Christmas day came and went before I knew it... Why can't we have Christmas once a month?? Imagine that... *bliss*... Well, I spent the better half of the morning ripping open my pressies and ma was so jealous of me cos I have got more pressies than her!! Thanks to all my friends...
This lovely jacket is from Fu Fu and his mum..
(Huskee's ma: I love this jacket and I only wish it came in hooman size!!)

My gift all the way from Canada!!

This is from my dear friend Jay and his mum. I love the red and blue cos it brightens up my otherwise 'monochrome' coloured coat!
This turtle is from my dear Auntie Sam
This ltttle squeaky doggy is from either Jack or Joey... I received a present from each of them but the other was little raw hide boot and I chewed it up before ma could take a picture of it.. Ooops...
This huge squeaky is from Godma

and last but not least, these are from ma and pa..
Other than these, I have also received a hand-painted bowl with my picture on it from Herbie, a yellow squeaky teddy bear from Rafv, a squeaky doughnut from Bingo... and many, many more! Ma said she'd not have to buy me any toys for a long time!!