left if that poor duckie was given to me to play with.
Love from your friend, Hammer
oh Huskee
Is your mum going to get you some presents from Shanghai?
Eve and Caz always buy me presents when they go away.
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