Just in case you can't recognise me in my new 'girly' haircut, yes, it's me alright...
Black black nose - Check
Crooked teefies - Check
** Pssst.. of you think that my haircut is bad, just wait till I get a pic of mom, aka Dora the Explorer's new do... LOL!!
Well, I hope all mommies had a wonderful Mother's Day on Sunday!! We all know that mommies (ok and daddies too) do a lot for us and shower us with their unconditional love and care.
It was a day that brought back a lot of memories for our mommy because last Mother's Day, she celebrated it with little Angel Lucas growing inside her belly and she was actually looking forward to this year's Mother's Day when she'd be holding him in her arms. Unfortunately, things did not work out as planned and she celebrated this Mother's Day without any baby in her arms (though she had a little angel looking down at her from Heaven).
Yesterday, she was at a supermarket buying the ingredients to make food for Hershey and I, and at the cashier checkout area, there were some people giving out carnations, I guess they were meant for 'mothers'. Anyway someone handed mom a carnation and she hesitated to take it because technically speaking, she isn't a 'mother'. But after a slight pause, she took the flower because she was thinking that even though she didn't have a physical baby that other people can see/ touch/ play with, she knows that she is a mom because deep in her heart she knows she has a little angel baby.
Next month marks the first anniversary of the day we lost Angel Lucas... It's not that we have ever forgotten him throughout the past 1 year, rather, we have kept him in deep within our hearts, and as we near the anniversary, all the pain, heartache, anger and sense of loss is flooding back. **warning: I foresee that next month my blog entries are going to be quite depressing, so stay away if you don't want your day to be ruined... though I promise I will try to cheer mom up!**
Ok, on another (happier) note, we received this via email from a friend.. it's really funny and true!!
My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE."If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning." - Our grandmama used to say this a lot when mom and her younger sister were fighting when they were young... Heehee...
My mother taught me RELIGION."You better pray that will come out of the carpet/ bedsheets/ clothes." - Again, Grandmama said this a lot after mom got paint/ crayon on her school uniform during Art class
My mother taught me LOGIC."Because I said so, that's why." - Ok so who hasn't heard of this one??!
My mother taught me about STAMINA."You'll sit there until all that spinach (etc) is gone." - This one sounds really familiar to me... Me being a super fussy eater, will stare at my food and that's what mom will say! **shudders**
My mother taught me about WEATHER."This room of yours looks as if a tornado went through it." - To this day, Grandmama is still saying this to mom even though they are not staying together anymore... I guess some things never change!
My mother taught me about BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION."Stop acting like your father!" - This one I can totally relate to... I think my mom calls the behaviour 'selective hearing'.
My mother taught me about ENVY."There are millions of less fortunate children in this world who don't have wonderful parents like you do."
My mother taught me about ANTICIPATION."Just wait until we get home." - Oops... this should sound familiar to Hershey!! LOL!!
My mother taught me about RECEIVING."You are going to get it when you get home!"
My mother taught me MEDICAL SCIENCE."If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they are going to stay that way."
My mother taught me HOW TO BECOME AN ADULT."If you don't eat your vegetables, you'll never grow up."
And my favorite:My mother taught me about JUSTICE."One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you." - Or retribution??!