Our happiness was short-lived... it lasted something like 3 days before Hershey's evil teefies strike again!! Yes, you read it correctly.. the evil teefies strike AGAIN. Here's the scoop... dad was becoming confident that 'his princess' **insert gagging sound here** is behaving herself and is proving to be very good girl **insert more gagging sound**. So he managed to convince mom to let Hershey loose in the house when they went to work in the day. (Mom's convinced that he voodoo'ed her into agreeing to it).
Dad then set up some fancy webcam so that he and mom can watch Hershey online when they are in the office. On Monday, all was fine. She behaved herself and they were so proud of her. Then, here comes the interesting part on Tue.
As you can see from the 2 photos above, there is this white 'twig-like' decorative pieces that we hang in the house. Yesterday when mom was doing a spot-check on Hershey, she saw 'somepup' happily dashing around the house (this was all captured by the camera) with a BIG piece of the 'twig' in her mouth... and when Hershey got bored with running around, she started to CHEW on it. See the evidence below.
(Mom: I was watching the destruction 'live' and I felt so helpless and frustrated 'cos I cannot do anything about it!!)
Since there is nothing that mom can do to stop the destruction, mom promptly called dad and asked him one question, which was: 'So, do you want me to kill you or kill her?'.