Friday, December 27, 2013
Friday, November 8, 2013
The other big news is Hershey and I welcomed another human brother into our fold in March this year (the count now is Pups-2, Little Boys-2. We are on even ground so we tell the parents, NO MORE little humans!!) This is also the main reason why mom has neglected our blog. She doesn't have much time left between juggling the boys, going to work and housework these days.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Monday, April 9, 2012
The littlest one in our family will be turning 6 months old in 10 day's time... It is unbelievable how time flies. Hershey and I are counting down the days till Little Bun can start to feeding himself (and us). Mom had just started to wean him and had been giving him some mashy vegetable stuff which we think he isn't too fond off cos most of the food usually ends up on his rubber bib or on the floor (which we think is awesome!!).
Progress report:
So far, I (Huskee) still haven't displayed too much interest in Little Bun although on a few occasions I have brought him my stuffies. I also like to sleep under his cot and alert the humans when he cries. Mom also insist that I add this.. I have... ummm... stolen one of his toys. It's not really my fault.. it was lying on the bed unattended and it sort of looked rather lonely, so I decided to 'take care' of the lonely toy. Anyway, it's now M.I.N.E.. **sheepish grin**.
Hershey, on the other hand, simply cannot get enough of Little Bun. She finds every opportunity to get close to him and to kiss and lick him. I think she is besotted with him.. just look at the photos below!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Look at me.. I am dozing off while out for a walk *yawn*.
Finally able to catch forty winks... but not for long cos once little bun wakes up, he demands the undivided attention of everyone in the house.
Poor Hershey even had to resort to stealing her beauty sleep in the quietest spot in the house, i.e. the bathroom!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
We have been terribly remiss in our (lack of) blogging activities and we point our perfectly manicured paws at the culprit below:
Huh?! Who? Me??!

However, all these little inconveniences are worth it cos Little Bun had brought so much joy to our parents. We haven't seen them smile for a long time ever since they lost Angel Lucas in 2008. Finally our home is filled with a baby's cries and happy gurgles. The spare room that was meant to be a baby nursery is finally serving its purpose. With Little Bun's arrival, our 'house' is now a 'home'... Mom doesn't have the time (and energy) to keep our home spick and span like it was before, but we couldn't be happier with the mess.
Little Bun is now two-and-a-half months old and he looks very different from the time when mom first brought him home. We hope that in no time, he'd be able to play with us (and drop us food).
This photo was taken during Little Bun's very first trip out (to a shopping mall, no less.. that's what happens when your mom is a shopaholic) when he was slightly over one month old.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Little Bun was scheduled to arrive on 21st Oct, which was dad and mom's 8th wedding anniversary, but our little brother decided to take things in his own hands and arrived 3 days earlier on 18th Oct. He weighed a healthy 3.2kg (slightly over 7lbs) which delighted and surprised mom because she only managed to gain very little weight - 6.4kg (around 3lbs) during the pregnancy and was expecting the baby to be small. Moreover, Little Bun barely made it to what the doctors refer to as 'full term', i.e. 37 weeks, when he arrived at 37 weeks and 2 days.
We feel so blessed to finally be able to welcome our little brother into our lives, and we can finally stop licking away the tears from our mom's face. We can finally hear laughter in our house again... it is something that had been missing for the past 4 years. Our family had been waiting for the stork to bring us this baby for a long time.. and after a lot of heartache and tears, he is finally here!

Monday, October 10, 2011
Thursday, September 8, 2011
I am begining to grow out of my last haircut and the humans really digging my new look. I am really liking it too cos it makes me look like the cute little pup that I was many years ago... Can you guess from the photo that I am already 12 years old?
Since the humans find me so irresistably adorable, I get away with a lot of 'crimes' (read: peeing inside the house... I know it is baaaaad but I don't know why I do it. Perhaps it is just for the heck of it and it drives the humans absolutely bonkers). At the same time, I am also getting a lot of extra belly rubs, treats, ear scratches!! Heehee... Life IS good!! I think I shall maintain this haircut in future even though it'd mean frequent trips to the groomers (this part I am not so keen).